Forgetting Brangeilna: Photos that Brad and Angelina do NOT Want to See

Published on January 25, 2018
Unless you are a high ranking part of the Hollywood machine it can be hard to empathize or, in truth, even understand superstars like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. When these hyper wealthy, enormously sexy people get married we expect it to end one day. What we forget is that Brad and Angelina are still just people with feelings, thoughts, and emotions like us. Now that Brangelina has sadly come to an end we decided to put together a slideshow retrospective, filled with images that are heartbreaking to see and impossible to look at for Brad and Angelina.

Bad to the bone.

Modern slang has men and women looking for their ‘ride or die’ partner. Here we see Brad and Angelina looking like they are on set together at an action film. In reality Brad and Angelina will always look like they are on the set of some big blockbuster film. This photo shows just how cool Brad and Angelina were together and how they were the ultimate bad to the bone, ride or die Hollywood couple. In times of disaster don’t people say to begin investing in gold funds? We’re not sure that this romantic disaster applies.

Bad to the bone

Bad to the bone

Family from head to toe.

It can be difficult, verging on impossible, for a new husband to step into a relationship with a mother and her child. Brad, from day one, never shied away from doing his best to be a father to Angelina’s two adopted children, which came before he entered the scene. Here we see Brad and Angelina holding their adopted children while simultaneously looking good enough for a photoshoot right there. Forget it, their break up is a disaster — let’s look to buy gold investment portfolios immediately.

Family from head to toe

Family from head to toe


The million dollar twins.

When it rains, it pours — good or bad. Brad and Angelina had a beautiful pair of twins together to round out their current family. Brad and Angelina decided to sell the first photos of their twins to the highest bidding magazine and they ended up raising millions of dollars — all of which were promptly donated to the Jolie/Pitt Foundation in order to help those in need. Did we mention that we think it’s tragic that htey broke up? Sorry, we’re still grieving and no investment in gold is going to assuage this feeling.

The million dollar twins

The million dollar twins


Hollywood smiles.

Even when Brad looks homeless and Angelina is caught with her mouth open they still manage to look flawless. When you look for a romantic partner in life you have to find someone that can make you laugh and smile. Here it looks like Brad and Angelina have direct connections to one anothers’ sense of humor. Can you imagine being Brad or Angelina and looking at a picture like this while your divorce is played out on televisions across the country as well as throughout the internet?

Hollywood smiles

Hollywood smiles


A cute and happy family.

Here we see a much younger Angelina holding one of her young children almost a decade ago. Jolie looks almost like an average, every-day mother in this picture. You wouldn’t believe that this woman is one of the biggest female stars of all time, would you? We can only imagine that this baby bottle is made of pure silver or gold, or something. We know Jolie aint shopping for discount stuff.

A Cute and happy family

A Cute and happy family


A shoulder to lean on.

When times are tough you have to know that you can lean on the shoulder of your significant other. What most people don’t realize is that you need to be that shoulder to lean on even when the ‘tough times’ aren’t all that important: like when your spouse is just having a bad day. Here we see a long haired Brad holding an elegant Angelina Jolie at some sort of celebrity get together. Christopher Lee (RIP) seems to be lurking in the background so that would place this image at roughly three or four years old. What happened to pull these two apart? Is it permanent? We can’t tell but we don’t believe it, this is a strong and real bond — nothing Hollywood about it.

A Shoulder to lean on

A Shoulder to lean on


Love on the road.

When you are a celebrity you get the pressure and the convenience of having professional photographers document your entire life. On one hand it’s creepy and oppressive to always have to worry about photogs, even when you just want to go down the street for lunch. On the other hand, having the paps following you around means that you’ll catch these little moments of love and intimacy and be able to share them forever. Angelina is reaching out for Brad in this picture and we aren’t quite sure why it is all distorted.

Love on the road

Love on the road


Back on set.

