13 Naughty Dogs Who are Feeling the Shame!

Published on February 14, 2018
Is there anything more adorable than those big dogs who have been through training and can behave on command? Actually, there is. Though we wouldn’t want one of our own, dogs who get caught in the act of their own wanton destruction absolutely tickle us. We decided to pull together 13 of the naughtiest dogs we have ever seen right after they got caught for their crime. Can you see the shame in their eyes?

Taste the rainbow.

We don’t have much to say about these two gorgeous dogs except that: please don’t let your animals eat colored chalk. While it is sort of a scientific test to find out what the rainbow tastes like, it still probably isn’t good for their G.I. Still, these two look like nothing went wrong…unless you push the camera frame over two feet to show a pile of tasty ‘rainbow’ on the ground.

Taste the rainbow

Taste the rainbow

There’s one born every minute.

This photo perfectly captures the difference between dreamers and realists, cynics and optimists. While brother #1 is always willing to lend a tongue toward communal cleaning efforts, brother #2 is definitely not down to reciprocate. We suppose that this is sort of a Rorschach Test situation: who is the bad guy here? Ask your significant other the same question and you’ll start to see just how much you two have in common!

There's one born every minute

There’s one born every minute

Teamwork makes the dream work.

We are going to talk a bit about canine brothers in this article, and most of that talk will be focused on dysfunctional aspects. Here we see two brothers who were seemingly made to work together. Now, we aren’t saying that this is a healthy relationship but it is definitely an effective one. Remember kids: teamwork makes the dream work even if it means eating your brother’s poop (please don’t).

Teamwork makes the dream work

Teamwork makes the dream work

This is the face of insanity.

You really can’t ever judge a dog for their behavior. After all, behavior is taught for the most part from the owner. Remember the phrase ‘no such thing as bad dogs, just bad owners’? Well, we’re not sure who to blame for this dogs apparent addiction to sniffing cat butts. Look at the crazy eyes, the wild fur, and the slightly out of focus nature of the photo…this creature is insane. We wouldn’t be surprised if this was their second or third cat, if you get what we are implying here (hint: the dog is actually the Zodiac Killer).

This is the face of insanity

This is the face of insanity

A good nights rest is hard to find.

Just look at that face and tell me you don’t see an animal that is in desperate need of a long nights rest. Between his long, sharp ears and loud farting problem this puppy was destined to have issues sleeping when the flatulence kicked in. You can practically see his eyes beginning to droop shut as the photo was taken and the frowny face on the sign perfectly caps it all off. Poor guy.

A good nights rest is hard to find

A good nights rest is hard to find

The Haves and the Have Nots.

What we have here is a classic relationship between two brothers who aren’t beholden to human standards. The Pee-Brother is obviously going to be bigger and tougher looking, that makes sense, but why does the young brother just look like a dog that would get peed on. We’re not sure if it is a respect thing or a brotherly bullying thing.

The Haves and the Have Nots

The Haves and the Have Nots

This Saint Bernard is no Saint.

Saint Bernard’s are notorious for their high energy and destructive behavior when they don’t get a proper chance to vend their excess energy through exercise. As you can see here, this Saint Bernard took a bite out of the wall — literally. These owners are turning lemons into lemonade, however, by making it a growth chart of sorts. We wouldn’t blame them if they wanted the dog to quit growing anytime soon.

This Saint Bernard is no Saint

This Saint Bernard is no Saint

Maybe it just tastes good?

Have you ever had a craving that you just couldn’t get rid of? Now imagine that you have a couch sized version of that craving right in your living room! Now imagine that your craving is that couch. That’s how you come to this tiny little puppy and her huge licking problem. We suppose this is better than chewing on the couch but perhaps the focus right here should be on cleaning the couch, period. We can only imagine what the dog is actually tasting with each consecutive lick. Actually, forget it. We don’t want to imagine the leftover flavors.

Maybe it just tastes good?

Maybe it just tastes good?

This is one bad pooch.

We’re not sure if this dog is taking a stance against organized religion or simply trying to make a statement on the pastor in question, but we’re a fan. These kind of rock star animals don’t come around very often. You can practically see the puppy scheming of ways to get his own black jacket to wear the next time he is brought to Church. We’ll definitely start an animal charity to raise the funds for his ‘Bad Dog’ leather jacket.

This is one bad pooch

This is one bad pooch

Just look at that long face!

Growing up with a Chocolate Labrador of my own, I know first hand how much they want to be involved with every aspect of your life. Now do I think that this dog was actually trying to ‘help mom out with the dishes’? Not a chance! But this breed is extremely active and they are very interested in being on your hip at all times. If you have a Chocolate Lab make sure that you give him/her plenty of exercise so that they don’t go looking for trouble. It doesn’t take an elementary education to love a dog, but it might take one to make sure that they are properly taken care of.

Just look at that long face

Just look at that long face

This is an explicit case of ‘too much information’.

Close your eyes and imagine that you are teaching English as a foreign language somewhere. You are clicking through your slides and this picture pops up. Now try to control your laughter as you imagine teaching this sentence to a school room of children who barely have the language down. In any event, if we came home to our dog showcasing projectile diarrhea and explosive gas we might want to take a cheap flight to the next city. But on the real: don’t let your dog into human food and especially RAW human food at that. Thankfully the puppy seems to have weathered his bowel illness well.

This is an explicit case of 'too much information'

This is an explicit case of ‘too much information’

Maralynn is a Luddite, we know it.

Don’t let that goofy face and those quirked ears fool you, Maralynn is a cold blooded technological killer. She’s a Luddite down to her bones, taking aim at any machinery that might make her job (to keep the house dirty) more difficult. We have our own opinions about Roomba’s and their effectiveness in the home but that doesn’t mean we’d ever lift up our leg in protest. However, if you have a feline in the home and you value your cat health care cost then it is best to keep that fur sucking machine in action. Excess fur in the air can lead to all manners of issues for your pets and your own health.

Maralynn is a Luddite, we know it

Maralynn is a Luddite, we know it

This dog found God.

Unfortunately it was by way of digesting the Bible, literally. This cute little pup apparently managed to eat its way through two bibles in a single week. The question obviously begs to be asked: what makes the bible so darn delicious compared to every other book on the shelf? Oh well, we guess we’ll never know. For what it’s worth: if you get tired of your dog eating your bible then you should consider taking up classes at the quality dog training schools in your area. Eating and digesting books isn’t good for your dog and its health.

This dog found God

This dog found God