If you spend more than a few minutes this year watching professional sports, you are going to notice one thing: athletes nowadays are huge. Physically, athletes are stronger, bigger, and faster than they’ve ever been. Still, that doesn’t mean the athletes of yesteryear were pushovers. Today, we are going to look at the most monstrous athletes of all time in order to see just how big they got. After looking at some of these monsters, you might want to shelve your weight loss plans and angle toward bulking up some muscle instead!
Wladimir Klitschko – Professional Boxer
If you were to watch a game of basketball, a player that registered at 6’6 would look relatively short. However, in the boxing ring, a 6’6 man built out of pure muscle and anger is a sight to behold. Wladimir Klitschko is a terror in the ring and his punches have probably led to some not so cosmetic surgery for his opponents. Moreover, Klitschko is nearly a foot and a half taller than his wife, Hayden Panettiere.
Jon Rauch – Relief Pitcher
Baseball isn’t typically thought of as the sport for physical specimens, but boy Jon Rauch could have changed that. Rauch was a right-handed reliever who played for 11 years in the MLB. The Louisville native stood at 6’11 and was an absolute monster on the mound. Weight loss plans? Pfft, this dude would eat you for breakfast.