The Largest Dog Breeds in the World

Published on January 5, 2018
What is a dog other than the best thing in the entire world? not only are they the most loyal creatures out there, but they are also the reason we can believe in unconditional love. Coming up is a list of the largest and smallest dog breeds out there. There’s never too much or too little doggy goodness to love.


If this cutie sounds like an anime creature, his Japanese heritage would be the reason for that. Akitas weigh around 130 pounds when they’re at full size and can grow up to 28 inches in height. It’s usually their curly tail and pointed ears that make them most recognizable.



Neapolitan Mastiff

There are many kinds of Mastiffs out there, but none as large as the Neapolitan Mastiff. It isn’t just its height that makes it a huge dog, it is its overall volume. It weighs 155 pounds and stands at 31 inches high. Although this is a very loyal dog, you should make sure he goes through dog training school before taking him home.

Neapolitan Mastiff

Neapolitan Mastiff


Great Dane

In contrast to the massive size of the Great Dane is the short lifespan that this dog lives, around 8 years. The tallest Great Dane was 44 inches tall, but these dogs are usually slim and don’t carry much fat but they can still weigh up to 120 pounds.

Great Dane

Great Dane



Now this massive ball of fur once served mainly as a fisherman’s helper. It was chosen for this role since they swim well, can dive into water and have the brute strength of a lion… well almost. If you were to ever get yourself one of these 150-pound, 30-inch tall dog “bears”, make sure you get yourself a heavy-duty brush for all that fur.





The Boerboel, which is actually a South African Mastiff, is one of the heaviest purebreds out there. These dogs are not just loyal and social, but they are also intelligent and protective. Its heavy weight of 200 pounds makes up for its ‘short’ 28 inches. These dogs quite often attend dog training school and learn how to track, herd and even run obstacle courses.





It’s amazing what results appear when you mix breeds. One example of that is the Leonberger, which is a mix of the Saint Bernard with the Newfoundland. These dogs weigh 170 pounds and can stand at 31 inches tall at full growth.




Fila Brasileiro

The Fila Brasileiro makes our list all the way from Brazil in South America. The Fila Brasileiro stands at 30 inches tall before weighing in at close to 180 pounds, fully grown. These are pure bred creatures that have been known to be both loyal and incredibly courageous. Due to their strong hearing and protective nature they have been turned into guard dogs all over the world. You can also see Fila Brasileiro used in both hunting and herding jobs all over Brazil.

Fila Brasileiro

Fila Brasileiro


Irish Wolfhound

This breed was initially bred to work as a courser and to chase down wolves who threatened farmers and their animals. Irish Wolfhounds have been used for hunting and guarding and even in acts of war dating as far back as 7000 BC in Ireland. Nowadays their lives aren’t nearly as exciting. Irish Wolfhounds are tall, standing at 35 inches, while weighing in at around 140 pounds. To get an accurate representation of this dog’s size, imagine a donkey and you’ll have an eyeline to pay attention to.

The Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound


Pakistani Mastiff

Did someone say “Mastiff”? The Pakistani Mastiff weighs in at 200 pounds when it’s fully grown and reaches 42 inches in height. Some might even say that it is the size of a pony! These dogs are aggressive when they feel that they or their loved ones are threatened, but a good dog training school can tend to this.

Pakistani Mastiff

Pakistani Mastiff


Saint Bernard

“Beethoven”! Yes, that’s everyone’s first thought when they see this hunk of cuteness. These burly dogs can weigh in at 200 pounds while standing at a height of 35 inches. Saint Bernards are smart and ferociously loyal. You do need to monitor their diet and give them proper exercise to make sure they avoid weight related health problems later in life.

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard


English Mastiff

The English Mastiff at times can seem more like a bear than a dog. We’ve seen plenty of Mastiff breeds on this list but this is the heaviest one that you will come across. A fully grown Mastiff can weigh up to 250 pounds while standing tall at around 30 inches. An English Mastiff has the record for heaviest dog ever when a dog named Aicama Zorba weighed in at 343 pounds.

English Mastiff

English Mastiff


Tamaskan Husky

One of our favorite breeds in the world is the Tamaskan Husky. Coming from Finland, and occasionally called just a ‘Tam’, the Tamaskan Husky is a purebred dog that is full of love. Huskies themselves are high energy breeds that are well known for being smart, loyal, gentle, and even outgoing. Tamaskan Husky’s stand in at 33 inches tall and the weigh around 100 pounds fully grown. The Tamaskan needs plenty of exercise and you need to be willing to get out and play with them as often as possible.

