You Are Going to Be Glad These Hilarious Fishing Photos Were Caught

Published on May 4, 2020
When it comes to enjoying a relaxing day, fishing on the open water is often the best thing to do. It is very therapeutic with the calmness and serenity of nature and the water. There are many types of fishing, all of which can add excitement and fun to your day. Despite the fun and relaxing atmosphere, fishing can also lead to comical mishaps. The good news is that most people choose to go fishing with their friends. This means that when those hilarious moments pop up, someone is invariably on their phone and catches the moment forever on camera. With a few clicks, that photo is posted all over social media, so everyone can enjoy the funny or downright odd moment. Continue reading to look at some of the funniest and silliest fishing photos that have ever been caught on camera. Be prepared to laugh, though!
Married To The Ocean

Married To The Ocean

Bye, Bye Fishie

Most people don’t care if they catch anything, but sometimes, a monstrous catch gets away, and it bums you out a little. It’s always an exciting adventure on the water, and one man learned that first-hand, along with his girlfriend.

Bye, Bye Fishie

Bye, Bye Fishie

Eric made an epic catch, but it wasn’t easy. In fact, there were two fish at the time, but one just slipped out of his reach. When he told his girlfriend and was a little sad, she offered to pose as the second fish to cheer him up.

Doing the Fish Slide

Have you ever been pulled along by a heavy fish? When on a boat, you just lean over a bit and maybe ask your friends to steady you. However, when you’re on the beach, it’s a whole different story.

Doing The Fish Slide

Doing The Fish Slide

This guy learned a new dance called the Fish Slide. To do the dance, all you need is a fish that is strong enough to drag you along. Though it looks like fun, it might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity if it ever happens.


Flood Fishing

When it comes to fishing, all you need is a comfortable chair, a fishing pole, and some water. It doesn’t really matter from where the water comes, as this man is about to show you.

Flood Fishing

Flood Fishing

Since there was water over the road, this gentleman decided that he was going to take full advantage of it. If you think about it, he was the smart one. No one should have been driving in that water, and it probably upset his ability to catch fish. Still, he tried hard!


The Sneaky One

When you’re trying to relax, you probably think of creative ways to catch fish for you. You might rig something up so that you can play the waiting game without holding the pole. As these fishermen found out, that doesn’t always work!

The Sneaky One

The Sneaky One

They set up their fishing poles and rigged them so that they stood up by themselves. However, they didn’t expect the fish they hoped to catch to swim behind the poles, inadvertently saving itself and making for a great picture.


The Laws of Fishing

When it comes to fishing, most people know the rules in their town or city. Still, there can be a little excitement when you don’t follow directions, as these people surely believed when they didn’t listen to the sign.

The Laws Of Fishing

The Laws Of Fishing

With respect to these people on the bridge, maybe they just didn’t see it. You can see from the photo that the bridge goes straight through, and the vehicles are parked opposite. There may not be any blame to go around here since the sign appears only on one side.


Nets All Around

Fishing can be quite dangerous, especially when you’re in a boat that’s moving. Therefore, you’ve always got to be prepared. This way, you can fish without the risk of losing your catch. Still, this woman might have gone a bit over the top.

Nets All Around

Nets All Around

As you can see, she has two large nets and has caught a fish. While fish can jump over the boat, did she really think she could catch it in her helmet net? It’s more likely she would get slapped in the face!


Perfect Photo Op

Have you ever made the duck face where you purse your lips together? Some call it a fish face, but regardless, it makes for a cute photo. However, one man took it a step farther and had a friend with an amazing ability to take pictures.

Perfect Photo Op

Perfect Photo Op

Clearly, this man is not part fish. It was just a miracle that the person taking the photo timed things just right so that the fish completely covered this man’s face. Hello, fishie, my old friend!


No Fish Are Here

Some lakes aren’t well-endowed enough to have a ton of fish in them. You might think that the fishermen and women of the area might steer clear of it since they aren’t going to catch anything, but these gents don’t mind!

