Flight Attendants Have Finally Revealed Best Kept Secrets

Published on May 13, 2018
How do I get bumped up to first class without a ticket? Why do flight attendants hate it when I order Diet Coke? There are many flight secrets that we simply don’t know about, but flight attendants have just revealed some of the best kept ones. You might be one of those people they notice right as you step onto the plane, but is that a good thing or not?

Mobile Devices

You had better turn off your mobile phone, especially if you don’t want the plane to crash! Alright let’s lay that notion to bed because it isn’t actually true. While having your electronic device active while taking off can be irritating to the air traffic control tower, it’s actually more of a danger if it flew through the air and smashed someone in the head.

Mobile Devices

Mobile Devices

Secrets Of Upgrades

Who would say no an upgrade, right? Well, flight attendants sure will if you don’t fit the criteria. But there are some who will get preferential treatment to get bumped up to first or business – let’s say a pregnant woman, a well-dressed flyer who also happens to be attractive and polite, and of course anyone who is a friend of the cabin crew. But don’t imagine that coming dressed as James Bond is going to cut it, they simply might not have anything available.

Secrets Of Upgrades

Secrets Of Upgrades


Diet Coke’s The Worst

I don’t know about you, but I don’t drink fizzy drinks which automatically makes me a better passenger on a flight. Why? Flight attendants have explained that fizzy drinks, with Diet Coke in particular, take much longer to pour because of their bubbly personalities. They’ve claimed that it takes three times longer to fill up your cup of Diet Coke. Guys, O.J. is the new D.C. Trust me.

Diet Cokes The Worst

Diet Cokes The Worst


Can The Crew Date Passengers?

This might be on your bucket list, but it probably isn’t on the flight-attendant-at-work’s list. That doesn’t mean that you can’t try because technically there are no rules prohibiting crew and passengers from fraternizing. But bear in mind that these flight attendants have their guard up more often than not, since very often they claim to be hit on by passengers. Maybe let them do the asking, “coffee, tea, or me?”

Can The Crew Date Passengers@

Can The Crew Date Passengers?


How About That ‘Mile-High Club’?

Look, I get it. It’s risky, it’s unique, but it also happens to be tiny and mostly unsanitary. There’s nothing truly illegal about it, but if the cabin crew start to get suspicious, you might get yourself a whole lot more attention than you wanted. The crew have the ability to open the door from the outside, and if you’re in there for more than 15 minutes, they’re entitled to open the door… you know, to check on your safety.

How About That Mile High Club

How About That Mile High Club


How Unhealthy Is Airplane Food?

An airplane is not a gourmet restaurant, so why does the food taste so darn good?! Jokes, it really doesn’t, but it could be a whole lot worse. The food we eat in-flight has little to no nutritional value, but it is packed to the brim with sugar, salt, simple carbs and fat. What’s the solution? I’d say bring some snacks and a couple of sandwiches from home.

How Unhealthy Is Airplane Food@

How Unhealthy Is Airplane Food?


The Truth On Air Marshals

Ever since the terror of 9/11, air marshals have become a more common addition to American and other flights. These air marshals are trained to take down terrorists of the skies, while remaining under the radar during all flights. While you might not be able to recognize these well-hidden warriors, just know that they’re there.

The Truth On Air Marshals

The Truth On Air Marshals


The Real Reason Behind The Greeting

I say it’s pretty polite of the crew to greet us as we enter the plane. But is there more to it than a humble and warm “hellosie”? Yes, it is. The cabin crew are actually assessing the passengers in order to determine who could possibly be helpful in an emergency situation, or who might be a hindrance, like someone who is aggressive or intoxicated. The crew also takes a look to see who is traveling alone, in a group or even who is able to speak English.

The Real Reason Behind The Greeting

The Real Reason Behind The Greeting


How Sturdy Are Planes?

They’re basically buses with wings flying through the sky at hundreds of miles an hour, so how safe are they? To start, if they’re struck by lightning, very little will happen to a plane, except for a very loud unified shriek, also known as panicking passengers. But it’s the very extensive safety checklist that ensures your plane is safe to take off, so you have little to worry about.

