10+ Bizarre and Awesome Facts About Dogs

Published on January 22, 2018
I could talk about how dogs are smart, kind, loyal, and loving tiny humans for hours without running out of things to say. However, I will settle for listing the most bizarre, hilarious, and awesome facts about dogs instead. Trust me, they’re as paw-fect as you’d expect.

Doggies are NOT colorblind!

People love to say that dogs are colorblind but that is completely false. Dogs can in fact, see a variety of colors, scientists have proven that dogs can see mainly primary colors. Colors like yellow, violet, blue, black, white, and gray. Now would be a good time to start thinking of ways you can spruce up your home to appease your dog’s color sense, right after you finish those breakfast shakes that are about to run out of date.

Dogs Arent Colorblind

Dogs Arent Colorblind

An average dog is as smart as a two year child

There is no denying that dogs are smart, in fact, studies have proven that the average dog can learn up to 250 different words and gestures. Scientists also learned that you can teach your dog to count up to 5 and to perform simple math functions. That’s pretty genius so excuse me while I start doing all of this with my dog ASAP.

Average Dogs Are About As Smart As Two Year Old Children

Average Dogs Are About As Smart As Two Year Old Children


Mayor Duke

There is quite literally a nine-year-old Great Pyrenees who is the MAYOR of Cormorant, Minnesota. This is not a joke nor is it a drill, people, we are serious. Mayor Duke is currently on his third term as mayor! In fact, his political career was a total accident. Three years ago, he won the honorary post as a write-in candidate by 12 votes.

Mayor Duke

Mayor Duke


Sniff, Sniff, Sniff

Okay, so this fact is commonly known but did you know that the average human nose has only about 5 million scent receptors whereas a dogs is increasing larger. A beagle actually has 225 million scent receptors and that’s not even the strongest nose in the doggie world. Just think about all the dogs who serve as bomb or drug sniffers, even search and rescue crews – they have exceptional noses that save countless lives, we truly owe dogs a debt of gratitude. The more you research scent receptions, the more likely you’ll need some fibromyalgia herbs to overcome the intense smells. Just wait, imagine if your kids had scent receptors as powerful as dogs, it would be so easy to whip up breakfast ideas, the smell alone would drive them straight to the kitchen table.

Dogs Have An Exponentially Stronger Sense Of Smell Than Humans

Dogs Have An Exponentially Stronger Sense Of Smell Than Humans


Dogs dream just like us!

I absolutely adore watching my dog sleep, he twitches, barks, whimpers, and moves his feet like he’s running. Like most, I assumed my dog was dreaming of doggie things like chasing cats, eating bones, walks on the beach and so on. However, a study recently came out and said that dogs are most likely dreaming of their owners! More specifically, your dog is dreaming about “your face, your smell and of pleasing or annoying you.” Is this not the most adorable thing you’ve ever heard?! My heart is so full of joy knowing that my dog dreams of me, I will never again disturb him when he sleeps!

Dogs Dream Just Like Us

Dogs Dream Just Like Us


Storms are actually painful to dogs

Many people, and I have also been victim to this assumption, believe that their dog is just scared of thunder. This, however, is not true. Dogs have such amazing hearing that when there is a thunderstorm, the sound of the thunder causes actual physical pain in their ears. Remember that next time there is a storm and try to muffle the noise as best you can.

Storms Are Actually Painful To Dogs

Storms Are Actually Painful To Dogs


There is a Thing as Puppy Dog Tags

Back in the 1850s, there was a law that required your dog to have a license, or more commonly known as a dog tag. This law was implemented because dogs were attacking livestock of neighbors, so the dog tags allowed the police and their owners to track which dog was causing trouble. Then in 1860, the military adopted the same methodology as a way to identify soldiers in case something went wrong and their family members needed to be alerted of tragic news. Military dog tags are a great way to remember those who we hold so dear and what a fitting way that this came to be, all because of doggie trouble makers in the 1850s.

Military Dog Tags Were Inspired By Puppy Dog Tags

Military Dog Tags Were Inspired By Puppy Dog Tags


So, About Hugging..