We have to assume that this is a set photo for a commercial or an ad unless these two really do look perfect all of the time. Angelina looks vibrant with her radiant smile while Pitt is giving an honest grin, all the way to the eyes, while standing protectively close to Jolie. Having to think about your ex is tough, but having to re-watch old videos of you two together is even tougher and that is exactly what Brangelina is facing.

Back on set

Back on set


A growing family.

Many people don’t understand why Brad and Angelina decided to adopt so many children, but we get it. Growing your family is an important thing and giving a home to children in need the ultimate way to give back. Here we see Angelina pregnant and ready to pop as she and Brad get close to adding another face to their family. This older photo shows us everything that Brangelina could have been.

A Growing family

A Growing family


Young and in love.

Most people are in their ‘prime’ in their late ’20s and ’30s and Brad and Angelina were no different. This old photograph shows two young faced superstars sharing an intimate kiss in a very public location. Being able to knock your spouse back with a passionate kiss in slightly inappropriate settings is just another sign of true love. We’re jealous of the ‘prime’ that these two shared together.

Young and in love

Young and in love


Mr. and Miss Smith.

Ah, yes, the movie that started it all. Brad and Angelina ‘met’ on set of the beloved action film, Mr and Miss Smith and here we get to see a screenshot from it. Can you imagine having million dollar, blockbuster films made with one of your exes? Brad and Angelina don’t want to just forget this photo, they probably never want to see that movie again.

Mr and miss smith

Mr and miss smith


Out and about as a family.

When the Jolie-Pitt family goes out for even the shortest of walks, they do so in style. Angelina and Brad are literally incapable of looking like worn down parents and you can color us impressed. This great shot shows the whole family sporting a color coordinated ensemble.

Out and about as a family

Out and about as a family


Little Black Dress.

Somehow Brad looks fifty years old while Angelina looks like a fresh faced Hollywood starlet. The little black dress, or LBD, has always been a trademark outfit for Jolie and we can understand why! Brad here is sporting a fake dyed hairdo but that isn’t stopping him from admiring his wife’s amazing body This is apparently a shot from the premier for Mr. and Miss Smith, the film that created the chance for love between the two of them.

Little black dress

Little black dress


Making love look easy.

The stolen moments are always going to be the most telling when it comes to evaluating a relationship. This stolen little moment is literally framed by what appears to be a window curtain. This photographer managed to steal a shot showing Jolie and Pitt enjoying a quiet minute in between takes of Mr. and Miss Smith. Right here they are both probably dwelling on the future before them. At the time of this photo Pitt was taken and Jolie was coming off of a rocky marriage.

Making love look easy

Making love look easy


This is the tear jerker.

No matter how hardened you are at your ex, looking back at wedding photos that the two of you took together is always going to be hard. We bet that Brad can’t stand the idea of looking at this picture and we can’t blame him. Jolie looks serene and Pitt looks in love and 11 years later it may all be over.

This is the tear jerker

This is the tear jerker


Love as sweet as strawberries?

I know, it’s hard to love this endearing photo. While I initially thought that the red smudges seen on Angelina’s shirt was strawberry juice, but after seeing Mr. & Mrs. Smith and witnessing these two maneuver weapons so effortlessly, I’m not so sure those red marks are from strawberries. In any case, strawberries or not, these two look awfully good together when in a kitchen.




That Sparkle.

That look, that smile, those sparkling eyes. If Brad was standing next to me, looking damper as ever, I would be gazing right into his eyes as well, just as Angelina is doing. I mean look at the man, he’s flawless in that black tux!

Gazing Into Brads Eyes

Gazing Into Brads Eyes



Well isn’t this just precious, especially because it’s in black and white. Just from looking at the photo, I can feel the couples intimate connection. However, Brad’s stare looks slightly more intense then Angelina’s, he even has a slight lip curl going on. He’s still a stud though.

Heads Touching

Heads Touching


Casual chitchat.