How Sturdy Are Planes@

How Sturdy Are Planes?


Worth It Or Not?

How glamorous does the flight attendant life seem? It looks like a lifestyle of travel, adventure and elitism, but is that the reality? For one, flight attendants only get paid from the moment the plane’s cabin doors close, which means that delays and cancellations don’t bring them a cent. So while they might be able to dress to impress, the waiting might cause them to stress.

Worth It Or Not@

Worth It Or Not?


Brace Position Myth

Does the safety brace position really prevent you from becoming more injured during a crash? For a long time many people believed a myth that the position actually endangered passengers more. But after extensive research (and an episode of MythBusters), it was proven that the brace position helps deflect the force of impact from the body and into the chair in front of you, while at the same time protecting your vital organs.

Brace Position Myth

Brace Position Myth


Overweight Luggage

“Ma’am, I’m afraid you’re overweight.” She’s talking about your suitcase, take a breather. But how much do a few extra pounds of luggage actually affect the safety of the plane? The truth is that the weight isn’t actually the issue most of the time, it’s the even distribution of weight in the hold that they really care about. Did you know that sometimes sandbags (weighing up to 600 pounds) are placed in the cargo hold to ensure a balanced weight.

Overweight Luggage

Overweight Luggage


In Case Of Medical Emergency

“Do we have a doctor on board?” That is actually a question you might hear in the case of an emergency on a flight. But it’s important to note that flight attendants are trained to administer first aid which includes the Heimlich maneuver and CPR. On flights with more than 30 passengers, there’s usually even a defibrillator on the plane. Pilots also have the authority to decide whether they want to land an airplane or not for a medical emergency.

In Case Of Medical Emergency

In Case Of Medical Emergency


Limit How Cozy You Get

We all know that getting on a plane we’re not expecting the most comfortable experience of our lives, but we should make the most of it, right? But at whose cost? Neck pillows are acceptable, as are pillows from home, but removing your shoes and socks is the line that shouldn’t be crossed. Nobody wants to suffer through air pressure that blocks their ears only to wish that it blocked their noses.

Limit How Cozy You Get

Limit How Cozy You Get


Why Being Nice Is Worth It

Who said that nice guys finish last? Being too nice might not pay in the real world, but in the world of flying, it’s a must. If you’re friendly and polite to the flight crew you might see yourself getting upgraded or being treated better. However if you are to act like a bag that rhymes with ‘loosh’, then you might find yourself by the toilet or next to that incessantly crying baby.

Why Being Nice Is Worth It

Why Being Nice Is Worth It


When It Comes To Water

It’s not always nice to ask the flight attendants for another glass of water, but what’s the alternative? For one you can always bring yourself a small bottle of water for these situations, but never, and I mean NEVER drink from the taps on the plane. The tank that holds that water is cleaned… we’re just not sure how often.

When It Comes To Water

When It Comes To Water


Life of A Flight Attendant

Until you’ve become a senior flight attendant, living the “dream life” is far from a reality. We’re talking about jet lag that doesn’t stop lagging, missing friends , family and important events, waking up at ungodly hours to get to the airport, shifts during important holidays and on weekends, and of course, being on your feet for most of the flight.

Life Of A Flight Attendant

Life Of A Flight Attendant


Pilots Do A Lot More Than Just Navigating

Pilots are not just well-dressed navigators of the sky, they are much more. They’re not police officers, but they have the ability to order a suspect to be handcuffed on the flight before authorities on the ground take over. Incredibly, if they’re faced with a dying passenger on board, they’re authorized to take their last will.

Pilots Do A Lot More Than Just Navigating

Pilots Do A Lot More Than Just Navigating


How Thoroughly Are Planes Cleaned?

Perhaps you don’t want to know the answer to this question. We’ve all seen the trash being removed, and sometimes we’ve even witnessed some vacuuming going on. But what about the seat? The armrests? The folding trays? While the FAA doesn’t actually regulate how and how often planes should be cleaned, airlines have made it their duty to make those decisions. Quick flight turnover might not mean thorough cleaning methods.

