After Family Adopted A Dog, They Realized This Startling Fact

Published on July 22, 2019
Everyone knows that dogs are man’s best friend. Dogs show a level of loyalty to their humans that’s almost unparalleled to other animals. Many people seek this special bond that can be had with dogs. However, one family got more than they bargained for after they adopted a dog..

That’s A Really Big Dog

Su Yun, a native of Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China, adopted a Tibetan Mastiff puppy, but soon realized the dog was growing at an unbelievable rate. At just two years old, the pup grew to become 3 feet tall and 250 pounds! But the reason why will truly blow your mind…

That's A Really Big Dog

That’s A Really Big Dog

They Begged For A Puppy

Su, a hardworking mother, felt that her family was in need of a vacation. She never expected that this trip would end up bringing a new addition to their home. While traveling, they came upon a Tibetan Mastiff puppy for sale. Her children had been begging her for a dog, so this seemed like a perfect opportunity. They decided to take him home with them.

They Begged For A Puppy

They Begged For A Puppy


‘Little Black’ Joins The Family

As Su and her family brought their new puppy home, they were excited to come up with a name for him. They named him “Little Black,” which may sound a bit funny in English, but perfectly described the little fluff  ball in Chinese. They welcomed him into their home and were happy that he felt comfortable there.

'Little Black' Joins The Family

‘Little Black’ Joins The Family


A Big Eater

The little pup had a big appetite! Su and her family were relieved that he felt right at home and they were eager to see their puppy grow into a healthy and happy dog. They fed him two buckets of noodles and a box of fruit per day, and he ate every last bit. He began growing even within one month, gaining weight and size. The family was happy about their growing pet!

A Big Eater

A Big Eater


Not So Little Anymore

Not too long after, Little Big had grown dramatically in size, and Su began to become a bit suspicious. Her family didn’t seem to think this was a big deal, but after Su noticed that he would spend long periods of time standing on two legs, she began to have a strange feeling that something unusual was going on.

Not So Little Anymore

Not So Little Anymore


Growing Too Fast

Little Black seemed to always be so hungry, and Su happily fed him whenever he wanted. He loved eating noodles and fruits, which is quite the unusual diet for dogs, as most dogs can’t stomach large quantities of food. After two years of this, Su realized that their dog had become so large that it was starting to become a problem. While they loved their pet dearly, his size was a hazard, especially if they were unable to control him.

Growing Too Fast

Growing Too Fast


Some Strange Features

As time passed, Su began to notice some other features that set Little Black apart from other dogs. While she understood that he is a large dog and that means his teeth would be large as well, she was still concerned about it. She also noticed that more and more, Little Black was standing on his hind legs. This was something she had never seen other dogs do for such extended periods of time. She finally admitted to herself that he was most likely not an ordinary dog.

Some Strange Features

Some Strange Features


Quite Scared

Even though she loved him, Su was quite afraid of Little Black, who was not so little anymore. Other people started to grow frightened as well. The family noticed that he wasn’t barking but growling instead. The more Little Black began standing on two legs and growling, they became quite afraid of him. The more they thought about it, the more they realized that he was not resembling any kind of dog at all. It was so gradual that it took them some time to realize what was really going on.

Quite Scared

Quite Scared


Worst Fears Are True

Su realized that they had to do something about this. After they took him to a vet to get checked out, they were given the news that Little Black was not a dog, but was actually a bear! They were overwhelmed with emotions, ranging from confused to angry with the man who lied about selling them a dog! Su was nervous about her family’s safety, and made the difficult decision to call the local animal rescue squad and have experts handle this bizarre situation.

Worst Fears Are True

Worst Fears Are True


Local Authorities Step In

Shortly after speaking with their local authorities, Su found police from the Yilang County Forest Public Security Bureau at her home. Once they heard the news, they followed the necessary procedures to take care of the bear properly. Su admitted to the police that she was quite afraid of bears and that she honestly had no idea Little Black was a bear and she did not purposely break the law that prohibits domesticating wild animals.

Local Authorities Step In

Local Authorities Step In


Little Black, The Asiatic Bear

It turns out that Little Black was in fact and Asiatic Black Bear. Su and her family were completely shocked, they couldn’t believe they had spent years raising this bear as their pet dog! Their story received much media attention, including being covered in Business Insider as well as People Magazine.

Little Black, The Asiatic Bear

Little Black, The Asiatic Bear


National Geographic Took Notice

The family’s story was so fascinating that National Geographic even took notice. They shared the story of the family who thought they were adopting a dog actually ended up raising a young bear in their home. The magazine also reported that this kind of thing happens quite often. In some cases, some people who are actually trying to adopt exotic animals pretend that they are domestic animals in order to get away with it.

National Geographic Took Notice

National Geographic Took Notice


What Does That Mean?

So just what is an Asiatic Black Bear? This bear is also known as a Tibetan bear, moon bear, or Himalayan bear and is typically found in Southeast Asia and the Himalayas. The bears typically have black or brown coats with a thing line that resembles a crescent moon. These bears are quite well known in Japan, Singapore, Korea, and China, where it is believed that the bears’ internal organs are used for medicinal purposes.