No Fish Are Here

No Fish Are Here

Every Saturday morning, these men come to the lake with their gear to catch. What they’re capturing is not fish, but instead, a glimpse of the pretty lady reading in a bikini. No one seems to realize that the lake hasn’t had a fish in it since 1946!


Forgetting the Poles

What happens when you get in the boat, have all your gear, and realize you and your friend forgot the fishing poles? Well, some people might go back to the car or house, but not these two guys! They get creative.

Forgetting The Poles

Forgetting The Poles

When you forget the poles at home, which is 80 miles away, you’re not going to ruin the day. Luckily, one man was willing to be a human fishing pole. Though it probably wasn’t very effective, they had fun and enjoyed their fishing trip.


What Is in the Way?

Have you ever had one of those crazy moments where things didn’t turn out quite right? The gentleman in the picture below might be having one of them. Did he just want the best parking spot because all the fish were right by those rocks?

What Is In The Way

What Is In The Way

Maybe he just didn’t see the huge rock formation? Regardless, the two rafters came to his aid and offered some physical and moral support so that he could still enjoy his time fishing and admiring the rock formation.


The Avid Fisherman

Everyone has that one thing they love above all else. It might be a spouse, a pet, or something else. For one man, the title ‘fisherman’ is taken seriously. In fact, he is so serious that he sleeps with his fishing poles.

The Avid Fisherman

The Avid Fisherman

Those eight poles must be his favorite! Maybe he was so tuckered out from his fishing adventure that he just crashed in the bed and forgot he was holding them. Either way, he probably dreamt about fish that time!


Fishy Flip Flops

Everyone knows someone who can’t leave their work at the office. They like to take it home with them and catch up for the next day. Still, when it comes to fishing, you may want to cook the fish instead of what this person did.

Fishy Flip Flops

Fishy Flip Flops

He or she loves fishing so much that they chose to accessorize their body with it. In this latest footwear collection, you can find fishy flip flops. We just hope that these aren’t real fish because that could get quite smelly!


Heading to the Local Puddle

What do you do when life invariably hands you lemons? For some, the answer is to go fishing. However, what can you do when you can’t get to your local source of water?

Heading To The Local Puddle

Heading To The Local Puddle

If you’re like this man, you don’t let that stop you. He was able to find a deep puddle, so he thought he would take advantage of the gift he was given by nature. Do you think he got something worthwhile? We don’t think so, but he seemed relaxed and enjoyed himself.


When the Family Wants to Fish

Have you ever wanted so badly to do something that you dragged the whole family along for the adventure? This man wanted to go fishing and wasn’t going to be stopped, and his wife didn’t want to stay home with the baby, so what was to be done?

When The Family Wants To Fish

When The Family Wants To Fish

The best course of action here is to take the whole family with you. Everyone gets out of the house and into the fresh air, and you get to fish. Plus, you’ve got a boat big enough for the playpen, so everything is great!


The Doppelganger Challenge

Everyone is said to have a doppelganger, which is a double or twin of you. However, no one said that it had to be another person. Would you have taken a picture like this to show the world your twin?

The Doppelganger Challenge

The Doppelganger Challenge

We can’t disagree that this fish looks almost exactly like this man. It’s uncanny down to the pointed nose and the similarities of the teeth. We’re not sure quite how this happened, but he seems quite happy to have found his long-lost brother!


Rules Are Rules

When it comes to life, there are many rules that you must abide by. Most of them are legitimate, but some of them are just plain silly. Would you listen to the rules posted on this sign?

Rules Are Rules

Rules Are Rules

With so many temptations out there and reasons to break the rules, we just don’t think people are going to want to here. Clearly, this bridge is so inviting. Everyone wants to fish and dive from it, but you can’t. It’s against the rules!


