Brave Hedgehog and Adorable Fox Eat Dinner Together Each Night

Published on September 21, 2020
Americans rarely see foxes, as they are rare in the United States. However, England has plenty of them. Because people build their homes next to the forests in the area, foxes are put out and have nowhere to go. That means they started going to the city to visit people. It’s almost common for every homeowner near the woods to see a fox in their backyard. Though this sounds incredible and nearly impossible, it’s true! In fact, foxes can befriend humans. While that sounds crazy, it gets even weirder. Some foxes might even share the food their human friends offer with another adorable animal species!

Foxes In England

As we previously talked about, it is not uncommon to see a fox running along the street in England. The English have gotten quite used to it, especially at night. Having a fox dig a hole in the backyard or jumping into it is normal. Most are shocked to see that these animals are friendly, though!

England Foxes

Foxes In England

Tasty Treats

Since these people must live so close to the foxes, it is only natural that they want to feed them. Wildlife officials have actually said it’s good to feed foxes because they can no longer hunt for themselves. Without the food, they might die.

Tasty Treats

Tasty Treats


Can’t Get Their Own Food

These poor foxes can’t get their own food because there have been many houses built near to the forest. Since there are fewer things the foxes can eat because there is less land for them to roam, they have to get food elsewhere.

Can't Get Their Own Food

Can’t Get Their Own Food


Who Can Help

Where do these amazing pictures come from? Well, many people in England have had such a problem with foxes popping in for a late-night snack. However, only one person decided to capture the amazing creature on camera in a way never before seen.

Who Can Help

Who Can Help


Lucy Goacher Is Her Name

Lucy Goacher lives in England and is visited by a few foxes each night. She is the one who took these amazing pictures. The foxes choose to visit her because she gives them food. Of course, Lucy feels bad for them.

Lucy Goacher Is Her Name

Lucy Goacher Is Her Name


Don’t Go Hungry

Since these poor creatures can’t feed themselves as easily, they could starve. No one wants to go hungry, and Lucy decided long ago that she wasn’t going to let them be hungry when she had extra food to give away.

Don't Go Hungry

Don’t Go Hungry


Gentle Creatures

Lucy says that most people think foxes have a very bad reputation. However, they’re very gentle animals. They don’t try to attack humans. All they want is to eat the food and then go back to their homes in the woods.

Gentle Creatures

Gentle Creatures


Where’s the Food

In fact, Lucy had been feeding her fox friends for a long time. One day, she accidentally forgot to put the food in the bowls that she left outside for them. Of course, the foxes noticed this immediately and did something that shocked her and everyone she told!

Where's The Food

Where’s The Food


Excuse Me, Please

Since the foxes got used to being fed at the same place every night, they were confused when that didn’t happen. One of them decided to be forward and tapped on her back door when it was discovered that there was no food. Isn’t that amazing and crazy at the same time?

Excuse Me, Please

Excuse Me, Please


I’m Just Hungry

That’s not all, though. Lucy tells this story a lot because of what it shows others about foxes. They are seen as cunning in various cartoons, but they are just like people. They need a little attention, love, and some yummy food.

I'm Just Hungry

I’m Just Hungry


A Crazy Situation

Because the fox tapped on Lucy’s door, it means it was smart enough to realize they had to tell Lucy there was a problem. They told her they were hungry and that she had forgotten the food! Isn’t this uncanny?

A Crazy Situation

A Crazy Situation


The Group of Friends

How might you react if you saw a fox in the backyard, just sitting there patiently waiting to be fed? You may think you were dreaming! However, this is a common occurrence at Lucy’s house, though she rarely forgets to feed her new friends.

The Group Of Friends

The Group Of Friends


Howdy, Friend

Of course, word got out that Lucy was a friend to all foxes. She sometimes wonders if they talk about the nice human that leaves food out for them. Whether the foxes know how to communicate or not, it didn’t take long for other animals to get wind of the windfall.

Howdy, Friend

Howdy, Friend


Everyone’s Hungry

Soon, Lucy started getting new visitors to her backdoor every night. Of course, the foxes were exciting enough, but one species of adorable animal decided that it needed some help getting food, too. You might say Lucy’s backyard is the hottest place to grab some grub…if you’re an animal!