What Does That Mean?

What Does That Mean?


How Did Su Find Him?

So just how did Su find Little Bear in a market? Well, it turns out that there are many “bear farms” in China that raise these bears specifically – and it is reported by IUCN that about 17,000 bears are raised in 70 different farms. Once Su realized the truth, she knew that despite the fact that the family had grown attached to him, they could not legally and morally keep the bear any longer.

How Did Su Find Him?

How Did Su Find Him?


Not The First Mix Up

Su was quite embarrassed by the whole ordeal. After all, for two years she truly believed Little Black was a dog. However, it seems as though this kind of mix up is quite common in China. The local authorities confirmed that this was just one of many of these types of cases, as the baby bears do resemble puppies at first and it was an understandable mistake.

Not The First Mix Up

Not The First Mix Up


What Local Authorities Said

Once the local authorities arrived, qualified experts and veterinarians examined Little Black. The police as well as the forest public security team found that he weight about 440 pounds and stood at just over three feet high! They also found that he was in perfect health and decided that they had to tranquilize him in orderly to safely transfer him to Yunnan Wildlife Rescue Center.

What Local Authorities Said

What Local Authorities Said


Their Simple Reminder

After this happened, the local authorities put out a warning in order to raise awareness about these kinds of things to try to avoid these mistakes again. They said: “The forest public security reminds the public that all animals belonging to the state to protect animals, whether hunting, killing, domestication, reproduction, sale, etc., need to obtain a permit before they can be implemented. Otherwise, it is illegal and the light will be made by the wildlife protection department. Administrative punishment may be a serious crime. At the same time, there are still major security risks.”

Their Simple Reminder

Their Simple Reminder


Still A Part Of The Family

Despite the truth, once Little Black was taken away, Su and her family admitted that they truly missed him. After all, he was a member of their family. She said: “Although I was a little afraid of the black bear, I have raised him for two years and have feelings. I know that after the black bear, I am afraid that if I am hurt, I will raise the broth and fruit every day.”

Still A Part Of The Family

Still A Part Of The Family


Easy To Mistake

Due to the fact that there are so many bear farms all over China, Asiatic Black Bears have become quite common around the country. Add that to the fact that the bear cubs look quite similar to dog puppies, and the fact that Su and her family mistook the bear for a dog doesn’t seem so outlandish after all. In fact, there have been several other cases with very similar stories.

Easy To Mistake

Easy To Mistake


A Similar Story

Several years earlier, a farmer in Yunnan, China found an abandoned little puppy around his neighborhood. He decided that he wanted to help the little animal and adopted him, naming him Scorpion. As the puppy grew, his appetite grew, and the farmer soon realized that he was not a dog but instead was a bear. After the local authorities were informed, Scorpion was taken away from the farmer.

A Similar Story

A Similar Story


A Small “Milk Dog”

Yet another farmer found what he believed to be a small “milk dog.” He adopted it and became quite attached to it. He let it sleep in his bed and shared his meals with it, but soon he noticed the dog seemed to keep on growing. He soon realized that it was in fact a black bear, and just like Little Black and Scorpion, the small “dog” was taken by local authorities to be cared for properly.

A Small "Milk Dog"

A Small “Milk Dog”


A Similar Case

While Su and Little Bear’s story ends sadly because they were separated, there are other extraordinary animal stories that are truly heartwarming. Take the incredible story of Milo the Dachshund and Bonedigger the lion for example. These two unlikely best friends truly show what caring about each other means.


A Special Bond


Met At The Park

Milo and Bonedigger met at the G.W. Exotic Animal Park located in Wynnewood, Oklahoma. While Milo isn’t an exotic animal, he became quite well known around the park for his unlikely friendship with Bonedigger. Both were raised by John Reinke, the park manager with an incredible story himself.

At The Park

Met At The Park


Mr. Reinke The Animal Whisperer

Reinke, who is a double amputee with two prosthetic legs, is truly passionate about animals and taking care of them. As someone who has experienced great difficulty, he specializes in helping animals with health issues. In return, the animals trust and love him, and they all enjoy spending quality time with one another.

Mr. Reinke The Animal Whisperer

Mr. Reinke The Animal Whisperer


Communication Between Species

Reinke explained that perhaps the most unique aspect of the lion and dog’s friendship was the fact that Milo and Bonedigger actively communicate with one another. If Bonedigger starts roaring, Milo doesn’t shrink away in fear but responds with huffing back at the lion, as if he’s telling him to calm down!

Communication Between Species

Communication Between Species


Dinner Is Served!

As Reinke reports, Bonedigger is very gentle with his little friend and is always careful to not hurt or injure the little dog. He even shares his meals with Milo and the mother dogs who live there! This is not the typical behavior for lions, who tend to be aggressive with their food, but Reinke says Bonedigger is happy to share his meal with his friends.

Dinner Is Served!