How Thoroughly Are Planes Cleaned@

How Thoroughly Are Planes Cleaned?


What Does The Crew Eat?

One rule is of utmost importance when it comes to food on the flights. The pilot and co-pilot are forbidden from eating the same dishes. Why? Well, imagine the food was rotten and they both suffered from food poisoning? Would you fly the plane? I thought not. Many times pilots and crew will bring their own food, they know why.

What Does The Crew Eat@

What Does The Crew Eat?


Leftover Food

Have you ever wondered what happens to the food left over after the flight? Most often it is actually just thrown out because it could have been prepared anywhere between 12 and 72 hours before the flight. In fact, international standards allow the food to be chilled for as many as five days.

Leftover Food

Leftover Food


Proper Plane Etiquette

Regardless of the fact that the flight attendants are there for your service, you best treat them with respect. These attendants are actually trained in a lot more than just first aid. Additionally some of them are trained in martial arts, with the purpose of tackling misbehaving passengers who are endangering the flight. And aside from that, in the case of an actual emergency they’re trained to evacuate an entire plane while remaining calm and in control.

Proper Plane Etiquette

Proper Plane Etiquette


Safety Matters

Taking off and landing are the most dangerous times of flying and that is why you’ll notice the crew being more attentive to what you’re doing then. But even having said that, flying is somewhat safer than driving a car. The U.S. government conducted research that revealed the chances of dying in a car accident versus dying in a plane crash. The numbers were 1 in 98, and 1 in 7,178 respectively.

Safety Matters

Safety Matters


Does the Crew Sleep During the Flight?

For their own sake, we’re happy that the answer is ‘yes, they do sleep on flights’. And do you know what else? The pilots sleep too… but not at the same time as the co-pilot, of course. There is even a special cabin on most airplanes for the staff, especially on planes like the Boeing 777 and 787. When it comes to the pilots, they have their own compartment reserved just for them.

Does The Crew Sleep During The Flight@

Does The Crew Sleep During The Flight?


Is There An Alcohol Limit?

Have you ever heard that one drink in the air is worth two drinks on the ground? Well being drunk and obnoxious in the air is worth two years of prison on the ground. It’s actually illegal for the airline staff to allow a passenger to get drunk, so steer clear of the enticement of little alcoholic beverages.

Is There An Alcohol Limit@

Is There An Alcohol Limit?


Baggage Compartment Contents

Baggage weight restrictions are not limited to luggage that’s carrying “HR”, being “human remains”. It happens more frequently than you might think, that you fly with the body or body parts of someone who no longer needs to ask for a window seat.

Baggage Compartment Contents

Baggage Compartment Contents


Dim Lights

Why do they dim the lights in the airplane before take-off? According to flight attendants, take-off and landing are the most dangerous times of the flight so in the case of an emergency (at night) your eyes will have adjusted to the darkness and you’ll be able to see better. But if you ask me, I think they’re just trying to make the atmosphere a little more romantic.

Dim Lights

Dim Lights


Is The Air Safe?

Is the air on the airplane plain air? Many of us worry about the germs floating around the airplane as we’re enclosed in a small space with other people who have some serious sneezing going on. But the fact is that the air on a plane is actually pretty much like any other air you’d find in an office. As for the dude who won’t stop coughing behind you, try to avoid any handshakes.

Is The Air Safe@

Is The Air Safe?


No Engine No Problem

Well, maybe it’s a little problem. But most people don’t know that you while most commercial jets cruise at about 30,000 feet, pilots can successfully glide an airplane 1.5 nautical miles for each 1,000 ft of altitude. Gibberish much? Just trust your pilots, they know what they’re doing.

