10 Mind Blowing Facts About the Human Body

Published on January 25, 2018

80 Hairs fall off your head every day.

Alright, so maybe not 80 exactly, but the science is there to suggest that you are losing more hair every single day than you could probably believe. Estimates by scientists say that the average human loses around 80 strands of hair every single day. Pretty amazing, right? Just think about how often you touch your hair or have it touched by something else. Whether you are brushing your hair, showering, wearing a hat, or a hood you almost always have something going on up there. If now isn’t the time to start taking care of your hair then it never will be. Focus on a comprehensive shower – shampoo – conditioner routine to keep your hair full and healthy for as long as possible. If you can’t do that you might as well give in and roll with the Bruce Willis look.

Hairs fall off your head every day

Hairs fall off your head every day

Love feels a lot like meth use.

Before we dig too deeply into this fascinating fact we have to put the disclaimer out there: don’t do meth, kids. Not even Breaking Bad’s Jesse Pinkman could convince us that there was anything beneficial in doing meth. With that being said we are proud to blow your mind with the fact that your body treats love and meth digestion in almost the exact same way. When you feel a surge of love, be it from a significant other or even a family pet, your brain will let off a string of neurotransmitters and hormones that are almost identical as those released when you do amphetamines. In both instances your heart will begin to race, you’ll lose the ability to sleep, and your stomach will start to churn as you get more and more excited. Love is a drug, baby, and we’ll take as many doses as we can.

Love feels a lot like meth use

Love feels a lot like meth use