Bound and Determined

Have you ever loved to do something so much that it didn’t matter what you had to do to do it? Age might be just a number, and one man truly believes that to be true. Nothing is going to stop him from enjoying what he loves best.

Bound And Determined

Bound And Determined

With his fishing pole in one of his hands and his walker clutched by them both, this man is determined not to give up on his favorite pastime. We think everyone should fish with walkers. You’ve got a built-in stand for your fishing pole when you reach your destination!


Married to the Ocean

What do you do when you love fishing more than your soon-to-be husband? You get ready for your big day and head to the ocean for one last catch, apparently.

Married To The Ocean

Married To The Ocean

This woman loves fishing so much that she just couldn’t wait. She got dressed and decided that she just needed to cast one last line as a single woman. Maybe she caught something and had the caterers fry it up for dinner. That might have saved her some money for her big day!


Comfort on a Whole New Level

When they said to be comfortable while fishing, we are pretty sure they didn’t mean what this man did. Still, we think they’ve got the best idea ever because who doesn’t want to fish in their own living room?

Comfort On A Whole New Level

Comfort On A Whole New Level

These two gentlemen look nothing but relaxed and happy, so we can’t fault them one bit. Of course, it might have taken a lot of work to get that recliner chair on the raft, as well as the grill. However, when you’re going to do something grand, it’s best to be bold.


Make Up Your Mind, Signs

Don’t you hate it when the signs contradict themselves? You aren’t sure which one to believe. It makes for a confusing day, especially if you want to fish and see this sign:

Make Up Your Mind, Sign

Make Up Your Mind, Sign

Could you get in trouble if you saw this sign and fished off the bridge anyway? Clearly, it says it is the fishing bridge, which indicates fishing is allowed. But then, you have the other sign (circled in red) stating that the bridge is closed to fishing. It’s a head-scratcher for sure!


Riding the Giraffe

What do you do when your granddaughter lets you borrow her floating giraffe? For one grandpa, there was only one thing to do. He hopped right on it, got in the water, and started fishing. His determination shows that he loves to fish.

Riding The Giraffe

Riding The Giraffe

Of course, with him sitting on such a bright, fun giraffe, we can also tell he has a sense of humor. At least he looks somewhat comfortable. We’re sure his granddaughter got a huge kick out of seeing him on it, too!


Who Needs a Therapist When You’ve got a Boat

Did we mention that fishing is relaxing and therapeutic? Many people find that their troubles just melt away when they get on the water, especially if they own a boat. Therefore, it’s no wonder that this person chose to name their vessel in such a way.

Who Needs A Therapist When You've Got A Boat

Who Needs A Therapist When You’ve Got A Boat

You don’t need a therapist when you’ve got ‘reel therapy’ from your boat. We think this is the most appropriate name, especially for those who enjoy fishing and find it a relaxing way to spend the day.


Reaching New Heights

Are you a master fisherman? Well, if you have never done it from a bucket truck, we aren’t sure if you can call yourself a master. This gentleman wanted the best view possible to see all the fish below.

Reaching New Heights

Reaching New Heights

As you can see, he drove this truck to the edge of the ocean, got it planted safely, and then hopped in the bucket and set himself out to the sea. It might be a little extreme, but it sure is a memory he is going to cherish forever.


Catfish Has a New Meaning

It doesn’t seem to matter what you fish for, as long as you have a good time. These two gents made a great catch, it seems, but they didn’t seem fazed that there were a ton of cats waiting to see what they brought home.

Catfish Has A New Meaning

Catfish Has A New Meaning

Wouldn’t it be funny if the cats and these two men had an arrangement? They sat there patiently waiting for the men to come back and got tasty treats from them? It sounds like a deal that is just too good to be true for anyone but the cats.


Just Wanna Be All By Myself

For many, fishing is a personal pastime. You go out alone, you sit on the banks of the river/pond, and you just veg. What happens when you want to go on the water and don’t have a boat, though?

