The Blonde Stereotype
While we all try to stay away from stereotypes, this woman is making it a lot harder to do. We all know the old adage of blondes not being the most intelligent, but when someone who has blonde hair wears a shirt that says “I love collage” instead of “college,” there’s really not a lot you can say to defend it. We hope that after she finishes college she’ll be able to spell it.
Looking Fat
At first glance, you might think that this girl’s shirt says “does this make me look fat?” but upon further expression, it actually says “do I make you look fat?” which is a totally different message. It shows that she’s a very confident woman that’s not afraid to say it. Hopefully the shirt doesn’t offend any potential suiters and push them away.
Summing it Up
We’re not sure why this man chose this shirt when he got up that morning, but we’re pretty sure that he couldn’t have known how this day was going to go when he put it on. That is unless he knew he would be committing a crime that would potentially get him arrested. Whatever the situation, it’s hilarious that his shirt is explaining the real life situation he’s in.
Lick Lick
The Rolling Stones are a great band with music that has spoken to people for decades. Their recognizable t-shirts with the famous lips and tongue is iconic. However, in this photo, the placement of the logo on the t-shirt is just a little bit unfortunate. We hope that these two will think it’s funny, and we’re sure that Mick Jagger would be quite pleased with the final photo.
Respect Bieber
When Justin Bieber took over the pop world, it’s safe to say that the majority of his fans were young women. While we’re not sure if these boys were being sincere with these t-shirts that say “real men respect Bieber” or they were doing it to get in the good graces of the young women in the audience, it’s still a pretty original idea to make these shirts.
Give It A Try
We don’t really know why this woman decided to purchase and wear this t-shirt, as we’re sure that if a stranger went up to her to “slide to unlock,” it would certainly not be okay. We think that the swiping should be kept to dating apps and phone screens and not t-shirts.
A Confident Man
This guy is certainly a confident one, and we truly admire that. Instead of getting down on himself, he’s decided to wear a shirt that says “don’t worry ladies, there’s plenty to go around,” which is funny enough to actually might even work. Confidence is a very attractive quality and should not be overlooked.
Take A Bite
When this woman put on her Marilyn Monroe t-shirt that day, she couldn’t have known that it will create an awkward photo situation later on. Unfortunately, at this angle, it looks like Ms. Monroe is taking a giant bite of the woman in the turquoise dress, and it truly doesn’t leave anything to the imagination. We hope that these women thought this is funny and weren’t too disappointed.
What’s Going on Here?
Listen, sometimes the references on t-shirts are lost on people. We can’t all understand every single thing that is written on shirts, which is fair enough. However, in this situation, we think that this shirt is not really referencing anything and is simply just a random jumble of words that don’t really make a lot of sense.
What Is She Implying?
If you’ve ever been to the state of Florida, then you’ll have noticed that there are not a lot of mountains and that the roads are all pretty flat. However, if you’ve never been to Florida, you might not have known that fact, which is why we’re assuming this woman is wearing this shirt and helping people understand the topography of Florida.
Creating Awareness
While eating disorders are quite serious and should generally not be joked about, perhaps this guy is using humor to help him through his own eating disorder. Maybe he did indeed overcome anorexia and he is celebrating this fact. However, overeating is just as much of a problem as under-eating, and raising awareness on all eating disorders is very important.
Sending Messages
Perhaps this guy thought that by wearing this shirt, women would believe its message and work as a sort of subliminal message. However, this woman doesn’t seem so excited to be seated next to him. Maybe she’s just offended by his shirt, or maybe she was just surprised that a photo was being snapped of them in that moment.
A Disaster
Alright, so this is a tricky one. While we can all appreciate a good joke, we truly hope that this woman’s t-shirt’s message is not sincere, as inviting people to kiss her before her boyfriend comes back is not exactly great form. Perhaps she doesn’t actually have a boyfriend and it’s just a clever way to call attention to herself. Hopefully it’s the latter rather than the former, otherwise we feel bad for the boyfriend…
Oh No
If you look carefully, you’ll notice that this t-shirt doesn’t actually say “clap your hands,” but it actually reads “crap your hands,” which is a very different message. We hope that nobody takes these instructions clearly, since we really don’t want to see the outcome of that. We’re not really sure why you need a shirt that says “clap your hands” in any case.
So Close
Perhaps this woman is a big fan of the Almost Famous movie, but if she is truly letting us know that she is almost famous, clearly she’s not famous enough because we can’t think of why she might be well known or not. Maybe she just wants people to ask her why she’s famous in hopes of that being the method of her getting famous.
Alright, while this woman might have thought that this t-shirt is funny (and we admit that on some level it is), if the message is serious, then we’d suggest that anyone that comes in contact with her runs the other way. You certainly don’t want to be stuck behind her in the grocery store’s line…
Honesty Is The Best Policy
This guy’s t-shirt shows a level of self-awareness that is seriously impressive. It’s good that he’s signaling this to others, and hopefully this woman is making the choice to follow the instructions. The one thing we want to make clear is that everything is fine as long as everyone is consenting.
A Brutal Message
While you might think that people will poke fun at this grandpa for wearing a neon pink shirt, take a second to actually read the message on it. It says: “don’t laugh, it’s your girlfriend’s shirt.” Well, touche Sir. This man is actually a brutal savage, and good for him for having such a great sense of humor.
Not Thinking Straight
We wish there was some sort of clear explanation for what’s going on here on this t-shirt, but unfortunately there is not. The only thing that could possibly be is that the person typing out the message on the shirt was so hungry that they couldn’t spell or get a clear message across. We always suggest eating a good meal before sitting down to work.