I love hugging my dog, squeezing him tightly and showering him with kisses. But, sadly, dogs do not like to be hugged as it seen as a sign of dominance and causes them to feel uncomfortable. Okay, so maybe not all dogs hate the idea of being hugged but some dogs really do dislike it. Just pay close attention to how your dog reacts when you hug him.

Most Dogs Dont Love Being Hugged

Most Dogs Dont Love Being Hugged


Let’s Hike

A German shepherd seeing-eye dog, named Orient, led his human, Bill Irwin, over the 2,100-mile hike through the Appalachian Trail! Irwin became the first blind man to make this journey and all because of his trusted friend, Orient.

Let's Hike

Let’s Hike


On or Off Duty, Sir?

Hands down, service dogs are amazing and we all must resist the urge to pet them when they’re working (but it’s so hard when they’re so stinking cute!). Service dogs undergo rigorous training before they’re put to work so they definitely know when they’re working and when they’re not. Essentially, it boils down to whether the service dog is wearing a harness or not. If the harness is on, the service dog knows to be on alert mode. Then when the harness is off, the service dog relaxes because “their shift is over, so to speak.”

Service Dogs Know When They Are Working And When They Are Off

Service Dogs Know When They Are Working And When They Are Off


Do NOT shave a Husky’s coat!

There are many varieties of types of Husky’s and each one is equally as striking as the next, with their long thick coats and gorgeous blue eyes. However, there are many Husky owners living in warm climates that are under the misconception that they need to buzz their Husky’s coat to keep them cool and comfortable in the heat. This is not true whatsoever. Every Husky has a “special kind of coat that regulates temperature, both hot and cold.” So when owners buzz off their coats, it forces the Husky to no longer be capable of keeping cool. To all Husky owners out there, leave the coat alone so that your Husky can regulate its own body temp!

You Dont Want To Shave A Huskys Coat

Do NOT shave a Husky’s coat!


Walking in Circles

You know that funny thing your dog does before he goes to sleep? You know what I mean, when your dog walks around in circles multiple times before actually laying down. There’s a reason for that. Your dog is emulating a technique similar to that used in the wild, flattening long grass to be more comfortable. Scientists believe dogs do this same technique at home on pillows, couches, etc. to feel more safe. So while it may be funny, it’s a small way they feel more safe in their own home.

Do You Know Why Dogs Walk In Circles Before Going To Bed

Walking in Circles


My nosey is unique

We all know that our fingerprints are unique, no one is the same – well the same is true for a dog’s nose! Each dog’s nose has a different swirling designs, ridges, and creases making each one of their little, wet noses truly unique.

A Dogs Nose Is As Unique As A Human Fingerprint

A Dogs Nose Is As Unique As A Human Fingerprint


I Halp.

Dogs are just so darn beautiful, what wonderful creatures. And yes, doggies can be trained to detect changes within the human body. In fact, some dogs are seizure alert dogs that assist their patients during the onset of a seizure.

I Halp.

I Halp.


Mom Jeans

If you have to go away on a trip or are leaving your dog somewhere, be sure to leave behind a piece of clothing that smells like you. This scent will comfort them and can help curb their separation anxiety.

Mom Jeans

Mom Jeans


College Educated

In 2015, a dog named Kirsch earned an Honorary Master’s Degree at the Johns Hopkins University School of Education. No seriously. This adorable service doggie sat through all of the classes with his human, Carlos Mora. He was able to attend the classes for Mr. Mora’s program to allow for him to finish his Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling. Come graduation day, Kirsch along with Mr. Mora, wore a cap and graduation gown and walked across that stage. Kirsch is more educated than most people! Way to go!

College Educated

College Educated


Frito Feet

Have you ever wondered why in the world your dog’s paws smell like corn chips? Well it has to do with the fact that dogs only have sweat glands in their feet! It’s totally normal.

The Smell Of Chips

Frito Feet


A day in the life

You know the Beatles song “A Day in the Life”? Well it has an extra high pitched whistle which is only audible to dogs! Paul McCartney recorded this for his Shetland sheepdog to enjoy. How adorable.

A Day In The Life

A Day In The Life



Turns out that Dalmatian puppies are actually born with plain white coats! Their first spots won’t appear until 3 to 4 weeks after birth. About a month after, they should have all of their spots and the spots will continue to develop very slowly as they age.