Everyone's Hungry

Everyone’s Hungry


It’s Me, Mr. Hedgehog

Which animal decided to join the ranks of the fox? This adorable little hedgehog heard about the saint Lucy, who fed the animals that had been displaced by development. Since she was offering the free food, he decided he might pay her a visit, too.

It's Me, Mr. Hedgehog

It’s Me, Mr. Hedgehog


What Happens at Lucy’s…

Lucy just couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw this tiny little hedgehog trying to reach into a bowl and get some tasty dinner. She started snapping pictures like crazy. Of course, you might do the same when it just falls into your lap.

What Happens At Lucy's...

What Happens At Lucy’s…


Are We All Friends Here

She started wondering about the little hedgehog. Were they all friends? Lucy was quite confused. Of course, she didn’t know much about foxes or hedgehogs and thought it might be a good idea to learn about them. What happened next was shocking!

Are We All Friends Here

Are We All Friends Here


Just Can’t Wait

At first, this small hedgehog was too afraid to come and eat at the bowl because the big foxes were there. Still, Lucy could tell he was hungry, and it didn’t take long before he overcame his fear and worry.

Just Can't Wait

Just Can’t Wait


I’m Going In

All at once, the hedgehog mustered up all the courage it had and started coming early to eat before the foxes got there! He didn’t quite make it in time, and the foxes popped in, right on time. Lucy worried and wondered, holding her breath.

I'm Going In

I’m Going In


Being Patient

What happened next is almost impossible to believe. Instead of pushing the hedgehog out of the way, you can see the fox waiting its turn to eat from the bowls of tastiness. Isn’t it crazy that a large fox might wait for a small hedgehog? That’s not all, though!

Being Patient

Being Patient


It’s Hard Being a Hedgehog

Of course, this little fella was exceptionally hungry. It took quite a lengthy and extensive time for him to finish his meal, but the fox never got any closer. We wonder how tiring it really is to run around the forest all day since this little guy was so hungry.

It's Hard Being A Hedgehog

It’s Hard Being A Hedgehog


Too Much Food

You’ve got to stop and wonder how Lucy feels about feeding so many wild animals. It is nice of her to give them all dinner, but it must take a toll on her grocery bill each month, right? We think so!

Too Much Food

Too Much Food


It’s a Blessing

Actually, Lucy doesn’t mind feeding the animals because they don’t eat that much. In fact, it’s almost like feeding a few stray dogs or a cat. Of course, these animals eat almost anything she puts out, so they aren’t picky.

It's A Blessing

It’s A Blessing


So Tiny

What worried Lucy the most is the little hedgehog. She enjoys having him around the house, but wondered whether the foxes could get angry or attack him. There is no way that this little guy could defend himself from the foxes. However, she didn’t have to worry.

So Tiny

So Tiny


Uh-Oh, Trouble’s Brewing

Once, she was watching the animals eating. The foxes were waiting for their turn until the hedgehog got done. However, one fox got too hungry to wait anymore. Of course, Lucy tensed up immediately and wondered if this was the end of her little hedgehog friend.

Uh Oh, Trouble's Brewing

Uh Oh, Trouble’s Brewing


When You’re the Best of Friends

Little did she know that there wasn’t going to be a showdown between the tall fox and the small hedgehog. Just the opposite happened, actually. The fox didn’t want to fight; she just wanted to make a new friend with the hedgehog.

When You're The Best Of Friends

When You’re The Best Of Friends


I Just Want to Get to Know You

Foxes are naturally curious. As you can see from the picture, this adorable fox wanted to get to know the hedgehog better. Don’t you wonder how the tiny hedgehog reacted when the fox got closer and closer? Keep reading to find out!

I Just Want To Get To Know You

I Just Want To Get To Know You


Odd Couple

It’s only natural to think that a fox and hedgehog might not be the best of friends. One is so much bigger and could do significant harm to a small animal. Foxes are known to harm animals when they are hungry.