Just Wanna Be All By Myself

Just Wanna Be All By Myself

If you’re this man, you rig up a lawn chair on a small raft that can literally only seat one person. You’ve got enough room for a cooler and a few snacks, and you’re good to go. Even if someone wants to join, you’ve got a perfectly logical reason for saying no!


Not Quite Right

When it is time to take the boat out on the water, you have one job. You’ve got to get the boat in the water! We don’t think this person thought things through very well. Maybe he was just excited to go fishing?

Not Quite Right

Not Quite Right

Clearly, this man thought he could drive his truck straight into the water so that the boat could start floating. Little did he realize that trucks don’t float! This seems like a very expensive fishing excursion to us!


Water, Water Everywhere

What happens when you want to have a pool day while fishing while the place is completely flooded? Well, it actually makes it much easier to do both if you’re this guy and have a little creativity.

Water, Water Everywhere

Water, Water Everywhere

He wanted to spend time in the pool, but he also decided to go fishing. Since his backyard is pretty much a pond right now with the flooding, he got to do both. Of course, fishing isn’t complete without a cold beverage, so he was showing off how smart he was to remember his.


These Rules Are Hilarious

While most people don’t want to follow the rules, they know they have to for safety purposes. As you can see from this photograph, the list of rules starts off quite reasonable. However, as you keep reading, it becomes a little more interesting.

These Rules Are Hilarious

These Rules Are Hilarious

Our question is, who wrote this sign? Did they not speak English well? Were they just trying to be funny? Was it a prank sign that ended up becoming the town joke? We aren’t sure, but you can still enjoy the hilarity.


Happy Couple

What do you do when your husband wants to fish, but you want to spend time with him? Well, if you are the couple shown below, you both get on the fancy boat and sail away. Of course, she doesn’t look all that impressed.

Happy Couple

Happy Couple

He’s standing at one end, enjoying his time fishing with his back to her while she is talking on the phone. Hey, at least they are spending quality time together, and both people seem to be happy. We’re calling it a win.


The Viking Fishermen

Did Vikings fish? We aren’t really sure, but we thought they primarily pillaged and plundered. Still, back in the day, Vikings were quite large, so they needed plenty of food.

The Viking Fishermen

The Viking Fishermen

We don’t really know what these men are doing in the picture, but they seem to be happy. They’ve created a little Viking boat with sails and have nets to help them catch fish. Plus, they even have artsy shields to use if the fish get mad!


One Phrase, Two Meanings

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘fly fishing?’ Generally, it indicates the way you hold and use the fishing rod, but one man seemed to feel that wasn’t sufficient. Instead of throwing the rod line, he threw himself!

One Phrase, Two Meanings

One Phrase, Two Meanings

This man is either a master at fly fishing, slipped off the dock, or just didn’t understand the terminology. Though we don’t know what happened to him, we can expect he got a little wet and probably didn’t catch anything with that turn.


The Time You Don’t Want to Catch Anything

When you’re fishing, the goal is always to catch a fish (or three or five). However, in the situation depicted below, we can honestly say that it is better not to catch anything while you’re in the bathroom.

The Time You Don't Want To Catch Anything

The Time You Don’t Want To Catch Anything

It’s a cute idea for an avid fisherman’s bathroom, but we almost don’t see the point. This is a real reel. We understand not having a toilet paper holder, but you could just set it on the sink counter instead of going to this extreme!


Slapped by a Fish Tail

You’re on the boat, and you’ve got the line in the water. Something grabs it, and you make way for the excitement of reeling it in, but it doesn’t work. The line snaps, and you see the fish. It’s right THERE!

Slapped By A Fish Tail

Slapped By A Fish Tail

The only logical thing now is to grab it by the tail and try to pull it up from the depths of the water. This man almost made it, but the fish got away in the end. Plus, it almost pulled him overboard.


Positioning Fail

Everyone wants to get the best position while fishing, but sometimes, you just don’t feel close enough to the water. One man created a plank with a board so that he could stand in the middle and be one with the fish.

