The Taos Hum
In the small city of Taos, New Mexico, residents and visitors have been annoyed, puzzled, and flabbergasted by a mysterious and low-frequency hum in the desert air. But only around 2 percent of Taos residents have reported hearing the sound, and no one can agree on what the sound is. Some say its a hum, a buzz or a whir. Additionally, no one has ever been able to locate the sound’s origin.

The Taos Hum
The Act of Yawning
I don’t know about you but I’ve never stopped to ponder over why people and animals yawn, all I know is, it happens. Doesn’t matter when or where, yawns happen, but no one knows why. Some scientists say that it has to do with a lack of oxygen flow but they don’t actually know for sure. Exciting right? Meh.

The Act Of Yawning
Life on Mars
In 1976, the Viking was sent on a mission to Mars. On board it housed three different experiments which had the capacity to test for life on Mars. One result turned out positive while the other two experiments did not. As such the positive result was utterly dismissed but in 2012 a team of scientists re-examined the data, with the use of brand new technology. These scientists are testing the no-life verdict but nothing has yet to be determined. So does life on Mars exist then? No one knows, yet.

Life On Mars
Why do we need sleep?
We all know that our body and mind needs us to sleep, and typically for at least 7 to 8 hours, but no one knows why. Not even scientists. They’ve chalked up the need for sleep as ‘brain maintenance’. So I guess the question still remains, why do we need sleep?

Why Do We Need Sleep?
The Vanishing of Pilot Fred Valentich
In 1978 an Australian pilot named Fred Valentich was flying a Cessna 182L while on a training mission, and then he just vanished. As he was flying, Valentich radioed in to command, saying that an object was flying over him at an incredibly high rate of speed. The crew in Melbourne could hear metallic scraping sounds and then suddenly, the transmission cut off. Fred Valentich and his plane were never seen or heard from again. Freaky.

The Vanishing Of Pilot Fred Valentich
What does a black hole feel like?
For a long time, scientists said that if anyone ever fell into a black hole, they wouldn’t feel a thing (until of course they passed through the Event Horizon). But now, scientists say that if you fell into a black hole, you would probably be engulfed into a giant ball of fire, immediately burning into little pieces of nothing. The first theory sounded much nicer, however, no one actually knows which theory is correct.

What Does A Black Hole Feel Like?
There are quite a few people out there obsessed with the hunt for UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), some even as obsessed as The X-Files Special Agent, Fox Mulder. Whether or not the objects and lights people have seen are alien spacecrafts is a whole other discussion; considering the vast distances between Earth and the rest of the Universe. However particular investigations have acknowledged known causes for most of these sightings, while other cases will always remain unexplained.

Cats 1 – Scientists 0.
Did you know that a cat’s purr has stumped scientists for years and they’re quite possibly on the verge of going mad unless they get to the bottom of it? Scientists have yet to figure out just how cats produce their purring. For now, they believe that cats use the vocal folds in their larynx to muster up a purr but they’re not certain. At all. Whatsoever.

Cats 1 – Scientists 0.
The Placebo Effect
The placebo effect has long been studied in controlled tests by leading scientific studies. Essentially it follows the idea that as long as your brain 150% believes that the medication it is getting is going to work, then it will do just that. Work. However most of the time that “magic medication” that you’re getting is nothing more than a sugar pill but you don’t know that, so your brain definitely doesn’t know it. Now for some reason, even after you know that it’s just a placebo, the mind doesn’t care, it still believes the medication will work and scientists don’t know why that is.

The Placebo Effect
Psychic powers and ESP
The idea that people possess psychic powers or extra-sensory perception (ESP) is an unexplained phenomena that has troubled scientists for centuries. Mainly because the belief that such powers exist is neither here nor there. Scientists have long studied people with these alleged powers and the results are almost always puzzling. There are many who say such powers can’t be tested and that for some unknown reason, when you try to study this phenomena, the person’s powers diminish. Therefore, it looks like this is one mystery scientists just won’t be able to prove or disprove.

Psychic Powers And ESP
The Stone Balls of Costa Rica.
If you travel down to Costa Rica, you’ll find perfectly spherical stone balls, ranging in sizes from bowling balls to eight feet in total size. They are scattered throughout the country and due to their perfect craftsmanship, it is believed that were not made by local people with crude tools. No one has any idea how they got there or who made them.

The Stone Balls Of Costa Rica
Cows + Eating = Weird as Heck
Now while most of us would never spend time thinking about cows, there are scientists out there who are desperately searching for answers to life’s biggest questions. So what does this have to do with cows then? When gathering satellite images from Google Earth, a team of researchers concluded that while eating or resting, cows always stood facing the magnetic poles within the Earth. Always. But they don’t know why.

Cows + Eating = Weird as Heck
The Cocaine Mummies
In 1992 scientists tested the chemical make up of an Egyptian mummy’s remains. The scientists found that inside the bones, skin, and hair was evidence of cocaine and tobacco. Why this was so important is the fact that such drugs weren’t in Egypt at the time, the drug was just cultivated in the Americas. There was also no documented trading between the two communities thus leaving scientists totally stunned.

The Cocaine Mummies
A whale of a theory
Did you know that humpback whales can sing? And that they can teach other whales songs? Scientists used to believe that was a mating ritual but have discarded that belief. Which only leaves us with, why do whales sing? No one knows.

A Whale Of A Theory
When it comes to magnets, scientists understand some things but there is still one question that is always lurking – why do natural magnets always have a north and south pole? Doesn’t matter if you cut a magnet in half over and over and over, it will always have a north and south pole. And this, this baffles scientists who still don’t know why that is.

A Sixth Sense
A sixth sense, or gut feeling, or intuition has been experienced by many people over the course of centuries. Psychologists have concluded that people subconsciously pick up information thus leading people to sense or know information without actually knowing how or why. Be that as it may, these cases of intuition are almost impossible to study, and most believe psychology is only part of the answer.

A Sixth Sense
The Voynich Manuscript
Here’s a little background as to what the Voynich Manuscript is, it’s a 246 page book filled with botanical illustrations and written words that no one can decipher. According to carbon dating, the book is from 1400 but because we can’t translate the manuscript, we don’t know from which civilization or culture it is affiliated with.

The Voynich Manuscript
For years, people have claimed that a beast named Bigfoot exists. All over America, eyewitness have said they saw a hairy, large manlike beast roaming the woods. However, not a single body has been found, no bones, no teeth, no hair, nothing. All we have are eyewitness accounts that Bigfoot exists. Still to this day, this theory has not been debunked nor has it been proven true.

Where are all of the aliens at?
If you think about all the millions, billions of planets in our Universe, it would be logical to assume that there are other planets with life. However no one has ever been able to prove this theory, so we’ll just sit and wait until they do.

Where Are All Of The Aliens At?
Scientists have concluded that all the liquid water on our Earth has been around for almost four billions years, which makes sense according to the evolution of life. But here’s the kicker, how did the water ever turn into liquid form? If at one point in time the sun was too far away to ever melt the ice on Earth. What gives?

Ghosts like Casper: The Friendly Ghost have long held positions in our folklore and culture. Some people claim to have been visited by apparitions of departed loved ones or strangers. Now definitive, concrete proof has never been captured but there are ghost investigators who are working on gathering the evidence.

Are you a lefty?
Somewhere between 70 to 95% of the population is right handed whereas only 5 to 30% of people are left handed. Meaning that 9 our of 10 people are right handed and also, somewhere in the mix are ambidextrous people. But no one knows why people are right or left handed, there is no definitive answer as to how one becomes one or the other.

Are You A Lefty
Deja Vu
The phrase ‘deja vu’ is French for ‘already seen,’ which hints to that rather puzzling feeling that we’ve experienced a specific set of circumstances before. Such as walking into a room that you’ve never been in before but you feel like you know every inch of the place by heart. Or having a conversation with someone and you feel like you’ve already discussed it before, word for word, in a dream or something. Some people believe that the experience of deja vu is a glimpse of a previous life but like intuition, psychology can tender a more realistic explanation. However no scientist or research has ever been able to prove or dis-prove anything.

Deja Vu