Not a Peep

Did you know that the Basenji is the world’s only barkless dog?! Instead they produce something of an unusual yodel-like sound, called a “baroo”, because Basenji dogs have an unusually shaped larynx.

Not A Peep

Not A Peep


Oh, Hey.

The very first sense that doggies develop is touch! A dog’s entire body, which does include its paws, is totally covered with touch-sensitive nerve endings. The sense of touch is crucial to doggies because it helps them to socialize with its pack-family and with other dogs too. So, it’s important to always pet your dogs!

Oh, Hey.

Oh, Hey.


Bunches and Bunches

There are about 400 million dogs in the world! The United States indeed has the highest dog population while France actually has the second highest. Totally makes sense, doggies are the best.

Bunches And Bunches

Bunches And Bunches



You can actually lower your blood pressure just by petting your doggie! It helps your body to release a relaxation hormone, which cuts down on levels of a stress hormone. On top of that, it also soothes your pet.




Say My Name.

Here’s a fun fact for all you Corgi lovers, actually all dog lovers. Corgi is actually Welsh for…“dwarf dog.” That’s just gotta be the greatest fact in the world!

Corgi Puppy Laid

Say My Name.


Wet Noesy

Yah know how your dog’s nose is always wet? Well that’s a good thing! See a doggie’s nose has a thin layer of mucous which helps to absorb scent chemicals. Secondly, it is also a way that they regulate body temperature and cool down.

Wet Noesy

Wet Noesy


Smells Fine To Me.

Here’s the thing, anything totally smelly that your dog will (probably) roll in only smells gross to you! While for your doggie, it smells like heaven.

Smells Fine To Me.

Smells Fine To Me.


Pooping Machines.

Whenever dogs go poop, they actually prefer to do it while in alignment with the Earth’s magnetic field. Interesting.

Pooping Machines.

Pooping Machines.


Muh Feet.

Did you know that the Norwegian Lundehund is the ONLY dog that has six toes on each foot! Whoa!

Muh Feet.

Muh Feet.



As dog mama, I’m proud to say I have a Labrador! But did you know that Labradors are the most popular breed in the United States? I can see why, they’re wonderful but then again, all dogs are.





In a study recently done by scholars of the University of California, they concluded that dogs can get jealous if they see their humans displaying some affection toward something or someone else.





Bloodhounds are typically used as police dogs to sniff out drugs and such. But did you know that bloodhounds are able to trace scents that are even some 300 hours old? That’s impressive.




Here to Halp.

Ugh, so precious. There are also diabetic alert dogs who can signal to their human when they pick up on the very special scent which is released when their human’s insulin levels drop. Our heroes.

Here To Halp.

Here To Halp.



Newfoundlands are extremely excellent swimmers (like Michael Phelps excellent) and it’s because they have webbed feet. (No, Phelps has totally normal feet!)

Just Keep Swimming

Just Keep Swimming


I Hear Yah

Dogs have at least 18 muscles in each ear! Kind of explains why they can hear so well!

I Hear Yah

I Hear Yah



A dog’s whiskers are actually used as sensing devices; some dogs can even use them to determine if they will be able to fit into small spaces. So cute!




Night Vision

While dogs can’t see as well as cats in the night time, they do however see a whole lot better than humans do at night. It’s mainly to the fact that they have large pupils, which lets in more light.

Night Vision

Night Vision


I Heard That

Our dogs hear ~everything.~ Each crinkle of paper, every whisper, everything, and they hear it at about 4 times the distance that a human can. They hear higher pitched sounds that we cannot hear, which is often why they bark at loud noises like vacuums.

I Heard That

I Heard That



Puppies are actually born deaf and cannot hear until they are at least 21 days old. It’s during this time that they rely heavily on their scene of smell to interpret their world.




I Fell Yah

Dogs are just so smart and incredibly in tune with human emotions. In fact, dogs can interpret human emotions like worry, anxiety, fear, anger, pity and nervousness.

I Fell Yah

I Fell Yah



The incredibly talented George Lucas modeled the Ewoks from the Star Wars franchise after his family dog!