Here it is. The infamous black and white “let’s act casual” while sitting on a bed photo. But of course, and who is surprised, that the dynamic duo looks more gorgeous then ever, even when they are just chitchatting. Also, look at how Angelina casually, but ever-so softly, has wrapped her arms around Brad’s body. Perfection.

Black And White

Black & White



Who doesn’t love getting that natural glow (and tan) from the sun? Sun-kissed and all smiles for Angelina and Brad, well maybe just sun-kissed for Brad. Either he has just sat down or is on his way out, but again Angelina’s beaming smile says it all.


Sun kissed


Jolie-Pitt Family Portrait.

From the clothes, to the smiles, to the head touching, to the people, I mean have you witnessed more happiness and joy coming from one photo? Truly a one-of-a-kind family, the Jolie-Pitt’s are. It’s an even extra special photo because it was taken the day Angelina and Brad tied the knot.

Family Portrait

Family Portrait


All Smiles & Laughter.

Maddox and Zahara Marley are having a silly time with mommy and daddy as they take a photo booth picture. This precious gem of a photo is most definitely “refrigerator” status. This along with the million other ‘too cute for words’ Jolie-Pitt family photographs.

Silly Kids Pic

Silly Kids


When nothing else matters.

When you’re the status of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, kissing in public is more then acceptable. These two clearly cannot keep their hands, or lips, off of each other. The room seems to be filled with people, who apparently can care less that two of Hollywood’s hottest celebs are in the room. But again, when you are Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, anything goes, kissing and all. In that very moment, nothing else mattered.

Dinner Kiss

Dinner Kiss


A cute moment.

Taking care of 6 children is probably very (very) exhausting, especially during Halloween (see pumpkin in back). Good thing Angelina has Brad to lean on during these tiring times. As stated during wedding vows, “To have and to hold.” Okay, I guess this wasn’t the best example considering the couples current status.

Fedora And Black Dress

Fedora And Black Dress


walking down the red carpet in style.

Of course they’re going to gracefully stroll down the red carpet, looking stylish as hell, acting like it’s no big deal. Okay yes, this isn’t their first rodeo but still, look at their naturalness. Plus, Brad totally pulls off wearing sunglasses when it’s nighttime (well I assume its the evening).

Red Carpet Walk

The Red Carpet


The wedding kiss.

As much as I want to feel the passion and love, we all know how it sadly ends. But, I am sure that in this very moment their love was so powerful and pure. I mean look at the way Brad is grabbing Angie’s face – not to hard and not to soft, just with the right amount of touch.

Wedding Kiss

Wedding Kiss



Young, beautiful, and totally smitten. (Young) Brand and Angie are radiantly glowing, don’t you think? Whether young or old, it’s no lie that these two just look awesome together. Not to mention their awesome outfit choices. If two people could pull off these clothes, it’s Brad and Angie.




Classic, but perfect.

If this isn’t a Kodak moment I don’t know what is. The pastel color scheme going on fits oh so perfectly with their gestures, smiles, and overall presence. I don’t know if the photograph told them to laugh, but to me it looks like pure genuine laughter. There is something about this photo that creates a soothing feel. Oh Angie and Brad, we miss the good ol’ days!




The warmth of a hug.

You can forget the hat and parka, these two have found their own way to keep each other warm. All you need to keep warm is a big smooch, a hug, and Brad Pitt by your side. With those 3 things in hand, your body will warm up in a heartbeat (it may also speed up your heartbeat as well, but that’s a different story).

Winter Kiss

Winter Kiss


When in doubt, laugh it out.

I love seeing photos of these two laughing together. Not only do their smiles light up a room, probably because of those pearly white teeth they have, but it seems infectious. Based off of the millions of paparazzi photos taken of them, these two really seem like they know how to have a good time. Not to mention that majority of their photos are taken in exotic locations. Just one example of these two living life, having fun.




Every story has an end.

“Every picture tells 1,000 words.” I don’t think this photo needs much description. The two look flawless, pure, gorgeous, and content. Let’s just leave it at that,,, for now.

The Best For Last

The Best For Last