An Honest Statement
Sometimes, being honest is the funniest thing you can do. While we’re sure this boy didn’t plan to hurt himself when he put this t-shirt on that day, but he knows that he does dumb things, and so it wasn’t a big surprise when he ended up in the emergency room. At least there was a warning.
The Ideal World
If we could all get our way, then we wouldn’t need to work for money. Actually, we wouldn’t need money at all. This is the sentiment behind this t-shirt, which says “I don’t need money, money needs me.” We’re not really sure how money could need anyone, but hey, we are willing to try to find out.
It is recommended to work out on a regular basis in order to maintain your health, and it is important to stay hydrated in general and especially if you’re working out. Now, typically drinking and going to the gym is not recommended to do at the same time, but we do think that balancing a healthy lifestyle with an occasional drink is a great way to enjoy life while staying fit.
A Man With Standards
We always love a bit that involves people being self-aware and indulging in a bit of self-deprecation. We hope that this is what’s going on here, otherwise someone should tell this guy that he is perhaps setting his standards a bit too high. If he’s being serious, it might be a lonely life of cooking greasy food.
Not Quite Right
While we’re sure the people who created this shirt had the best intention of teaching people geography, we regret to inform them that they have completely missed the mark with this one. That is, unless we missed the memo that Africa and Asia have swapped names…which is pretty unlikely, so it’s probably best to avoid buying this shirt unless you’re being ironic.
An Inappropriate Outfit
While planning a trip to a Disney park, you might have to take a few minutes to think about what your outfit will be. This guy threw on his Deadmau5 shirt, and for those who don’t know, the pronunciation of the band’s name is “dead mouse,” which is definitely not good news for Minnie Mouse. Hopefully she accepted his apology.
Stupid More
The most ironic part of this shirt is that while it was trying to encourage people to think and stay smart, the way it is written is so badly done that it ended up sounding completely stupid. Maybe the person who wrote this t-shirt’s motto should actually try “thinking more.”
All Their Fault
Once again, we hope that this guy is wearing this shirt ironically and is engaging in some self-deprecation, which is actually quite an attractive quality in a person. However, if he means this seriously, then we think we have a good idea about why he is still a bachelor.
Truthful Or Dare
Anyone who has been to a public pool has at one point or another wondered just how clean the water is, and whether the chlorine is truly powerful enough to keep everything sanitary. Then someone like this comes along, and makes it even harder to trust public pools. We hope that this guy’s shirt is merely a joke and not a confession.
While we totally agree with the sentiment of this woman’s shirt and working hard usually have a good outcome, we can’t help but wonder what is possibly going on here. The fact is, she is somewhere in a city with what looks like some sort of chicken or other type of bird.
Thinking Positively
While the message on this shirt says “think safety,” which is absolutely a message we agree with, we can’t ignore the fact that the man wearing this shirt with a good message is not following his own advice. It is definitely not safe at all to sit in the bed of a pickup truck, so definitely do not do this.
A Stylish Man
We really admire this man who not only is confident enough to do his own thing and wear exactly what he wants without caring what others think, sporting the haircut he likes, and also learning the popular slang of the day. This is what staying true to yourself looks like, and we salute him.
The Perfect Moment
Once again we have a situation where someone’s t-shirt is perfectly explaining the crazy real life situation they’ve found themselves in. This guy couldn’t have known exactly what would happen on their boat trip on this day, but perhaps he knows that he and his friend always end up in sticky situations, so in a way, it was like he kind of knew what was going to happen.
An Unfortunate Design
You might notice that the logo on this t-shirt greatly resembles that of Chevon, the gas and fuel company, if you take a closer look, you’ll see that it says “I have gas” on it. While we hope that he is just trying to advertise his own competing gas company, we think that he is perhaps referring to another type of gas that will definitely not help you fuel your car. We advise getting back in your car and driving far away from him, just in case his message is true.
Addressing The Haters
Just because you’re not young, it doesn’t mean you can’t stay hip and in with the youthful lingo. This guy is not only in on the most up to date slang, he truly believes in his message. This guy is not letting anyone get in his way, and he’s even greeting his haters confidently.
Fake Fans
Any real fan of Nirvana will absolutely cringe at the sight of this t-shirt. If you’re not sure what’s going on here, we’ll let you in on what the problem is. The band pictured here is not actually Nirvana, but pop boy band Hanson. Any rock music fan will appreciate just how much of a sin the mistake on this t-shirt is. However, we think that rock fans with a good sense of humor might like wearing this ironically.
Have You Seen Rita?
This has got to be the cutest coordinated t-shirt situation. Rita and her husband have been married for years, and since Rita knows her husband tends to wander off, she decided to have these custom t-shirts made for them. Rita knows that this is a good way to keep track of her husband in case he gets lost.
A Powerful Message
One benefit of weighing a bit more is the fact that is pointed out on this t-shirt: “fat people are hard to kidnap.” This is definitely true, and hopefully this silly message lets people know that it’s really okay to enjoy that ice cream or extra piece of cake, it might help save you from being kidnapped one day!
Hi And Bye
This shirt is absolutely amazing, especially since this man seems to have cropped it themselves. This guy’s message is clear: once he spots a hater, they’ll get a quick greeting and shortly after, they’ll get a goodbye. This is certainly the most polite way to shut down your haters.
Not Knowing
We’re not sure if the phrase on this shirt is sincere or just a joke, but if someone is at the point where they can’t form sentences anymore, then it is certainly time to leave the bar and go home. Anyone who is at this level should absolutely find a safe ride home and not drive themselves.
All Fun and Games
This guy’s shirt says “it’s all fun and games until the cops show up,” which is amazing since apparently the cops did show up, and this is the shirt he has to wear while posing for his mugshot. Perhaps he is realizing how ironic the situation is and that explains why he looks so annoyed in the photo.