Dinner Is Served!


Their Friendship

Bonedigger and Milo’s unlikely friendship has caught the attention and captured the hearts of many visitors who come by the G.W. Exotic Animal Park. They snuggle and play fight, share meals, and even take naps together, all the while not caring that they come from two completely different species. However, their lives weren’t always so happy. Their difficulties brought them together…

Their Friendship

Their Friendship


The Sad Part

Sadly, Bonedigger is a very sick lion. Even while his health is ailing him, he still plays with Milo and spends time with his best friend. Meanwhile, Milo steps up and supports his best friend by being there for him and spending time with the sick lion.

The Sad Part

The Sad Part


His Struggle

Sadly, Bonedigger suffers from a metabolic bone disease that affects him on a regular basis, leaving him riddled with pain and is often left exhausted. Whenever this happens, Milo is always there by his side to help lift the lion’s spirits. But there is also something unusual and special about Milo…

His Struggle

His Struggle


Taming The Lion

When you see Reinke with Bonedigger, you may mistakenly think that he is a professional lion tamer. Reinke doesn’t fear Bonedigger at all, which is quite unusual. Even though he isn’t an actual lion tamer, Reinke’s bond with Bonedigger allows him to get up close and personal with Bonedigger, and the two can often be seen sprawled together around the park.

Taming The Lion

Taming The Lion


Their Strong Bond

The reason why Bonedigger trusts his human pal Reinke so much is due to the fact that Reinke has been feeding Bonedigger since he was just a lion cub. From early on, Reinke took care of him and fed him, leading to a special bond between the two. Bonedigger even listens to Reinke with several commands he’s taught the lion.

Their Strong Bond

Their Strong Bond


Tony The Tiger

While Bonedigger has plenty of moral support from Milo and Reinke, he has another friend around the park. His name is Tony, and he is a tiger! However, unlike Bonedigger, Tony is a perfectly healthy tiger and is lucky to not have to deal with any health problems. Bonedigger and Tony also grew up together and have formed a bond.

Tony The Tiger

Tony The Tiger


Mr. Reinke’s Felines

It’s clear that Reinke is fearless when it comes to animals, as he has no problem at all spending time with lions and tigers, getting up close to them and even snuggling with them! It’s truly amazing how humans can form special bonds with what are considered the most ferocious animals in nature. However, it seems like Reinke is truly in his element when he’s with the animals.

Mr. Reinke's Felines

Mr. Reinke’s Felines


Tippy The Cub

The park is ever expanding, and recently Tony, Bonedigger, and Milo were joined by a brand new baby tiger named Tippy. Tippy is one of several baby tigers who were brought in. You might be wondering just how Reinke manages all these animals on his own. However, he is not alone in taking care of the animals…

Tippy The Cub

Tippy The Cub


Tippy’s Little Brother

Along with baby cub Tippy came his brother Orlando. The two tiger babies have a typical sibling relationship, playing around with one another and fighting from time to time. Reinke hopes that the two will form friendships with the other animals at the park as well.

Tippy's Little Brother

Tippy’s Little Brother


Mrs. Reinke

As we mentioned earlier, Mr. Reinke is not on his own with all of these animals. His wife, Kristi, is just as passionate about raising the wild animals and caring for them. She happily helps her husband feed and train the animals, as it would be quite a difficult task to take on by himself. However, the felines are not their only pets…

Mrs. Reinke

Mrs. Reinke


True Animal Lovers

In addition to the felines and dogs, the Reinkes also take care of several monkeys! This is truly an animal loving pair, as they selflessly take care of so many animals without thinking twice about it. Luckily, they don’t keep the joy of these animals just to themselves, but share the fun with other members of their family…

True Animal Lovers

True Animal Lovers


Their Nephews

Mr. Reinke could probably be voted one of the world’s coolest uncles. How many people can say their uncle lets them play with baby tigers and lions? We think it’s a pretty unique experience. Their nephews learn valuable lessons about responsibility and caring for others while helping their aunt and uncle take care of the animals.

Their Nephews

Their Nephews


Selfies With The Animals!

In addition to playing with the animals, the Reinkes’ nephews also get to take some pretty cool selfies featuring the animals! Tippy and Orlando seem to love the cameras and enjoy getting their photos taken! We’d say these are pretty unique Instagram photos that not everyone gets to take.

Selfies With The Animals!

Selfies With The Animals!


Playful Brothers

We can see just how adorable the baby tiger brothers are with one another. Tippy definitely doesn’t let Orlando forget that he is the big brother, as we can see in the photo! He playfully teases his baby brother just as any brothers do. Soon once they’ve grown up, they’ll join the older animals, Bonedigger and Tony.

Playful Brothers

Playful Brothers


Just Living Life

Life at the animal park seems quite incredible. Bonedigger and Milo continue their incredible friendship and the Reinkes continue too care for all of the different animals that live there. Who would think that so many different kinds of creatures could live so happily and harmoniously with one another? It’s truly heartwarming to see.

Just Living Life

Just Living Life