A Decade Passes: The Disappearance of Natalee Holloway

Published on January 21, 2018

House Searched

May 12, 2007, and the Kalpoe family home becomes subject to an “inspection”. Therefore the brothers are detained for an hour when they object to entry by police and Dutch investigators, but both were released once the authorities left. Kock claims that the brothers objected to the search because the officials didn’t show them an order justify the intrusion. No one knows what officials searched for but note that nothing was taken from the home.

House Searched

House Searched

The Brothers

November 21, 2007 is when Joran and the Kalpoe brothers are rearrested. Their arrests were the result of an internet chat log where Joran said that Natalee was dead the day she disappeared. However, yet again, the police fail to find hard evidence to charge the three suspects.

The Brothers

The Brothers