Sign Fails – Hilarious Signs That Are Actually Real

Published on February 5, 2018
Signs are designed to help us, to direct us and to inform us. Whether we’re in potential danger, we’re lost or we’re just trying to figure out what time a store closes, signs are our go-to guides. Sometimes however, even the signs fail and we’re left scratching our heads… or laughing out loud for that matter!

Brutal Honesty

We have to give credit to Bill and Ann because you can’t always find a restaurant with owners this honest. By the way, you can also fill up your car if you’re low on fuel. Warning: health insurance might not cover this one.

Brutal Honesty2

Brutal Honesty

Every Single Day

Believe it or not, this sign is suitable for every single day of the year. In fact, this genius policy has been adopted by every single establishment out there. Isn’t it incredible how an idea just takes off?

Every Single Day

Every Single Day


Get The Right Reaction

Guys, if you see someone drowning you should really consider what your options are. The first one is to laugh out loud, but if that doesn’t help, then perhaps you should call 911… like I say, only if laughing doesn’t help.

Get The Right Reaction

Get The Right Reaction


No Smoking

What could possibly be a better way to convince people to stop smoking than by encouraging them to do so on right there on the spot? “Hey man. Do you want to quit smoking? How about trying it… right now!” Your health insurance premium will drop significantly.

No Smoking

No Smoking


Great Sense Of Humor

Now, this is a church I’d like to go to! If this is the pastor’s sense of humor, perhaps his sermon might not be as dull as he advertises it to be. But what would I have to lose if it was? Not sleep, that’s for sure.

Great Sense Of Humor

Great Sense Of Humor


Just Missed It

No matter what we do, we always seem to miss the “free taco” deal at Taco Bell! I was told that the deal was on Tuesday, but it turns out that it was on Monday… and on Monday they said it was actually on Sunday.

Just Missed It

Just Missed It


Just Not Your Hands

The local bakery had a very strict policy about picking up their fresh bagels. Hands touching the hot buns was an absolute ‘no-no’, so you should use a napkin… or your tongue, whatever is easier for you.

Just Not Your Hands

Just Not Your Hands


Letter Spacing

One of the most important aspects of creating signs is making sure that the wording makes sense. Another useful point to ponder is the letter spacing. You’re not sure why? Why don’t you write us a note with your pen-is to tell us why.

Letter Spacing

Letter Spacing


Math Genius

Listen, I am by no stretch a mathematician, but there are certain things that I can immediately identify as mathematically incorrect. $52.99 minus $47.99 could be many things, but it certainly is not $12!

Math Genius

Math Genius


Maybe Don’t Try It

This has got to be one of the smartest and funniest theft prevention signs ever! We don’t know if this is actually a successful deterrence, but at least shoplifters can get a good laugh before stuffing some items under their shirts.

Maybe Dont Try It

Maybe Don’t Try It


Taken Too Far

Hey, I can totally understand not wanting pigeons swarming outside of your store. But perhaps a simple sign reading, “Don’t Feed Pigeons” would have sufficed. Pigeons devouring fingers of feeding friends hardly seems likely.

Taken Too Far

Taken Too Far


What A Let-Down

I know, I know, it was such a disappointing day for me as well. IKEA really let down a huge customer base when they turned up at the cafeteria asking for the “massive hot dog” only to be told that it wan’t actually massive!

What A Let Down

What A Let-Down


WiFi Belly

The airport adopted some very strict seating policies in their terminals. The elderly, the injured, those with young children – yeah, those were obvious. But how often do you come across someone with a Wi-Fi belly? Heck, if you do, try to sit next to them!

WiFi Belly

WiFi Belly



Signs are supposed to point out the not-so-obvious… like this sign for example. For anyone attempting to pull this off, please check with your health insurance if you’re covered.





We’ve all experienced that knucklehead who parks in a disabled spot simply because it’s convenient. Apart from not having any human decency or consideration for others, these people might actually believe that their stupidity counts as a disability.




Clear Instructions

Signs can be confusing, but we can all agree that these two are as clear as night and day. The person who created this must have seen a good few people shuffling at these doors… even after the signs went up.

Clear Instructions

Clear Instructions


Always A Reason

Has anyone ever told you that whatever happens is for a reason? It’s supposed to be a message of hope, but sometimes it’s just informing you of the obvious, even if you don’t want to hear it.

Always A Reason

Always A Reason


What A Discount

How’s this for an offer you don’t want to miss? I’m sick of getting the two for one deal, how good is this two for two deal? Am I missing something here?

What A Discount

What A Discount


The Errorists

We do NOT negotiate with errorists! The last thing this office needs is an error attack! Please employ spelling staff to check emails before they’re sent out.

The Errorists

The Errorists


Not The Dirty Kind

It’s tough finding a showered chicken these days. They’re always so dirty, but not anymore. This rooster got up at 5am to have his 3 S’s – shriek, shower and shave.

Not The Dirty Kind

Not The Dirty Kind


Even If You’re Almost Certain

More often than not, you will know if you’ve got pee on your hands. However for the 1% of the time when you’re not sure, you should wash them.

Even If Youre Almost Certain

Even If You’re Almost Certain


We All Feel This

“Sir, what is your life’s greatest regret?” “Well, I would have to say that it is all the naps I skipped as a kid.” Yes, we can all relate to this – my, how I wish I could go back to those days.

We All Feel This

We All Feel This


That One Guy

Social media gives us the opportunity to rate and review different products and establishments in real-time. So when one dude has an “unsatisfactory” experience at a pub, the whole world can potentially find out about it. But the bar owner was one step ahead of him, and totally owned it.

That One Guy

That One Guy


Wait, What?

Did you just ask me a hypothetical question with another hypothetical question? This guy is acing his philosophy classes, but his job search is still bringing in few results.

Wait What

Wait, What?


What About A Day?

After heaps of people claimed that they were only stopped for 5 minutes or 30 seconds in the spot, the manager decided to take action. Who thought he would have to get so specific?

What About A Day

What About A Day?


Dad Was Here

Anyone here a fan of dad jokes? I am, that’s for sure. This one reminds of the joke about The Fintstones. The people in Dubai don’t like The Flintstones, but the people in Adu Dhabidooooo!

Dad Was Here

Dad Was Here


Dark Humor

Wow, that took a sharp turn! But we have to admit that it’s pretty hilarious. With the way things are going these days, there’s nothing wrong with a little humor, even if it is dark.

Dark Humor

Dark Humor


All About Manners

This is one of the smartest signs ever put up. With the world speeding up around us faster and faster, we shouldn’t make our human interactions so brief and heartless. Some manners won’t cost you anything, but the lack thereof might.

All About Manners

All About Manners



Yes, the walls look like they’ve just come out of Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but they haven’t. So people, please stop licking them, no matter tempting it might be.




Don’t Even Argue

If you’re arguing with this sign, then sir, you are wrong. Ma’am, if you’re arguing about this sign, then you are totally right.

Dont Even Argue

Don’t Even Argue


Oops, Right

How often does this happen to you? You arrive at the airport, pass through check-in and head towards the security counter. Suddenly, you remember, “My gun is still in my bag!” Right. This never happens.

Oops Right

Oops, Right


We Get It

Oh my gosh, are they ever?! Who decided that we have five full days between our weekends? It doesn’t seem well thought out, or balanced for that matter.

We Get It

We Get It


Crazy Owner

Who cares about the dog? The owner is the one you should be worried about. The dog probably doesn’t even bark anymore, and we can only guess why.

Crazy Owner

Crazy Owner


Anything Can Happen

With Valentine’s Day being the most romantic day on the calendar, you should get a few romantic items to make it that much more special. Candy? Check. Candles? Check. Pepper spray? Chec… Wait. What?!

Anything Can Happen

Anything Can Happen


Poster Bird

He was the poster bird for the “no seagulls” sign for almost a whole year. The chicks looked up to him, the humans feared him and the pelicans’ jaws dropped at his presence.

