The Best Animal Photobombs That Will Make Your Day

Published on February 15, 2018
Animals love to be showered with attention, and as technology has progressed and evolved, so have they. While we’re all sticking our faces in front of our own cameras, our pets have learned a thing or two from our ridiculous behavior. They’ve learned that the best way to get our attention is by throwing themselves in front of our cameras, with epic photobombs!

What’s That Flash?

It was a perfect day for a romantic hike, and what better way to remember the day than a gorgeous selfie? *FLASH* This cutie appeared just in time for his first of many photobombs, and then in a flash, took off.

Whats That Flash

What’s That Flash?

I Did Nothing

Who said that animals couldn’t pull off photobombs at the expense of other animals? It was the first time that Smittens the cat felt like someone was looking over his own shoulder.

I Did Nothing

I Did Nothing


Too Close

“I’ll just open your window a little,” dad insisted. And it was from that day that Little Timmy had an “irrational” fear of horses. Completely irrational.

Too Close

Too Close


A New Friend

Like so many friendship stories, it started out as a simple photobomb. From that moment on Lucas and Luciano (he chose the name) would meet every Sunday at the creek for peanuts and their weekly selfie.

A New Friend

A New Friend


Just One Lick

This poor kitty was thirsty, so when you’re thirsty you go to the local watering hole. There was some very yummy liquid left in one of the glasses. Not only did the strawberry daiquiri taste like heaven, it made everything look like it too.


Just One Lick


Didn’t Get The Memo

Nobody likes to find out about a friend’s wedding and not get an invitation. What’s worse is not being part of the bridal party… unless you can improvise, which is exactly what Missy did.

Didnt Get The Memo

Didn’t Get The Memo


Almost Moosed This Shot

Timing is everything. Without the precision of this man’s clicking finger, he would have moosed this brilliant shot! Moose photobombs are worth at least 20x more than cat photobombs.

Almost Moosed This Shot

Almost Moosed This Shot


First Time Seeing Snow

Can you imagine being created specifically for winter weather and then living in sunny Miami your whole life. The family decided to surprise Troy and take him to see snow for his first winter. This was his reaction. Do you think he enjoyed himself?

First Time Seeing Snow

First Time Seeing Snow


Say Cheese!

This horsey understands two very important concepts in life. The first, no matter what is going on around you – smile. And the second, whenever a camera is pointed in your direction – smile.

Say Cheese

Say Cheese!


Smoking Camels Will Bite You In The…

You know, it’s true what they say about a bad habit eventually getting the better of you. This may be the most literal representation of how smoking Camels kills… or at least hurts.

Smoking Camels Will Bite You In The...

Smoking Camels Will Bite You In The…


We All Have That Friend

No, we’re not talking about that friend that always gets stuck in fences. No, we’re not talking about that friend that always laughs when the first guy gets stuck in the fence. We’re talking about the jerk who whips out his camera when all of this goes down.

We All Have That Friend

We All Have That Friend


He Said To Smile

Some dogs are just more photogenic than others, and Spike, you simply take the cake on this one. “Cake?” Maybe that explains the massive smile and slobbering tongue.

He Said To Smile

He Said To Smile


Lost Hamster

Madeline was so distraught about losing her hamster. Not matter where she looked, she simply could not find the little guy. She was certain that it was time to give up looking.

Lost Hamster

Lost Hamster


The Original Duck Face

You’ve probably wondered where girls get the super-fantastic duck-face pose from? Well, ladies and gentlemen, look no further than this star-studded duck right here.

The Original Duck Face

The Original Duck Face


He Always Photobombs

It is so difficult to get a family photo without Bambi the dog. But to be honest, Bambi is as much family as the kids are… the only problem is that he’s got to learn how to get back a little.

He Always Photobombs

He Always Photobombs


Spot The Elephant

The safari group waited impatiently for the elephant to come out of hiding. It was a long day, but they were sure that when the elephant eventually came out it would be worth the wait.

Spot The Elephant

Spot The Elephant


Who Bombed Whom?

It has taken doggy detectives a number of months already to crack this case. “Who photobombed whom?” is the name on the dossier, and it is an ongoing investigation. Any leads will be welcomed gladly.

Who Bombed Whom

Who Bombed Whom?


Parrot Parrot

Have you ever wondered why they call it a “parrot fish”? Well it’s simply because they copy everything you say… or do… even under water. So when Michelle posed for the camera, so did the parrot fish.