Positioning Fail

Positioning Fail

Little did he know that the plank was going to snap itself into two pieces, which dropped him right into the water. Though a bit shaken and wet, he was okay. Too bad he didn’t catch a fish first!


Practical Tattoo

The most hardcore fishermen get tattoos. You might think of mermaids, fish, extravagant poles, and the like. However, one man decided that his tattoo should be practical and chose one of the best ones we have ever found.

Practical Tattoo

Practical Tattoo

He put a tattoo of a ruler on his left leg, so all he had to do was raise the pant leg to measure the size of his fish. Who needs a measuring tape when you’ve got this permanently inked on your body?


Always Be Recycling

Some people think that fishermen never recycle or reuse things, but one person decided they were going to prove everyone wrong. Continue reading to find out about one man’s DIY project.

Always Be Recycling

Always Be Recycling

Here is an excellent example of a project you can try yourself. If you don’t have bait hooks and don’t want to go to the store, consider making your own. You just require some bottle caps and a few other accessories. Start drinking now so that you’re prepared with all the caps you require.


Time to Cut Your Losses

Have you ever gotten your fishing line tangled? It is one of the worst things that can happen because you’re sitting there trying to untangle it all instead of enjoying your fishing trip. It gets aggravating and frustrating, but wait until you see this:

Time To Cut Your Losses

Time To Cut Your Losses

We aren’t sure what the heck happened here, but this poor guy has a ton of line all over the place. He’s probably not going to catch any fish with that mess. Hopefully, he just cut his losses and got some new line.


Be a Stand

You’ve heard the phrase ‘be a man,’ but once you have mastered that, what is next for you? Well, if you’re the man shown below in the photo, you become a stand. Read on to see what we are talking about here.

Be A Stand

Be A Stand

This guy came to realize that he’d left his fishing rod stands at the house. Therefore, he decided to become a stand. We aren’t sure how effective this is and think it might have been easier for him to just hold the poles but to each their own.


Can’t Stop Fishing to Go

What do you do when you’re enjoying your time fishing, but you really need to use the bathroom? Well, if you’re this little boy, you don’t set down that pole for anything while you do your business.

Can't Stop Fishing To Go

Can’t Stop Fishing To Go

We aren’t sure exactly how this happened, but apparently, the little boy had to use the facilities and didn’t have his full potty chair. What’s he do? Just drop trou and sit on the small pot while fishing away. Most grown men wish they had come up with the idea themselves!


The Oddest of Odd

What do you do when your parents tell you that you can’t go fishing? If you’re the boy in the photo below, you do it anyway. We aren’t sure exactly what is going on here, but it is interestingly odd none the less.

The Oddest Of Odd

The Oddest Of Odd

Somehow, this young man walked his back and chair up above the toilet. How is this even possible? We aren’t sure if he did it himself or had help, but clearly he was determined. While holding himself up with his feet, he used his pole with a dollar bill as bait. Our question is: what did he catch?!


The Eyes Deceive You

Isn’t it funny when photos are taken in just such a way to make it appear that someone is standing on something or doing something silly? We think so and hope that you do, too.

The Eyes Deceive You

The Eyes Deceive You

At first glance, it just looks like this man caught a large fish, but then you look to the right. Now, it seems as though a small man without feet is standing on the fish’s back. Deceptive photos like this are always fun because they require a double-take!


Don’t Mess with Me

What do you do after you have caught a fish? Most people either remove them and prepare them for food or put them back in the water. However, what if the fish gives you lip and talks back? Then, you’ve only got one choice.

Don't Mess With Me

Don’t Mess With Me

Clearly, this fish did something horrible to this person because he was mad enough to pull out a gun. Now, who is in charge, you dirty fish?! Open your mouth again, and you get a bullet in it!


They Had Worries

The phrase has always been ‘no worries,’ but sometimes, there are some worries. For example, what might happen if your boat sank? That could be a significant worry and one that these gentlemen faced.

