A Decade Passes: The Disappearance of Natalee Holloway

Published on January 21, 2018


According to Gabriel, van der Sloot tried to kiss Natalee spiking her drink with the date rape drug GHB. But Natalee started to foam at the mouth, so he panicked, and eventually Natalee fatally choked on her vomit. Allegedly Van der Sloot put Natalee’s folded corpse into a burlap sack and buried then her in an Aruban park, where he used a cactus plant to help cover his tracks.



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David Holloway said that Van der Sloot confessed to his friend in confidence and that’s why he believes Gabriel. “They lived together for several months and during those months, Joran shared a lot of information with him that is not public knowledge. … And that’s one of the reasons we pursued this.”

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