No Engine No Problem

No Engine No Problem


In-Flight Blankets and Pillows

“But they come packed in plastic?!” I know, I know, how can they be dirty if they’ve washed them? But perhaps they haven’t actually been washed. Sometimes these blankets and pillows have been repackaged in the plastic, but without having ever been into the laundry. Your best bet of getting clean flight bedding is if you fly in the morning.

In Flight Blankets And Pillows

In Flight Blankets And Pillows


Pet Travel

There are so many considerations to be made before coming to a decision about flying with your pets. But the truth is that airline staff do all they can to make the pets and the owners feel at ease. So while there some things that can’t be avoided, like loud noises, there are many other factors that the crew take into consideration when you bring your loved ones on board.

Pet Travel

Pet Travel


Expensive Tickets

How is it that airline tickets cost so much? There are baggage fees, flight fees, airport fees and just about every other kind of fee-fi-fo-fum fees! However, most people don’t realize what it demands for an airline to make a profit from a flight. They need to have a flight that is booked to 85% capacity in order to benefit, and that’s why they’ll even overbook flights sometimes because they know some people will cancel.

Expensive Tickets

Expensive Tickets


The Flight Attendant Look

Once upon a sausage, flight attendants needed to weight a certain amount, be a certain age and even had to look a certain way. But today things have changed and what they’re looking for most in flight attendants is professionalism, friendliness, good grooming of oneself, and to be tall enough. There are some pretty high cabinets in an airplane, people!

The Flight Attendant Look

The Flight Attendant Look


How Long Can An Oxygen Mask Last?

This might alarm some people, but the answer is 15 minutes. It does seem like a very little space of time, but understand that in the rare case of this even happening, the pilot would be bringing that plane down to a normal altitude where you wouldn’t even need the breathing apparatus.

How Long Can An Oxygen Mask Last@

How Long Can An Oxygen Mask Last?


Crew Member Relationships

So the whole pilot and flight attendant thing, right? Well, don’t be surprised if you hear that some of these crew members wouldn’t dream of getting together with their co-workers. However, it is not uncommon or not allowed. Those who do get together sometimes prefer not to work on the same flights as their partners.

Crew Member Relationships

Crew Member Relationships


Secret Code

“What’s the secret password?” Yeah, there’s no way you know it. But the flight attendants on every one of your flights sure do. The crew uses different words, sounds and bells to convey messages all across the board. Those messages could be to warn of upcoming turbulence, to a passenger who feels he wants a turn to fly the plane.

Secret Code

Secret Code


Price And Safety

Sometimes we can’t help but feel that cheap tickets might mean cheap safety regulations. Well that is far from the case, and in fact that would be illegal. When they make a ticket cheaper for you, they’re usually cutting back on leg room, seat selection, or baggage fees.

Price And Safety

Price And Safety


Safest Seats

So, without going into a plane with the fear of coming crashing down, where would be the safest place to sit? Most crash analysts agree that sitting in the back third of the plane is safest, especially if one is sitting close to an exit, on the aisle, with his seat belt fastened. Paranoid enough yet? The truth is that it will always be based on the circumstances.

Safest Seats

Safest Seats


Use Of Autopilot

Unlike in the movie, Airplane, the auto-pilot is a computer and not a blow-up doll with a captain’s hat. Do the pilots use the autopilot? Yes, they sure do and for up to 90% of the flight time. However when it comes to taking the plane off the ground and bringing it back down safely, your real-life human pilot is responsible for that.

Use Of Autopilot

Use Of Autopilot


Best Time To Fly

If you’re not a morning person, perhaps you aren’t going to like this one. But according to flight attendants, those early morning flights are the most comfortable. The main reason being that the weather is better, meaning you’ll have less chance of turbulence.

Best Time To Fly

Best Time To Fly


Too Much To Drink

Actually, everything can be okay even if a passengers drinks a little too much. However, that’s only if they remain friendly and pleasant and don’t bother the other passengers or crew. If they become rowdy and obnoxious, then everything changes. Unsurprisingly, the crew is permitted to call ahead so when the plane lands, there’s an officer waiting to escort this intoxicated person to security.