Tamaskan Husky

Tamaskan Husky



The ‘mop dog’ is up next and the Komondor is long-established dog breed that has been used to guard livestock and others. They’re not hard to forget because of its rather distinctive corded, long coat. The Komondor hails from Hungary where it has been declared a national treasure, forever to be preserved and protected from modification.




Scottish Deerhound

The Deerhound is a native of the United Kingdom, and as you can see, it’s a tall breed! Typically used for hunting, they can get up to 32 inches (80 cm) tall and weigh about 110 pounds (50 kg). As they are native to one specific region usually, dog behavior training is basically inherited.

Scottish Deerhound

Scottish Deerhound


Russian Black Terrier

Back during the late 40s, early 50s, the Russian black terrier was bred for use as a military, working dog. These pups are believed to be a cross of about 17 different kinds of dog breeds! Crazy. Male terriers get up to 72 to 78 cm (28 – 30 inches) tall and can weigh up to 60 kg (130 pounds), while females are slightly smaller and lighter. The Russian black terrier is quite the calm, confident, and self-assured dog. These big dogs do quite well in a dog training school as they’re highly intelligent and can adapt well to any training. On average, they live up to 14 years.

Russian Black Terrier

Russian Black Terrier


Tosa Inu

The Tosa Inu comes to us from a former Japanese province of Tosa and initially they were bred as a fighting dog. They were bred with the largest European dog breeds like the Great Dane, St. Bernard, Mastiff because they wanted a larger, more powerful dog. They’re still quite rare in today’s world.

Tosa Inu

Tosa Inu


Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese mountain dog is a lovely doggie known to be calm, docile, self-assured and especially friendly to children and other animals. Initially they were farm dogs from Switzerland and Germany, although there are plenty in households over America. They reach heights of 28 inches tall and weigh up to 120 pounds!

Bernese mountain dog

Bernese Mountain Dog


Anatolian Shepherd

It is said that the Anatolian shepherd most likely existed a whopping 6,000 years ago, in what is now Turkey. They’re quite the muscular breed that can stand 26 to 31 inches tall and weigh around 90 and 150 pounds. The Anatolian shepherd is an independent, highly intelligent dog that loves being a guard dog. They’re not meant to be indoor dogs, they Prefer the great outdoors, running, swimming and doing their duty as a livestock guard.

Anatolian Shepherd

Anatolian Shepherd


Tibetan Mastiff

As you can tell from the image, the Tibetan mastiff is a rather large dog. They hail from China, India, Mongolia, Nepal, and Tibet with their primary role of protecting sheep from wolves, leopards, bears, and tigers usually. They grow up to 83 cm tall and are highly intelligent and stubborn to a fault, so dog training school is a total must if they are kept indoors and not used as livestock guards.

Tibetan Mastiff

Tibetan Mastiff



Now the Kuvasz is an ancient breed of livestock dog coming from Hungary. Originally used as royal guard dogs and to guard livestock, over the years they have become indoor dogs. This large dog breed has a dense double, odorless coat but most importantly, they are intensely loyal, patient dogs who have a funny, clownish humor too!





He might look like a long-lost uncle, but he is actually not, he is a livestock guardian dog. This albino dog can weigh between 75 to 150 pounds and can stand up to 34 inches tall. When it comes to this dog’s temperament, they tend to be calm but extremely aware. They usually live up to 10 or 11 years and spend a great part of their lives helping humans.





Did you ever watch “Lady and the Tramp”? Who could forget that scene when the Bloodhound sniffs a worm up his nostril while he is sleep-walking? Well there’s a good reason Bloodhounds use their noses (even in their sleep), and that’s because they have a master-level sense of smell. But that’s not all that makes them unique, their size does too. Some can weigh up to 110 pounds and stand as tall as 27 inches.





If you want a dog that can watch your kids in the pool while you’re busy running errands then this is the dog for the job. The 32-inch, 180-pound beauty loves swimming and has a notable record for rescuing drowning swimmers. They’re very smart, teachable and responsive.





The Kangal is one of the preferred livestock guardian dogs out there. It originally came from Turkey and usually weighs in at 145 pounds and 32 inches. It might not be as heavy as other Mastiffs but it is no small dog. When this dog has been socialized, usually through the care of a dog training school, it can be an excellent companion to children.




