15 Shocking Celebs Who Couldn’t Hide Their Smoking Habit

Published on January 17, 2018
Listen, we get it: smoking is bad for you. In fact, smoking is one of the leading causes of death in the world and not just because of its connection with cancer. Still, smokers are everywhere on this planet though they might not want you to know about it. Most people consider smoking slightly shameful and the following celebrities are no exception. Listed below are 15 celebrities who couldn’t quite hide their smoking habit!

Brad Pitt

Now that Angelina Jolie has left Brad Pitt in the dust we expect that the Hollywood hunk won’t be so keen on hiding his smoking habit anymore. Pitt has always been one of the ‘bad boys’ of Hollywood but he’s also always been one of the prettiest men, as well. We’re shocked to see Pitt smoking but we guess it’s just one of his things. Pitt can routinely be seen lighting up during long film days though you will never see him with a cig in his mouth while around his kids. There won’t be any drug rehab in the future of this well grounded superstar. Right now Pitt is busy with the future of his zombie franchise, World War Z.

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez is a TV regular thanks to her various hosting gigs on national television but she definitely doesn’t like being seen with a cigarette in her mouth. In fact, J-Lo so rarely is seen with a cigarette in her mouth that the pictures are quite rare and worth some money for the pap who captures it. Lopez no doubt wants to stop smoking but the TV/film world is tough and the schedules are hectic enough to make reaching for that cig stronger than those clever stop smoking methods. J-Lo is currently producing the TV series, World of Dance.

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez


Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz is one of Hollywood’s longer tenured female stars, having been the industry since the early ’90s. Diaz has made a name for herself as the sort of ‘every woman’ in Hollywood so you can tell why people were surprised to see her lighting up on the street. Diaz looks profoundly odd with a cigarette in her hand but we suppose it is better than needing alcohol treatment. Diaz has slowed down in a big way with her last meaningful work being in the film Annie alongside Jamie Foxx.

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz


Salma Hayek

There are just some stars that we can’t imagine smoking and Salma Hayek is one of them. Though Hayek doesn’t go out of her way to get caught smoking on camera, she still is rather reclusive in getting caught in the act. Hayak has been caught smoking on set often so perhaps it is just a stress related thing? We expect many actors take up stress related vices to get through the long film days. Smoking typically wears down your looks due to how it degrades your teeth and skin but Hayek is looking as good as she has ever looked. Right now Hayek is busy producing the hit Ugly Betty television show.

Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek


Sarah Jessica Parker

This 4x Golden Globe winning actress is known for a lot of things but smoking is not one of them. Sarah just looks weird with a cigarette in her hand. In any event, the smoking might pick up here in the future as Jessica Parker continues to have trouble staying busy in Hollywood. The award winning actress most recently starred in the Divorce TV series but has otherwise been pretty quiet in the film world. Is Hollywood growing tired of this Sex and the City star?

Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah Jessica Parker


Gwyneth Paltrow

Yes! Gwyneth Palrow makes our list much to the surprise of health nuts everywhere. While Paltrow plays level headed, intelligent babes in the movies she is known for her kooky committment (and beyond) to healthy living. Paltrow has adhered to crazy diets that most people don’t have the determination for and she looks as good as anyone on this planet. Still, Paltrow has her own health vice; cigarretes. SHe claims to only smoke one cigarette per day but we really don’t believe that.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow


Keira Knightley

Knightley was our first celebrity crush thanks to her work as Elizabeth Swann in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Unfortunately Knightley hasn’t gone on to become the ultimate superstar we predicted but she still looks prettier than ever. Knightley has gotten away from tentpole projects but she may have a career revitalizing role lined up as Catherine the Great in the film of the same name. Oh, yeah, smoking. Knightley has been known to unabashedly light up cigarettes pretty much whenever she wants. She also has a foul mouth so we suppose we aren’t that surprised after all.

Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley


Katy Perry

Any singer that dares to smoke deserves it when their voice starts to fail them. We were shocked to learn that our favorite popstar was a fairly regular smoker. How is she going to keep her crystal clear vocal range in tact while cigs are slowly wearing her down? Perry was recently caught inhaling cigarettes on the beach and let’s just say that it was not a flattering look. Hopefully, for the sake of pop radio, Perry can get ahold of her nicotine issue and get passed it.

Katy Perry

Katy Perry


Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes is the walking definition of ‘wholesome’. She’s a family first woman who looks like the ultimate girl next door: beyond beautiful but somehow still approachable. Things have calmed for Holmes following her high profile break up with superstar Tom Cruise so we can’t understand why she has been caught smoking. Perhaps Holmes isn’t quite the goody-two-shoes that we had built up in our heads.

Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes


Elijah Wood

Elijah Wood scored the iconic role of Frodo in the Lord of the RIngs franchise when he was still a teenager. Now, nearly 20 years later, Wood still looks exactly the same to the surprise of no one — he’s a walking Hobbit. Wood doesn’t smoke in public but he doesn’t hide the habit either.

Elijah Wood

Elijah Wood


Hayden Panettiere

Hayden Panettiere is a tiny human being married to a gigantic Russian boxer. The dichotomy between the two individuals is startling enough but what we can’t shake out of our heads is the image of Little Hayden smoking. Panettiere stole our hearts as a child star in Remember the Titans and now she is a Hollywood veteran and a mother to boot. Still, we somehow see Hayden as a child and her smoking makes us feel, well, wrong.

Hayden Panettiere

Hayden Panettiere


Katherine Heigl

Katherine Heigl, the star of the Judd Apatow hit Knocked Up, is someone who famously can’t quit smoking — but is always trying. Heigl famously told paparazzi to hold her to her New Years goal of quitting smoking. Let’s just say she quickly got tired of them pointing out her inability to quit.

Katherine Heigl

Katherine Heigl


Victoria Beckham

It’s gotta be hard quitting smoking when your husband sucks down cigarettes like they are going extinct. Husband David Beckham is a heavy smoker and it seems like he doesn’t try to keep his habit away from good ole Posh Spice. Beckham says that she has quit smoking but she is still caught with one in her mouth every once in awhile. Old habits die hard.

Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham


Gisele Bundchen

Most people are shocked when supermodels end up being smokers, but we aren’t. Smoking is a terrible way to lose weight but it is effective and most models are always trying to trim off a few pounds. Married to Hall of Famer Tom Brady, Bundchen is occasionally caught on camera sucking down a few cigarettes during her time out. We have never seen her smoking with Tom Brady in the room so we wonder if he is all on board with her nicotine habit!

Gisele Bundchen

Gisele Bundchen


The Olsen Twins

Our list ends with a pair of the cutest child actors to ever step foot in Hollywood. The Olsen Twins were Hollywood regulars thanks to their work on Full House. Nowadays Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen are focused entirely on their high fashion clothing line. We suppose being that close to fashion, and all of the models who smoke, has rubbed off on the normally wholesome Olsen twins. Mary-Kate and Ashley both have been caught smoking while out in public. Both Olsen twins are largely out of the acting world.

Olsen Twins

Olsen Twins