A Helpful Hand Up.
Husky’s may have the nice winter coat to stave off the cold but they can’t spend time submerged in freezing water for too long. Here we see a rescue team in action as they pull a dog out of a cracked bit of ice. The Husky is lucky that this group was ready to leap into action or else it could have been in some real trouble.

A Helpful Hand Up
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Heroes come in all shapes and sizes and here we see a street cop walking the beat, protecting his charges: a duck and all of her babies. When storm drains are one of your greatest fears you definitely can use all of the help that is around. We’re not sure where the officer is taking this gander, but we’re sure they’re lucky for it.

Get in Formation
The Thirsty Koala.
Forest fires are tragic events that most people don’t realize can impact thousands and thousands of lives. When we hear of a forest fire we first think of trees and then property, never the animals that are suddenly without a home. Here a firefighter treats a koala by giving it water after a damning fire.

The Thirsty Koala
Kangaroo in the Flood.
Some people shrug when they hear of flooding alerts while others immediately leap into action. Here we see a little kangaroo that got caught up in torrential rain and eventual flooding. Fortunately for the wet kangaroo this man leapt into action and saved the creature. Swimming was never gonna be an easy option, so thankfully this sports shirt wearing individual was there to help.

Kangaroo in the Flood
A Dolphin Returns Home.
Dolphins are some of the smartest animals on the face of the planet and scientists are more and more pushing us toward giving them the respect that they deserve. Sometimes the respect that they deserve comes in the form of simply saving their lives. Here we see a muscle bound individual carrying a young dolphin back to the water in order to free it. We’re not sure if this was a dolphin in captivity being returned to the wild or merely an animal that got shored. Either way, we’re glad help was there.

A Dolphin Returns Home
Giving it All.
This picture is heartbreaking in its sincerity and just how much it showcases the human spirit. We see an innocent young deer being saved by a young man who is willing to go through serious pain and suffering in order to make it happen. The deer won’t ever thank the boy yet he is there anyway, doing everything he can to help. Whenever things get tough just remember that there are folks like this out there in the world, ready to save a life for no reason other than the fact that it is the right thing to do.

Giving it All
Breaking the Ice.
We think that animals probably don’t fall through weak ice that often. We assume that they have better senses than us (most do) and they’ll likely find their way around (some do). Still there are times when ice just cracks and an innocent animal plunges to its death. Here we see a bearded man who discarded his clothing in order to leap into action, saving a duck from freezing to death. The duck clearly appreciated the efforts and doesn’t appear to be in a hurry in order to leave its savior.

Breaking the Ice
A Paw Up.
The difference between humans and animals is that we know we can reach out for help if we need it. Animals like this dog here don’t have that luxury. Fortunately for this little animal, these two brave men were standing by with their boat to come fish it out of the freezing lake. There’s no telling what would happen if they didn’t swing by.

A Paw Up
Basketful of Kittens.
Flooding is a big deal in general and even more so to a group of kittens that are still getting the hang of running. This man grabbed his basket and jumped into gear in order to save three very appreciative (and adorable) young kittens. We’re glad he did, they are just too cute to ignore.

Basketful of Kittens
The Firefighter Hero.
Firefighters get a ton of respect from their peers but most civilians don’t take the time to really appreciate how much work and danger they have to go through. Here we see an orange tabby that definitely appreciates the hard training that firefighters went through as it was saved from a burning garage and brought back to health by some caring firefighters.

The Firefighter Hero
Husky in the Sewer.
We love all manners of dogs, especially big dogs like the Husky. Still, sometimes these big dogs will ignore what they learned at dog training schools and get into places where they definitely shouldn’t. This public servant busted out his ladder and leapt into the storm drain in order to save a big Husky pup that got in over its head where drowning was a very real possibility.

Husky in the Sewer
The Seal and the Doctor.
Baby seals are just about the most adorable creatures on the planet and you don’t need anything more than an elementary education in little fuzzy critters to agree with us. Here we see a young seal getting treatment from a trained vet and you can tell that the seal is really in need of the help. Eat up little bud, you’re only a cheap flight back to the ocean after you regain your strength.

The Seal and the Doctor
The Golden Retriever.
Sometimes we help our furry friends and other times they help us out. Here we see a golden retriever rescue dog, as evidenced by his safety harness, in action saving a person who was at risk of drowning. You can see the determination in the dogs face as he does everything he can to save his human.

The Golden Retriever
The Little Terrier.
Disaster relief specialists are unheralded, by and large, by most people until they actually need their help. When things go down, however, it is this group of people that comes charging in to help. Here we see the aftermath of a deadly tornado and a little terrier pup that was lucky to be alive. Thanks to this group the dog will live to see another day.

The Little Terrier
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Imagine you are teaching English as a foreign language in Japan when your students come running up to tell you that a bunch of whales washed up on shore. You’d probably think something got lost in translation, right? Well, that isn’t the case in this situation. Sometimes whales get caught up in the tide, especially younger ones, and they end up ashore. Here a bunch of people do everything they can to help the sea creatures.

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