French Mastiff

Did you know that this dog is also called the “Dogue de Bordeaux”? Yeah, that’s a name you will probably never say again. A quick glance at his picture already tells us that he is not a force to be reckoned with. Over the years, this dog has been responsible for guarding, protecting, and even pulling carts. It isn’t all that tall, but it weighs a whopping 150 pounds and has the largest head in proportion to its body out of all dogs.

French Mastiff

French Mastiff


Greater Swiss Mountain

When it comes to happy dogs… well to be honest, most dogs are happy, but this is one of the happiest. Bred in the Swiss Alps, this agile and robust dog weighs around 150 pounds and stands at 30 inches high. It is intelligent, social, and extremely enthusiastic. And best of all, it comes in black, brown and white… all in one.

Greater Swiss Mountain

Greater Swiss Mountain


Dogo Argentino

There’s a good reason this dog’s name is related to Argentina since it was bred there. The massive muscles on the Dogo Argentino give the big game hunter the ability to run fast and pull down animals weighing much more than the 120 pounds that it itself weighs.

Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentino


Caucasian Shepherd Dog

As its name suggests, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog comes from the Caucasian region in Asia. It can be found in countries like Armenia, Russia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. They can grow up to 30 inches and weigh up to 200 pounds. My advice – don’t let this fella get comfy on your lap.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Caucasian Shepherd Dog


Coton De Tulear

Are you ready for a big jump? Well, it’s more like a downsize really. The Coton de Tulear is so small that you could lose it in your own handbag! Weighing between 8 and 13 pounds means that this little guy probably needs to go to a dog training school to learn how to avoid being sat on.

Coton De Tulear

Coton De Tulear



Yes, you read that correctly. That is a real name for a breed of dogs and it is said exactly as it is read. Although this dog can range anywhere between 4 to 20 pounds, it is still prone to peek out of nowhere with its toy-like size.





Is that a Furby I see? No, that is actually a Pekingese and it is adorable! When it is ‘massive’ it can weigh 13 pounds and stand at 9 inches (massive, I know!), but when it is at its smallest it is 6 pounds and 6 inches.





Playful, intelligent, friendly, sociable, active, extroverted… wait, what are we talking about? Well it’s not about your dream online dating profile, these are the characteristics of the Pomeranian. These tiny cuties can weigh up to 7 pounds and can reach almost 8 inches.




Yorkshire Terrier

Even though it is tiny, the Yorkshire Terrier is known to be one of the boldest dogs. It is also the 6th most sought after dogs worldwide. Coming from England, we wouldn’t be surprised if this dog is bred into an Oxford dog training school. Usually they weight up to 7 pounds and stand at 8 inches.

Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier


Silky Terrier

I’m sure you’ve heard it, “small dog, big personality”. There probably isn’t a dog more appropriately suited to this phrase than the Silky Terrier. I mean, come on, with a name like that. Weighing in a 8 to 10 pounds and standing at 10 inches (at its head, of course) it is a little shiny wig on legs, really. Do you think there’s such thing as a dog training school for hairdressers?

Silky Terrier

Silky Terrier



Even though the pug is a stubborn little fella, he is intelligent and smart as a fox… only a teeny-tiny bit smaller at 9 inches and less than 20 pounds, the Pug is an ideal dog since it can live and give love for more than 20 years.





Okay, hold on a second. This is a dog and not a stuffed toy! What do you get when you mix a Yorkshire Terrier and a poodle? You guessed it – a Yorkipoo! That’s the name, I swear! The size of this little dude is between 7 to 15 inches in height and 3 to 14 pounds in weight. Don’t we all want one now?!




Toy Fox Terrier

This doggy is all that you have been looking for in a partner. He is loyal and playful, he is intelligent and friendly! Any takers? The good news too is that he will be by your side for about 13 to 14 years. He will never get in your way, I mean at 8–11 inches and 3-9 pounds, can he really? But chances are you’ll just want to cuddle this little cutie.

Toy Fox Terrier

Toy Fox Terrier


Shih Tzu

Coming all the way from Tibet, this little doll of a dog looks like he/she dropped out of dog training school simply because of the outrageous cuteness! Usually it will weigh around 9 pounds and have a height of 8 inches. It is known to be very affectionate and caring for its family.

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu