An Incredible Encounter
Some people are lucky enough to have incredible encounters. However, one diver was about to have the show of a lifetime thanks to a seal. The creature grabbed his hand and was about to show the diver there really is more to life under the sea.

An Incredible Encounter
Heading Down South
Gary Grayson is a 55-year-old diver from the U.K. Although he lives in Greater Manchester, Gary decided to take a diving holiday to the south coast of England. The group packed their bags and headed off to the Isles of Scilly. Little did they know they were about to witness an incredible sight.

Heading Down South
Hiding A Secret
On the outside, it seemed as though Gary was used to living a simple life. However, it turned out that this diver was hiding a huge secret from the rest of the world. It was only those on his social media that seemed to know Gary’s true self, and he loved to make everyone jealous.

Hiding A Secret
Chasing The High
It turned out that Gary was a huge adrenaline junkie. Yes, he would do anything from riding a motorbike to skydiving to feel the wind in his hair. It looked as though nothing was too much, but his true love was heading underwater to see what other creatures could be living beneath the deep.

Chasing The High
Creatures of the Deep
Thankfully, all his time underwater meant that Gary had seen some incredible creatures. However, he had also had some dangerous encounters with the greats of the deep. The diver had found himself up close and personal with a huge shark, but Gary was about to get closer to nature than he ever believed.

Creatures Of The Deep
Getting His Wish
The group looked around the Isles of Scilly, but there was only one thing that Gary wanted to do: get his diving gear and head out to the open water. The sea looked clear blue, and he was now desperate to see what lay beneath. The best bit? Gary always took his trusty camera, too.

Getting His Wish
Shapes In the Distance
Gary and his friend were finally able to head out for the dive. It wasn’t long into their adventure that his friend took the camera as they both noticed a group of seals swimming over to them. The creatures weren’t uncommon in the area, but their behavior was unlike anything they had seen.

Shapes In The Distance
Adapting To Home
Amazingly, there are 33 species of seal in the world, and they live all around the planet as they have adapted to the cold waters and often scarce food. Many seals can be seen along the British coastline. Thankfully, their thick layer of blubber means they are prepared for the freezing temperatures.

Adapting To Home
Venturing To Land
Although seals spend the majority of their time in water, they will often venture onto land throughout the year, such as breeding season. Here, the pups can 3 – 5 pounds a day thanks to the 50% fat milk produced by their moms. After all, they need to be strong for their return back to water.

Venturing To Land
Learning The Ropes
Usually, the pups live with their parents for weeks before venturing off on their own. In this time, their mom learns to recognize her young through their smell alone. However, the youngsters have a lot to learn. As well as knowing how to hunt, they also need to understand who is safe – and who isn’t.

Learning The Ropes
Underwater Playtime
Believe it or not, but seals are incredibly playful animals. They are often seen playing with one another as they dart around in the water practicing their hunting skills. In fact, their curious nature teamed with their love of fun has seen many people compare seals to dogs of the sea.

Underwater Playtime
A Secret Weapon
They might look cute, but seals have incredibly sharp teeth. After all, they are designed to eat around 5% of their body weight a day, so they need the strength to bite through octopus, fish, and even shellfish. Seals can also turn aggressive if they feel they are being threatened or they’re protecting their space.

A Secret Weapon
A Need For Speed
That’s not all. Seals are also incredibly fast swimmers who can cruise along at 4mph before racing at 23mph when they spot food. As of that wasn’t enough, their ability to dive hundreds of feet below the water teamed with the ability to hold their breath for 30 minutes makes them the ultimate predators.

A Need For Speed
An Amazing Opportunity
Gary had seen many seals in his years underwater and knew they could become aggressive if they were provoked. However, he didn’t want to miss the opportunity of a lifetime. The group of seals all began to head over in his direction. That’s when Gary’s friend grabbed the camera to record every moment.

An Amazing Opportunity
Venturing Closer
It didn’t take Gary and his friend long to notice that there were some youngsters in the group. It looked as though they had ventured over to see what was happening. Although they seemed friendly, the divers didn’t want to make any sudden movements in case the seals decided to turn against them.

Venturing Closer
Adapting To The Water
On land, seals are pretty clumsy creatures. They often bumble around but can easily adapt to spend time on land or ice. However, seals come to life in the sea where they are sleek and graceful. Gary and his friend knew they were lucky to get the opportunity to see them in their natural habitat.

Adapting To The Water
Up Close and Personal
This seal was different. Not only had it come over, but it was now rubbing its face on the diver’s mask. Although Gary felt relieved it hadn’t attacked, he was worried that the seal might be sizing him up. He might have been experienced, but Gary had never seen a seal behave like this.

Up Close And Personal
Wanting a Touch
It wasn’t long before Gary wanted to reach out and touch the seal, and he reached his hand forward as his friend continued to film. He just had to get closer. The seal suddenly moved, and the pair began to worry about what it could mean. Had they suddenly pushed the boundaries too far?

Wanting A Touch
A Swift Introduction
Amazingly, the seal had other plans. The pair hadn’t been introduced, and the seal soon grabbed Gary’s hand and began to shake it! Thankfully, his friend was right there to capture the entire thing. Things were about to get stranger, and now the other seals were beginning to gather around the divers.

A Swift Introduction
Acting Like A Dog
It wasn’t long before the seal was about to give Gary the chance to touch it just as he had so desperately wanted. In fact, the creature was now almost behaving like a dog! The seal rolled over and wanted Gary to act. Thankfully, he soon figured out what his new friend was up to.

Acting Like A Dog
Keeping It Happy
It turned out the seal wanted Gary to scratch its belly. The diver had never seen anything like it but knew that he had to oblige. Gary was amazed to see that every time he stopped showing the seal some love, it would tap him to tell him to continue. It was incredible.

Keeping It Happy
A Sudden Turn
Suddenly, things took a turn. The seal rolled over, and it was eying up Gary’s hand. The creatures have been known to bite through divers’ wetsuits and gloves with their sharp teeth. They were designed to eat tough food. Now, it looked as though the seal was about to use its secret weapon on Gary.

A Sudden Turn
Playing With Friends
The seal began to nibble on Gary’s hand gently. They really are the dogs of the sea! The seal didn’t want to hurt the diver but was trying to get Gary to play. It appeared as though the creature was intrigued by its underwater guests and wanted to make some new friends before they disappeared.

Playing With Friends
Another New Friend
Now, the entire group were swimming all around Gary and his friend. It was then that another youngster broke away and began to swim over to say “hello” to the visitors. Unfortunately, Gary was so busy with the other seal that he didn’t notice the new addition swimming at his legs at first.

Another New Friend
Time Stood Still
Gary and the seal continued to get closer until they were holding each others’ hands. It was as though time stood still for a moment in the sea as the two bonded. Although the seal probably wasn’t used to humans, it seemed as though it wanted nothing but to play with its new friend.

Time Stood Still
Leaving Them Stunned
Gary had been diving many times in his life, but this was unlike any other experience he had ever seen, let alone lived for himself. The best bit? His friend kept his cool as he filmed the entire thing. The group eventually swam away and left the two stunned divers staring off into the sea.

Leaving Them Stunned
Watching The Footage
Although the divers hoped the seals would return, they knew they had to return to the surface. At least up in the open, they could look at the footage. It hadn’t all been a dream – they really had just played with seals! Gary wanted to show the world the seal who wanted belly rubs.

Watching The Footage
Nothing Like It
It turned out that no one had ever seen anything like it before. Sure, many have seen seals playing with each other in the wild, but no one had seen one that wanted belly rubs from a strange diver. Gary soon learned that he really was lucky to have experienced such a moment.

Nothing Like It
A View Underwater
Amazingly, the video has now been viewed 15 million times. To top it off, it looks as though no one has a bad word to say. Although some viewers were sad to see the second seal never got to play, everyone is grateful they have been able to see the watery kingdom thanks to Gary.

A View Underwater
New Underwater Discoveries
It wasn’t long after his encounter with the seals that Gary got the chance to get up close and personal with a group of whitetip reef sharks. They may have only been small, but these sharks can be dangerous. They were all huddled together, and it looked as though Gary had stumbled upon a goldmine.

New Underwater Discoveries
Overwhelming Group
The sharks were all lying together, and their size suggested that they were all babies. However, Gary could still be overwhelmed by the group thanks to the number of them. Gary wasn’t worried. He was an expert under the sea and had his camera there to show the rest of the world what lies beneath.

Overwhelming Group
Keeping Their Distance
All of his dives means that Gary has been in many situations, but it seems as though his time with the Atlantic gray seals really was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Although half of the population of these seals are found in Britain, they never usually get this close. In fact, they’re pretty timid.

Keeping Their Distance
Life Underwater
The Atlantic gray seal is perfectly designed for the murky waters thanks to their large eyes. However, it’s their acute hearing that makes them such a force to be reckoned with. They can hear sounds for miles around, and the group probably would have been able to detect Gary long before they were spotted.

Life Underwater
Surrounded By Mysteries
Their diving equipment means that Gary and his friend would never have been able to hear the seal sneak up behind them. Who knows what other animals could have been lurking beneath the surface? Thankfully for the pair of divers, they bumped into some of the friendliest creatures in the water.

Surrounded By Mysteries
An Unforgettable Moment
Gary admits that many people have asked him why he enjoys diving so much, and the thrill seeker confesses it’s all for moments like his time with the seal. He has now been able to enjoy something that most of us will never experience thanks to entering the underwater world.

An Unforgettable Moment
Growing Close
It looked as though it wasn’t just Gary that had such a good time – the seal even appeared to be smiling in the footage. After all, the creature had just got the chance to interact with strange humans and hopefully learn that not everyone is as bad as we seem.

Growing Close
The Biggest Fan
Although many people love the video, it seems as though Gary will always be its biggest fan. Why? The diver confesses that he has the clip saved to his phone and has watched it every day since the moment back in 2014. It’s a feeling that doesn’t look set to disappear anytime soon.

The Biggest Fan