They Had Worries

They Had Worries

This photo was taken at the best possible time because all that shows is the boat’s name, ‘no worries.’ However, we think the people who were on the rescue boat realized just how much they needed to worry as their boat sank to the bottom of the river.


Stuck in the Ice

It’s easy to lose all track of time when you’re fishing. With the relaxing nature of the pastime, most people can sit out until past dark, but this person must have sat there for eons from the look of the picture.

Stuck In The Ice

Stuck In The Ice

Clearly, this man was ice fishing and parked his truck on the ice. However, the ice cap almost fully melted. We think that he was probably having a bad day at this point. Word to the wise: don’t take your truck with you on the ice.


Catch and Release

While many states and countries have a policy that states you must release fish you catch, we don’t think this location was one of them. This woman was so happy to have made her first catch ever.

Catch And Release

Catch And Release

Of course, this was the perfect opportunity for a photo op. She readjusted her sunglasses and put on a huge smile. The person taking the picture got ready, but the fish had other plans. It decided that it wasn’t going to be photogenic and slipped right out of her fingers.


We Get by with Help from Our Friends

Can you call a buck your friend? Most people can’t, but one man does. While he was out fishing in the pond, he almost overbalanced and went in the water. Since it is shallow, he could have sustained some bruises and pained hips.

We Get By With Help From Our Friends

We Get By With Help From Our Friends

Luckily, he was able to swing his line or rope around a buck to catch himself so that he didn’t fall. We aren’t sure the deer was all that happy about it, but it was a good sport!


Gimme Back My Food

There’s a saying that you don’t take what isn’t yours, especially if the person you’re with likes food a lot. What happens when you’re in the lake fishing? Apparently, the same thing applies!

Gimme Back My Food

Gimme Back My Food

This gentleman is so happy to have caught this beautiful fish and is posing for the camera. What he hasn’t seemed to realize yet is that bear behind him, who looks a little angry that someone caught lunch before him. We think this guy’s day is going to get bad quickly!


Look at All These…

Whoever said that you had to go to a body of water to catch something amazing? Well, when you’re talking about fish, that’s usually what you have to do. Continue reading to see what this man caught, instead!

Look At All These...

Look At All These…

This man is tired as can be from his busy day. At first glance, you see he is on the grass and not in the water. With a fishing pole in hand, he fell asleep with a bunch of beer cans at the bottom of the boat. When he wakes up, he’s going to be proud of his catch of the day.


The Last Man Standing

When it comes to fishing, there are diehard fans out there. You get right on the ice, and you start drilling your ice-fishing hole. Then, you continue until you’re the only one left still out there.

The Last Man Standing

The Last Man Standing

For many, it’s a test of willpower and how long you can withstand the cold. However, we think this man was feeling the warmth since the ice seemed to melt away around him. No need for the ice-fishing drill anymore! Just fish to the side of your little iceberg.


Can’t Wait

What happens when you get so excited about something? You start doing it before everyone else, in most cases. This is just what this guy decided he was going to do. Continue reading to see what silly thing he did.

Can't Wait

Can’t Wait

His friends were bringing the fishing poles, and they took way too long. He just couldn’t seem to wait, so he decided to break the ice himself and look below to see how many fish they were going to catch. We wonder if he got brain freeze.


Hey, Look What I Caught

Are you ever so proud that you caught a massive fish? Usually, you stop for a photo op because you’re so excited that you did something great. Maybe it was a big fish or something beautiful.

Hey, Look What I Caught

Hey, Look What I Caught

For this man, his prize was something a bit different. His catch of the day was a car! Of course, we’re not sure if he wanted such a thing after it’s been swimming with the fishies for who knows how long. Still, it’s one for his record book.


Clothing Optional

When it comes time to fish, most people are up before the sun. They want to get the best spot on the lake, so they hightail it to the nearest water source. However, we don’t think these men did it quite right.

Clothing Optional

Clothing Optional

While there is definitely nothing wrong with being up early to fish, we do think that they should have taken the time to get dressed properly. At least one man had the decency to put on a shirt. The other just looks a little out of place with his undies and a briefcase.


Mama, I Caught a Man

Wherever kids are involved, you never know what is going to happen. This father decided to take his son out for a relaxing day of fishing. It seems he just got off work and wanted a little quiet time with his son.

Mama, I Caught A Man

Mama, I Caught A Man

Instead of grabbing the fishing pole and learning how to bait it, this kid when straight for the net. Maybe he thought he saw a butterfly. Instead, he caught his dad, and someone thought it was the perfect time for a photo.


The Fish of the Land

Sometimes, photos just don’t make a lot of sense, and the one below sure seems that way. Of course, there isn’t anything wrong with a beautiful woman standing there holding a fish. We just wonder how she caught it!

The Fish Of The Land

The Fish Of The Land

Unless there is a new breed of fish that lives on land, this photo is quite confusing. Here is this young woman with a fish, but there is no water around. We do see that the grass is a bit wet and marshy, so we hope there’s a pond or lake nearby!


Can’t Stop for Breakfast

The relaxation of fishing can often precede everything else. What do you do when your wife makes you a delicious meal, but you can’t wait to get on the water? Just do what this man does!

Can't Stop For Breakfast

Can’t Stop For Breakfast

He got himself a little floaty raft and put his breakfast on a tray. Then, he grabbed his fishing pole and stood in the water so that he could eat, enjoy the view, and do some fishing, as well. We think he is a genius!


Underwater Fishing

Have you ever gone fishing underwater? We’ve never seen it before and aren’t sure exactly how it works. Still, it might be a new fad that takes off and becomes the best way to fish. See what this man chose to do.

Underwater Fishing

Underwater Fishing

Clearly, he found a sunken boat of some kind and decided to put on some diving gear and explore. We are pretty sure this was a photo op situation, and this man did not really try to fish underwater, seeing as he had a fishing pole, buckets, and all the rest.


Something Fishy Is Going On

When it is time to take photos, sometimes, you just have to go for the odd ones. We aren’t sure exactly what this woman was thinking, but we are happy that the photo was taken so that it could be here. What did she do?

Something Fishy Is Going On

Something Fishy Is Going On

Was she just so hungry she couldn’t wait to eat her catch of the day? Maybe she didn’t want to share. Regardless, we aren’t sure it’s a good idea to put a raw fish in your mouth.


Man Overboard

Imagine that you decide to take your girlfriend with you out on the boat. It’s a beautiful, sunny Saturday afternoon. You’ve got the bait ready, a beer in hand, and you’re prepared for the adventure of a lifetime.

Man Overboard

Man Overboard

Clearly, this is not what this man had in mind when he accidentally fell overboard. We aren’t sure exactly how he ended up falling face-first off the boat. However, we don’t think there was foul play as the woman looks completely surprised.


Fishing Is Hard Work

When it comes to fishing, sometimes, people fall asleep while they work. It’s so relaxing, and there isn’t much to do until the fish start biting. Therefore, you may take a little nap as you’re waiting. However, one person usually stands watch.

Fishing Is Hard Work

Fishing Is Hard Work

These two were just so tuckered out, probably from a long week of working. They ended up falling asleep on the comfortable grass. We just hope they didn’t lose their pole when a fish came by to nibble the bait.


Sewer Fish

We don’t think that fish live in the sewers, but no one really knows for sure. When you want to fish and have no way to get to the water, you create your own adventure. At least, that’s what this man did.

Sewer Fish

Sewer Fish

Whether he’s practicing for his next big boating adventure or not, we really hope this man didn’t catch much. Still, he seems completely relaxed, if not a little uncomfortable sitting on his tackle box. A word of advice: Don’t use bait to feed the sewer rats!