8 Words Millionaires Understand Better Than Others

Published on January 27, 2018
If you aren’t a millionaire, or at least very wealthy, it can be truly hard to fathom that sort of money. Many people who are several weight classes below, in terms of bank accounts, seem to think of millionaires as these almost mythical figures. With this line of thought many people believe that millionaires must have been born into their money or else have simply stumbled across it by great chance. While those thoughts can be true in some instances they are hardly representative of the whole. Millionaires fundamentally understand wealth, ambition, and goals in a way that most people don’t. So, in order to jump behind the eyes of a successful millionaire we decided to look at 8 key words and principles that millionaires understand far better than the rest of us


We’ve seen every inspirational sports movie out there and we can firmly say that they all focus entirely on one thing: perseverance. It’s easy to shake your hand at the Hollywood cliche, but when it comes to saving money and stacking your savings accounts there is a lot of truth in the idea. Perseverance means that you never give up even when it feels like every card has been stacked against you. In all walks of life this stubborn, never-say-die attitude can be a key ingredient to success. It can also be a core ingredient to failure, too. That, really, is the key that most millionaires have on their side: they know when to persevere and when to move their money into a different direction. Perseverance is one part intuition and another part hard work doing the research. If you want to succeed in the same fashion as the rich and wealthy then get to it.




Some people can’t see the forest through the trees, while others don’t know how to look at the tiny details in life. Having the ability to not only see, but recognize, what you are trying to accomplish is a core ingredient in the build up of any online savings account. Whether you are building a business in the traditional sense or merely trying to work your way down the footsteps of the rich and successful before you, you need to have an idea as to where you want to go. Vision isn’t something you are born with, it is something you train in yourself. Commit to paper what it is you want to accomplish and then work your hardest to make it happen. The rare millionaire knows where he or she wants to go and they have an idea as to how to get there. The next question is: do you?





Confidence is a word that is fundamentally misunderstood. Most people assume that confidence comes from knowing all of the answers and having a solution to all of the problems, yet this isn’t true. Confidence is something that comes from inside of you and it is the belief that you will be able to weather any storm that you happen to sail through. Millionaires fundamentally have the confidence to work with quick loans and cash advances in tough times. They also have the confidence to avoid safe investments for the potential home-run, hitting money market accounts. Confidence is an attitude, but it is one that comes woefully close to arrogance, and arrogance is definitely not something you want on your side. If you aspire to be a millionaire then you need to learn to toe the line between confidence and arrogance and you need to do it in such a way that the people around you can believe and see the changes you are exhibiting.





Believe it or not, the idea of progress isn’t a linear notion. You can’t simply mark down all of your achievements on a sheet of paper in an effort to really chart where you have gone and how you are progressing. Rather, progress is an internalized feeling that takes physical shape thanks to the hard work you are willing to do. Progress isn’t just how much money you have in your internet banks or how much you can afford via an online loan, progress is where you are at emotionally and mentally as well as financially. Millionaires never lose sight of their overall goals and thus, they don’t look at short term markers as an emblem of their progress or lack thereof. The goal of being a millionaire is a lofty one and you can’t get stuck on the small victories because you’ll just end up being left in the dust of those that are racing for the big victories. So, if you want to be a millionaire, or at least think like one, always frame the idea of progress against your ultimate goals — not the small victories you’ll have along the way.





You can’t build a kingdom if you are unwilling to look at all of the places that you may have gone awry. Millionaires, much like anyone successful at their job, know that the key to progression is to always fix past mistakes. Accountability is a core idea that is instilled upon successful business men and women from the first moment they step into the office until they decide to clock out and retire to enjoy their profits. Accept when you are at fault, listen to suggestions from other people, and never fail to make it known that you are the go-to guy whether you sink or swim to the finish line. Once you’ve learned to accept repercussions, both good and bad, you’ll have more well-rounded ideas as to where you want to go and who you want to be when you finally arrive there.





Outside of the physically impossible, like learning to fly by jumping, limitations are just artificial barriers you put on yourself before you even come to them. Creating limitations is the art of building your own bird cage so that you aren’t afraid of the outside world. Millionaires know that they can’t put a ceiling above them because their plan is to crack through and get to the next level. Don’t accept any limitations and certainly don’t create any of your own. The world is doing everything it can to drag you down, don’t offer to help out. When you get down and feel like you may have peaked you need to understand that life is a series of ups and downs and all of the moments in between. Where you are now isn’t your final destination and who you are now isn’t your final form. Understand that you are steering the only ship in the known universe that is made out of you and then captain that thing to where ever you want to be when it is all said and done.





You cannot build Rome in a day and you can’t achieve all of your wildest dreams simply by waking up one morning and deciding that they are what you want. Millionaires understand patience more than most people. They realize that their long term goals cannot be accomplished on a short term schedule. Millionaires who are on track to become billionaires will never complain that the money is coming in too slow. They’ll certainly address business decisions to speed up the process, but they won’t sit around and twiddle their thumbs while stewing in discontentment. Patience is knowing that you’ll get to where you want to go on your own time and you’ll keep focused as a result.





Millionaires understand the fundamental difference between dreaming and accomplishing their goals. Dreams are the things you create in bed. Goals are what you wake up and accomplish out in the real world. You will never hear a millionaire get caught up in talks about their ‘dreams.’ Aspirations and goals, sure, but never dreams. Instead you’ll see millionaire entrepreneurs talk about their goals in the way that some people talk about their daily routine. They’ll lay out the fundamental steps required to get to the promised land. They won’t sit idly by and talk with wide-eyed wonder about what they hope to achieve.