Poster Bird

Poster Bird


Smart Employee

When your boss tells you to do something, you go out and do it immediately. Even if she doesn’t specify what it is you have to do, just go out and DO IT!

Smart Employee

Smart Employee


Where’s The Rest?

Why would he go up there just to make that sign? Ha ha ha! We know. This guy or gal has a terrific sense of humor! We would love to see more signs from them.

Wheres The Rest@

Where’s The Rest?


Wizard Meter Maid

Trust me when I say that you shouldn’t take this warning lightly. It’s one thing having your car towed, but being “toad” is a whole new level. What kind of wizardry is this parking thing?

Wizard Meter Maid

Wizard Meter Maid


It’s Not Worth It, Bro

No matter how badly you want to take that pair of sunglasses, just don’t! There’s nothing like making a stupid decision that could potentially turn you to the streets for night-shift.

Its Not Worth It Bro

It’s Not Worth It, Bro


Fall With Caution

There are only few ways to fall. You could do it with style, or you could do it with caution, These guys recommend that you do it with caution.

Fall With Caution

Fall With Caution


You Were Doing So Well

When Tony decided to put up advertisements for his karate business, he didn’t think it through completely. We have to say that he was doing so well, up until that moment when he got to ‘T’, and then it was downhill from there.

You Were Doing So Well

You Were Doing So Well


Only For The Brave

Would you like a chocolate-covered doughnut? What about one with sprinkles? We bet you’ve never tried the pain bagel! What is it? Give it a try… if you dare.

Only For The Brave

Only For The Brave


Equality At Last

It had been the plight of the empire for decades, and eventually their dreams were coming true. Star Wars toys were eventually being recognized for who they were.

Equality At Last

Equality At Last


Barking Up The Wrong Tree

They say that the best way to get your message across to someone else, is to speak to them in their own language. This rule is still true across the animal kingdom.

Barking Up The Wrong Tree

Barking Up The Wrong Tree


Except The Bell

They were really proud of their promise to fix anything. There was one thing that they couldn’t fix, though. Does this story ring a bell?

Except The Bell

Except The Bell


Secret Ingredient

Are you wondering why they’re always hiring? Their staff turnover rate is really high, and we can’t seem to figure out why. Any ideas?

Secret Ingredient

Secret Ingredient


Not Sure About This One

Yeah, no, this doesn’t really look like a hand grenade to me. What do you think? There’s definitely a pin to pull, but I think that might be the only similarity between the two devices.

Not Sure About This One

Not Sure About This One


Pretty Specific

We all expected the paper towels and diapers, but then it sort of went downstream from there. Do people really flush these things down the drain? Unpaid bills? Your ex’s sweater?

Pretty Specific

Pretty Specific


Challenge Of The Day

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the challenge of the day, if not the year. Can you walk without walking? It’s sort of pretending to work when your boss comes around when you’re really not doing anything.

Challenge Of The Day

Challenge Of The Day


Too Literally

Now this is a very literal response to a simple instruction. If you can find someone who could pull this off, you let me know.

Too Literally

Too Literally


Just Don’t Forget

Whatever you do, don’t miss the turn! There are a few reminders along the way that will help guide you to your destination, we doubt you’ll miss them.

Just Dont Forget

Just Don’t Forget


Forest Life Is Tough

Have you ever tried to live in the forest? It’s not an easy life at all, and these deer know it best. Please call the help hotline if you see suicidal deer.

Forest Life Is Tough

Forest Life Is Tough


Two Birds With One Stone

The beach committee has no problem with people or smoking, or with people drinking alcohol. But their problem lies with people smoking alcohol – that practice is strictly forbidden.

Two Birds With One Stone

Two Birds With One Stone


Well, This Is New

If you don’t know what it is, it’s probably best that you don’t ask. We also don’t recommend trying it out in order to find out.

Well This Is New

Well, This Is New



If the windows aren’t enough of an indication, check out this super-informative sign to be sure. Guys, the balcony is NOT on ground level.