Odd Couple

Odd Couple


What Could Possibly Go Wrong

What could have quite possibly been going on in that hedgehog’s mind? Did he worry that he was going to get eaten or hurt? He didn’t seem to notice the fox at first but soon realized that he wasn’t alone at the food bowl. What happened next?

What Could Possibly Go Wrong

What Could Possibly Go Wrong


They Get Along

As unbelievable as it might seem, these two wild animals got along great! Lucy breathed a sigh of relief and marvels now at how the two species became such great friends. In fact, they started eating at the same time each night. But what about the other foxes?

They Get Along

They Get Along


The Other Foxes

You may think that the other foxes might decide they didn’t want to wait their turn, but they never came forward. The other foxes always waited patiently in the background while the hedgehog and fox ate their meal together.

The Other Foxes

The Other Foxes


It Works for Everyone

Lucy marvels at how such a friendship is beneficial to them both. The hedgehog no longer has to be scared of the foxes because her fox friend protects him all the time. With that, the fox gets to eat his meal whenever he wants without having to wait.

It Works For Everyone

It Works For Everyone


Simple Act of Kindness

Still, that’s not the most amazing part of the story. In fact, if it weren’t for Lucy, this unexpected friendship could never have happened. It all started with a simple act of kindness on her part, and she gets excited even now when thinking about it.

Simple Act Of Kindness

Simple Act Of Kindness


One Nice Gesture for Friendship

Lucy decided one day to give out some free food to the wild animals in her neighborhood. She didn’t do it for fame or fortune, just to be nice. However, from that, she has seen an incredible friendship unfold between the fox and hedgehog.

One Nice Gesture For Friendship

One Nice Gesture For Friendship


What About Us

You might be wondering about the other foxes. Do they get to eat…ever? We aren’t sure why these foxes never pushed forward. Maybe the first fox was the leader. It doesn’t really matter because the fox and hedgehog weren’t greedy.

What About Us

What About Us


We Always Share

Though the other foxes were left out of the friendship, they may have been too scared or shy. We can’t ask them. Still, these two best friends always ensure that there is food left for the other foxes to share when they are done.

We Always Share

We Always Share


The Sausage Story

Lucy has experimented with giving the animals different foods. At first, she gave the foxes sausages, but they just grabbed them and ran away. It’s quite comical, but Lucy wanted to watch them eat. That way, she was sure that they were the ones getting the food since they did the work.

The Sausage Story

The Sausage Story


They Call Me Miss Fox

Since it was foxes at first, Lucy had bowls made that said, Miss Fox. However, that didn’t stop the hedgehog from eating his fill. He never cares, maybe because he obviously can’t read! Regardless, he gobbles up what he wants from the fox’s bowl.

They Call Me Miss Fox

They Call Me Miss Fox


The Friendliest Hedgehog

Of course, the foxes and hedgehog all enjoy their meal. What they eat doesn’t seem as important as who they meet on the journey. It’s become a routine for them all, but the little hedgehog is a social butterfly, befriending others.

The Friendliest Hedgehog

The Friendliest Hedgehog


The Cat and the Fox

As the friendliest and most fearless animal ever, this little hedgehog has become friends with a fox and is now getting on nicely with Lucy’s pet cat. It just goes to show that it’s possible to be friends with anyone if you take a chance!

The Cat And The Fox

The Cat And The Fox


Good Friends?

We’re often used to the idea that varying species of animals do not get along, perhaps most famously that mice and cats or cats and dogs do not like one another. Maybe it’s because of cartoons like Tom & Jerry, but the face of the matter is, that is really not always the case.

Good Friends?

Good Friends?


Living In Harmony

Here’s the story of Hessel and Hannes who overcame their differences and the stereotypes and lived alongside one another. Professional photographer Bert Jonkhans captured their moving story in a photo series that is heartbreakingly adorable.

Living In Harmony

Living In Harmony


Hessel and Hannes

Speaking to, Bert shared their story and how the two formed such a beautiful friendship. Labrador Retriever Hessel and Hannes the cat live together with their family in the Netherlands.

Hessel And Hannes

Hessel And Hannes


Used To It

Bert shared: “We got Hannes as a kitten when Hessel was 1 years old. The family where Hannes was born also had a dog. So Hannes was already used to dogs when he came to live with us.”

