Be Kind
If anything should go wrong with your flight, anything at all, no matter how big or small, there is one huge thing you need to remember, be kind. Be kind to every single airline employee because trust us, they are doing everything in their power to help you. They are not responsible for what went wrong, so be patient and be kind, don’t scream or curse at them, that won’t help the situation at all.

Be Kind
Be On Time
This one goes without saying, be on time. Even if you are just seconds late, it doesn’t matter, no one is waiting for you! If you missed your flight because you were late, go to the airline’s front desk and they will help you out. Do remember that the airline is not obligated to get you on the next flight out, although that does vary with all airlines.

Be On Time
Cash Compensation
If your travel plans are ever changed because of overbooking and you’re in America or in the EU then you could be entitled to a cash compensation from the airline. We are not joking, this is serious. You could even be entitled to a meal voucher or a hotel room. Always check with the airline just in case anything goes wrong.

Cash Compensation
Charge Your Phone
If things get changed in your travel schedule, it is best to keep your phone charged at all times! If you’re like me, you can’t remember everyone’s phone numbers by heart so its best to keep your phone charged in case you need it in the event of an emergency. You’ll see that quite a few airports even have charging stations which are huge lifesavers.

Charge Your Phone
Confirm Car Rentals
If you booked a car, it is recommended you call and re-confirm your rental because if you’re getting in later then what you said, they need to know. Sometimes car rental places overbook because they expect that people won’t always show up. So if come late and they didn’t know, and they’re all out of cars, you’re out of luck. Always call and verify and better yet, read the policy over with a fine-tooth comb.

Confirm Car Rentals
If your flight plans were changed then you need to go online as soon as possible to see if you were automatically rebooked. This is something that airlines do, especially if you checked in online. So find out what’s going on before you reach out for some treatment for anxiety cause you never know, could be nothing.

Customer Service
If anything caused your flight to be canceled or changed, and if you weren’t automatically rebooked online, then you need to call customer service (yes, everyone who works there attended mandatory customer service programs to be able to provide ultimate the customer experience). Your customer service representative will help you as best they can so be patient.

Customer Service
Flight Attendants
Some people don’t know this but flight attendants only get paid when the cabin doors are closed. So if you’re annoyed that you’re waiting, trust us, they’re more annoyed because they’re not getting paid a cent.

Flight Attendants
Lost Passport
It happens, sometimes you lose your passport! Before you freak out and experience panic anxiety, here’s what you need to go. Contact local police to alert them of theft and loss, then call your embassy straight after. You will need to go to the embassy in person to get an emergency passport and when you get back home, you can apply for a new. If you’re applying for an emergency passport, you will need a photo ID, proof of US citizenship (copy of BC or passport), and your travel itinerary. Always keep these things on you at all times! Better safe then sorry.

Lost Passport
Read The Fine Print
Wanna save yourself some unnecessary stress? Read the fine print. Print off your ticket ahead of time or check out the airlines “Contract of Carriage.” Each airline has different rules and regulations so its best you know just what your rights are and what you may be entitled to.

Read The Fine Print
Irreplaceables Go In Your Carry On
Sometimes your luggage gets lost and that is the ultimate bummer. If the airline can’t find your luggage, they will pay you back but it will much less then the total cost of all your things. That’s why it is always recommended that you pack all your irreplaceable things in your carry on. Such as important medication, antique gifts, electronics, etc.

Irreplaceables Go In Your Carry On
Try not to go too crazy if things go wrong, do your best to relax! Keep calm, you will reach your final destination so before you go too crazy with anxiety, just take a breather. Go for a walk, grab some food, have a drink, chat with people, or read a book. Whatever it takes for you to remain relaxed.

Why Was It Canceled
You always need to get to the bottom of why your flight was canceled. Was there a massive snow storm? Or did the airline simply overbook your flight? Be something of a private detective and get to the bottom of it all.

Why Was It Canceled
Save Receipts
There is absolutely no guarantee that if you save all your receipts for the food or clothes or whatever it was you had to buy while you waited for your flight (if your flight was delayed or rebooked) will be reimbursed but in the off chance, keep proof of purchase.

Save Receipts
Talk About Your Problems
If anything goes wrong, you miss a flight or there is a delay, let your loved ones know! Just give them a quick call to let them know something has messed up your original travel plans and that you will keep them updated. Its common sense, really.

Talk About Your Problems
Track Your Baggage
If you miss your connecting flight then be sure to have the airline track your baggage down. They might even hold your baggage until you get to your destination instead of it getting lost in the “unclaimed baggage” area. In any case, pack extra underwear with you in your carry on.

Track Your Baggage