Too Much To Drink

Too Much To Drink


Probation Period

During the very first six months on the job, flight attendants are under a strict probation period. In fact, many flight attendants have been fired during their probation period even for little things like wearing their uniform sweater around their waist! One particular story involved a flight attendant who lied about being past the probation period in order to redeem the perk of flying home at no cost. Thus, she was let go. In addition, when flight attendants call in as sick, they are not just prohibited from flying on the flight or airline they work, but cannot even board any other airline as a passenger or they face immediate termination.

Probation Period

Probation Period


Don’t Sneak A Deceased Person On The Flight

Should go without saying right? Apparently, some people take the classic movie Weekend at Bernie’s a bit too seriously and try to pretend a dead person is still alive. Yes, this has happened on flights before. Actually, to transport a dead body on a flight costs somewhere around $5,000. That’s why some people have tried sneaking on dead family members. Maybe you already heard about a Miami passenger who tried boarding with his dead mother hidden in a garment bag. Since funeral directors get offered loyalty miles from airlines, the price isn’t truly their first concern. Therefore, flight attendants must always look out for this and even prepare for a possibly on-flight death. In fact, Singapore Airlines has a special storage space called the ‘corpse cupboard’ just in case anyone passes away on the flight.

Dont Sneak A Deceased Person On The Flight

Don’t Sneak A Deceased Person On The Flight


Fighting Human Trafficking

Another unexpected but crucial role of flight attendants is to act as a defense to human trafficking. This all started with an American Airlines flight attendant named Sandra Fiorini, who testified to Congress after seeing an 18 year-old man with a newborn. (The newborn still had an umbilical cord attached but there wasn’t a mother there.) Every since 2007 Sandra Fiorini has been working with a woman named Deborah Sigmund, who founded a nonprofit called Innocents at Risk, which trains airline crews on what to look for and subsequent actions to take. In 2011, some trained airline members helped the police at the Super Bowl because that event has become a hotbed for trafficking prostitutes.

Fighting Human Trafficking

Fighting Human Trafficking


Perks Of Seniority

When a flight attendant is working her/his way up, the perks based on seniority are not just limited to routes/days they get to pick. In fact, their seniority also determines where they sleep: top bunk, lower bunk or even the floor their bed is on and how close to doors, noisy areas and stairwells. Bizarrely enough, the crew member’s seniority can also dictate their skirt length. After the females pass their probation period, they can shorten their skirt hem.

Perks Of Seniority

Perks Of Seniority


You Never Felt Extreme Turbulence

Over 2 million people fly each day in America. Now, consider that when you hear only three people have died from turbulence since 1980. So, your chances are pretty safe! Also, you should know that two of those three weren’t wearing their seat belts. In total, the Federal Aviation Administration recorded just over 300 serious turbulence injuries from the same time frame. However, more than two-thirds of the injured people were actually flight attendant. Thus, keeping your seat belt fastened greatly reduces your risk of injury. You have a greater chance of injury from falling items than turbulence itself. Some airline companies don’t even allow a crew member’s injuries to be considered on-duty injury. Unless it happens during what they consider ‘extreme turbulence,’ where the pilot loses control of the aircraft or the airplane has structural damage, it’s not an on-duty injury.

You Never Felt Extreme Turbulence

You Never Felt Extreme Turbulence


Listen Up

During a flight, you’re given a lot of instructions from buckling up to securing your tray and other stuff that the plane’s landing and takeoff depend on. According to the law, it’s illegal for passengers to disobey any of these safety instructions that the crew members give you. Actually, the plane can’t take off if a person isn’t following their instructions. So, if someone does decide to disobey, their ultimate fate is up to the captain. Maybe, they’ll be take off the flight or if the plane is in progress, the crew can have the police waiting at their arrival gate upon landing.

Listen Up

Listen Up


Remain Seated

Sure, flight attendants have pet peeves about their job…they’re only human! One major annoyance is when any passenger tries to race for the exit and beat everyone off the plane. Of course, everyone gets anxious for landing, but it’s never appropriate to do this and very unsafe to unbuckle and unload luggage before the plane arrives at the right gate. Naturally, it’s one sure way to get on the bad side of crew members. Please, just wait until they turn off the fasten seat belt sign to get your stuff. Safety comes first.