Used To It

Used To It


Weary At First

Hessel was not quite used to the idea when Hannes first showed up. In fact, Bert said that: “Hessel wasn’t fond of cats; like a characteristic dog, he thought cats were for chasing.”

Weary At First

Weary At First


A New Life

Bert continued: “Then Hannes came into his life; a curious little kitten, who followed him everywhere in the house, slept on his bed and ate from his food bowl.” Slowly, Hessel began to get used to life with Hannes around the house.

A New Life

A New Life


Accepting Hannes

Despite the initial expectation that he would not be happy with the added furry sibling, Hassel had a wonderful response to Hannes. Bert said: “From day one Hessel accepted Hannes completely, being the silly, sweet dog he is.”

Accepting Hannes

Accepting Hannes


The Gentle Giant

Like many dogs, sometimes Hessel doesn’t realize his own strength or size. As Bert says: “A real Labrador, Hessel can be boorish, so he didn’t understand his body is too heavy for lying on top of the cat. But Hessel always approaches Hannes calmly.”

The Gentle Giant

The Gentle Giant


Fiesty Kitty

Meanwhile, Hannes is not afraid to show that he can keep up, despite his smaller stature. According to Bert: “On the other hand, Hannes loves attacking Hessel. Especially when Hessel is asleep, or just walking by.”

Fiesty Kitty

Fiesty Kitty


Hannes’ Antics

Hannes loves messing around and having some fun with Hessel. Bert shared: “For example Hannes is sitting on the back of the couch, Hessel walks by and Hannes is giving him a whack on his buttocks. Then he immediately runs away, hoping Hessel will come after him.”

Hannes' Antics

Hannes’ Antics


Where’s Hannes?

Bert also shared that “…they also love to sleep together. In the beginning we sometimes couldn’t find the cat. We looked everywhere and would find a little cat tail under the dog.” How absolutely adorable is that?

Where's Hannes?

Where’s Hannes?


Is That Comfortable?

Some might wonder how this could possibly be comfortable for Hannes. But don’t worry! Bert says that “Lying with the dog is, of course, a very warm place for a cat, he doesn’t mind the dog being all over him.”

Is That Comfortable?

Is That Comfortable?


Growing Together

As the time passed and years went on, the two grew to live life living together in harmony. Bert shared: “They are calmer now that they are older. So the playing and attacking from Hannes has lessened.”

Growing Together

Growing Together


Who’s The Boss

A lot of people ask if there is a dominant one with the two friends. So what’s the answer? Bert said: “Over the years they still are the best friends, Hannes is the boss though.” It just goes to show that no matter how small you are, you can still be in charge.

Who's The Boss

Who’s The Boss


Their Habits

Not that Hannes and Hessel are older and calmer, their antics have since calmed down as well. Though they still play together, it is not as hectic as it was at first. Bert said: “Most of the time they sleep with each other.”

Their Habits

Their Habits


Big Cat Mentality

When it comes to Hannes, maybe his confidence comes from thinking that he is just another big dog like Hessel. According to Bert, “We assume that Hannes thinks he’s a dog also. He eats like a dog, he loves water, loves chasing balls, listens to his name and hates to be alone.”

Big Cat Mentality

Big Cat Mentality


A Surprise

Years after Hannes was introduced to the family, suddenly Bert made a decision that could change everything. How would Hannes and Hessel deal with this sudden change?

A Surprise

A Surprise


A New Friend

Bert decided to get another dog. He said: “Millie is 7 years and was also used to cats when she came into our house.” So how would Hannes and Hessel respond to another member added to the family?

A New Friend

A New Friend


Love Is Earned

So how did the two respond to Millie? Bert shared: “Hannes and Millie accept each other and sometimes sleep together, but they do not have the same bond Hessel and Hannes have.” Perhaps it will just take some time until Millie is fully accepted in the bubble of love.

Love Is Earned

Love Is Earned


One Happy Family

According to Bert: “It’s great living with them, and my camera is always in the neighborhood.” It’s so wonderful to see animals from different species getting along so well and loving one another despite their differences.

One Happy Family

One Happy Family