Clowning Around

Parrot Parrot


Friendship On A New Level

Being best buds with fish of the ocean means you’re building deep and meaningful relationships. We have to admit that having marine life friends is really taking friendship to a whole new level.

Friendship On A New Level

Friendship On A New Level


Toad You Not To Take A Camera

There are so many risks involved with taking a camera on a boat ride, but nobody warned Sam about this one. “It could get wet,” was a warning he understood, but frogs photobombing?

Toad You Not To Take A Camera

Toad You Not To Take A Camera


Desperate For Love

It’s a pug’s life at the end of the day. Pugs hardly have the happiest faces out of all the dogs out there, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to show it off anyway.

Desperate For Love

Desperate For Love



What’s better than cooling off in the tropical waters of the Caribbean? Maybe getting some pictures with a stingray that photombombs like it’s a sport.





If you’ve ever wondered whether cats are secretly plotting to take over your household and control your other pets, let this serve as proof that all of that is indeed true.




What A Photobomb

How cute is this? A young’n posing for the camera when another young’n comes along and stands in full range of the camera. Nobody knew who the little blonde girl was, but it was cute that she photobombed this pony family photo-shoot.

What A Photobomb

What A Photobomb


Don’t Desert Him

Whatever you do, don’t desert a camel in the desert. Did someone say “dessert”? A simple rule for spelling – dessert (like cakes and ice-cream) has two S’s because you always want more.

Dont Desert Him

Don’t Desert Him


There’s A Smile

Who said sharks are antisocial creatures? This is Sham the Shark, and he even has his own shocial media shites where he uploads shelfies with curioush tourishtsh!

Theres A Smile

There’s A Smile


Long Neck Convention

While giraffes are the primary members at the “Long Neck Convention”, many forget that ostriches have membership too. A lesson we can learn from these guys – don’t ever be afraid to stick your neck out there.

Long Neck Convention

Long Neck Convention


Unconventional Minister

With people getting married to trees, hills and computer games, we can only start wondering who will be officiating these ceremonies. In this case it seems a beluga whale has the honors.

Unconventional Minister

Unconventional Minister


Making The Album

Every guest wants to appear in the happy couple’s photo album, and the family dog wanted it no less. When the photographer walked down the aisle, snapping away, Fred knew not to miss his opportunity.

Making The Album

Making The Album


Freaked Out

Taking your dog fishing is a great way of bonding. That is unless he is gravely afraid of wriggling fish… realizing that his only escape would be in a river full of these wriggling fish.

Freaked Out

Freaked Out


What A View

“Oh my, look at this incredible view. Let me get my camera out and…” *SNAP* And that was how the llama made the family album.

What A View

What A View


Bunny Ears

Seeing as horses and ponies don’t have thumbs or fingers, they have their own version of “bunny ears”. When they want to pull off photobombs they make this ridiculous face.

Bunny Ears

Bunny Ears


Trust Fall

What better way to prove your friendship than by having a series of trust falls? What you should do however, is prepare the other party for the falls.

Trust Fall

Trust Fall


No-One Noticed

And the brunch continued without disruption… as Super Cat flew past the window to save a drowning mouse in the dog’s water bowl. It was just a regular day in Hooman World.

No One Noticed

No-One Noticed


Playful And Posed

Can you tell by looking at this picture who the proper and composed one of the two pets is? If not, then try to decide which one is the playful and energetic one.

Playful And Posed

Playful And Posed


Hanging Back

This is a beautiful picture of Sandy… and Terry in the background doing some very stealthy photobombing… which Sandy is completely unaware of, by the way.

Hanging Back

Hanging Back


Something Smells Fishy

It suddenly all made sense to Ruffles. He eventually understood why they locked him outside while Greg was preparing dinner. He knew that he smelled something fishy.

Something Smells Fishy

Something Smells Fishy


Behind You

It was a nice idea to take a picture with the sign outside the gorilla enclosure. But it was an even better idea to have the shot with a gorilla who loves photobombs.

Behind You

Behind You


Interesting Place To Swim

There are many places a doggy can swim, but who would have put “swimming in a lake with a full-grown elephant” as one of those places.

Interesting Place To Swim

Interesting Place To Swim


Attention Seeker

It is completely understandable that this horsey wanted to be a part of the pictures being taken. After all it was she who spent the whole afternoon making these young girls happy.

Attention Seeker

Attention Seeker