Remain Seated

Remain Seated



Yes, some fantasize about the life of a flight attendant from watching their portrayals in media. Of course, it’s a nice way for people to travel to unique and far away places, but not everything about the job is glamorous, as we discussed. In addition, they aren’t exactly making bank, despite what you thoughts. Naturally, the salary depends on the airline, but the higher end of the wages come out to about $38,000 a year.




Private Flights Don’t Mean Better Passengers

Even if a flight attendant works a corporate or private jet, that doesn’t mean their passengers will be any better behaved than normal commercial flight passengers. Stefany DiManno Ceccato, founder of DMC Travel Tailor spoke of her experience as a corporate flight attendant saying, “I once had a passenger stick his finger up his nose and pick it while I was asking him a question! He also happens to be a celebrity in the news right now for making advances at women in the film industry.”

Private Flights Dont Mean Better Passengers

Private Flights Don’t Mean Better Passengers


Tip or No Tip

Generally speaking, flight attendants cannot receive any tips on commercial flights. Yet, there is still something passengers who appreciated them can do! You can write a personal message to the airline company and mention any particular flight attendant that you appreciated. Actually, lots of airlines have incentive programs to reward employees if they get singled out for extraordinary customer service.

Tip Or No Tip

Tip Or No Tip


Real Purpose Of The Handles

Perhaps, you have wondered about those emergency door handles. It may surprise you to learn their true purpose. If the passengers panic during an emergency situation, these handles are what the crew grabs on to. They were created for this situation in order to help the crew stay on the plane and not get pushed out of the plane by passengers rushing to the exit.

Real Purpose Of The Handles

Real Purpose Of The Handles


Crew Members Are Not Your Parent Or Teacher

In all honesty, people seem to become a bit childish while flying. You’ve probably seen this type of passenger, and let’s hope you aren’t one of them! Anyway, they go up to the crew members to tattle on other passengers. In reality, this completely frustrates the crew because they are not a teacher or your parents…

Crew Members Are Not Your Parent Or Teacher

Crew Members Are Not Your Parent Or Teacher


Hands To Yourself

Now, if you take anything away from this, this should be the one! Do NOT put your hands on the flight attendants. Appalling as it is, some passengers really do poke or grab the crew, and they do not like it at all! Also you have to consider that you’re sitting and they’re standing, so passengers end up touching them very inappropriately. People wouldn’t grab a waitress or waiter would they? Yeah, we thought so.

Hands To Yourself

Hands To Yourself



Wonder why ashtrays exist on plane bathrooms considering smoking on planes has been illegal for years? Well, flight attendants explained that they still have ashtrays just in case someone breaks the law. Imagine, if someone broke the law, but there wasn’t an ashtray and they used the garbage can? That would be a lot more dangerous!




Snacks Please!

There’s plenty of snacks aboard for everyone and more. Actually, there really isn’t a limit, but it’s all in the way you request more. One crew member emphasized, “There’s not really a restriction on the amount of snacks a passenger can request, but it does depend on how you ask for them.”

Snacks Please

Snacks Please!


First Impressions

This may seem a bit odd, considering most want to be comfy on flights and opt for sweats, but the crew does look at your clothes. Apparently, putting some effort into your appearance can get you better treatment. Flight attendant Steffanie Rivers said, “I first notice how passengers are dressed. Some people dress as if they made an effort to put forth a positive impression. Others look as if they grabbed clothes off the floor and ran out of the house.” However, it also works to acknowledge them when you board.

First Impressions

First Impressions


Intense Schedule

Like we’ve been trying to tell you, the life of a flight attendant is very intense. They work long hours and take several trips even within a day. One crew member explained, “We don’t have a working week, per se, but we can work up to eight days in a row if they’re all two-sector short haul routes. We can also work up to four flights a day, or operate two 15-hour flights in four days. Regulation is that we have 20 minutes of break every 12 hours.”

Intense Schedule

Intense Schedule


Opening The Door Mid-Flight

While speaking with Business Insider, flight attendant Annette Long explained that opening a door during the flight while impossible will get a passenger in serious trouble. Sometimes, they’re restrained on the flight after the incident and handcuffed upon landing or the pilot will even make an emergency landing. Long said, “I don’t make those decisions. I convey the information to the cockpit and the chief flight attendant, and they make the decision about whether or not we’re going to land and get someone off the plane…Most of the pilots say to us, ‘If you’ve got a problem with them, I’ve got a problem with them,’ and they will back us up 100%.”

Opening The Door Mid Flight

Opening The Door Mid-Flight


Help With Bags

Despite what you’ve seen, flight attendants are not necessarily supposed to assist you with your bags. They explained to Business Insider, that their only paid for the actual flight hours, not for time deplaning or boarding. One explained, “So for example, your duty day could actually be 12 hours, but you only get paid for six hours of work.” Also their unions do not cover injury from lifting bags into the overhead, thus, you shouldn’t expect them to risk being out of work for injury (that’s not covered) for you.

Help With Bags

Help With Bags


Shades Up

Yes, the flight attendants do need you to open your window shades. Actually, Annette Long added, “According to my training, the emergency-exit shades have to be up because flight attendants are required to assess the conditions outside before they open the door. If there’s fire, deep water, or rocks outside that exit, that would make it unsafe for us to go through there, and the flight attendant would have to make that determination fairly quickly.”

Shades Up

Shades Up


Standby Flight Attendants

Flying a major airline from one of its hubs? Don’t fret, you won’t be delayed if a flight attendant doesn’t show. During their pre-flight check-in all the flight crew members let the airline know if they’re ready to go. If it’s a flight out of one of the airline’s hubs, they have standby flight attendants acting as reserves, ready to step in if someone doesn’t come in for their shift on time. Sometimes, these ready reserves are in the crew lounge waiting to be called and other local reserves may even stay at home. How’s that for flight secrets?

Standby Flight Attendants

Standby Flight Attendants



Long said of drinking, “Some people will go to the local liquor store and bring their mini bottles of booze on the plane. We always know who you are. We always find it…You can’t serve yourself. We need to know how much you’ve had to drink so we’re not overserving you, because the higher you fly and the longer you go, the more the alcohol affects your brain.” Flight secrets, the more you know…




Can You Hold It?

So, using the lavatory before takeoff may delay your flight. If a passenger uses the bathroom then, the crew alerts flight deck. According to the law, the pilots can’t begin takeoff if someone is in the bathroom. One flight attendant, Robert Bingochea, said, “Once the aircraft starts moving, there’s always the fear of someone falling down, and we’re in that position of liability if we don’t let the captain know.”

Can You Hold It@

Can You Hold It?


Better Service In Back

Flight attendant Annie Kingston explained, “While most passengers tend to choose seats that are at the front of the aircraft, so that they can disembark first and have a better chance of securing their preferred meal option, flight attendants know that if you’re sitting towards the back, you’ll receive the most attentive service. The reason is simple: We like to avoid responding to call bells from the front of the plane because answering one means potentially flaunting whatever item the passenger has requested to everyone else along the way. This can cause a problem since planes often don’t have enough extra vodka, pillows, earplugs, and toothbrushes, or the time on shorter flights to deviate from the service schedule. For passengers sitting near the back of the plane, however, it’s much easier to slip in that second mini bottle of wine.”

Better Service In Back

Better Service In Back


Oxygen Masks

Yes, we all have the oxygen mask demo etched into our memories forever. However, don’t be too worried. Flight attendants have even said some of the masks have been in storage in those compartments for so long that they may not pop out immediately when needed. Oh and why do you need to secure your own mask before kids? Well, the altitude could cause you to pass out and in that case, you couldn’t help anyone.

Oxygen Masks

Oxygen Masks