These Hilarious People Weren’t About to Mince Their Words

Published on September 13, 2020
While some people want to take a more euphemistic approach to life, some could be the spokesperson for bluntness. Those who get straight to the point are often unintentionally funny. They tend to state exactly how they feel without beating around the bush, and it genuinely makes for some hilarious outcomes. Have you ever wondered why the blunt one always stands out in movies and TV shows? There’s no denying the sheer entertainment value in the way they handle and respond to various situations. Of course, sometimes the things they say can come off a little harsh, but you can’t be unappreciative of complete honesty. The internet hosts a collection of hilarious one-liners and other statements from people who decided to get straight to the point, and today you get to view a collection of some of the best ones out there. Prepare to laugh a lot and to wonder if what you’re seeing is real.
Practice What You Preach

Practice What You Preach

Managing Expectations

So everyone knows the purpose of cutlery, but the implements on the flimsy side make it a little hard to cut through anything. Sometimes you’re left to wonder what the point of making these things was since they seem to have no use.

Managing Expectations

Managing Expectations

Here’s a set of cutlery that’s hard to be disappointed with, as you the descriptions clue you in on what you’re getting yourself into. Getting no results doesn’t feel so bad when you expected none in the first place.

If You Can’t Beat ’em, Join Em

The less musically gifted men know how it feels to see some guy who mastered guitar play command all the ladies’ attention. It makes guys wonder if they could ever obtain that kind of musical genius.

If You Can't Beat 'em, Join Em

If You Can’t Beat ’em, Join Em

Well, it turns out getting the necessary lessons is very much possible. Be that as it may, look at the way this ad hilariously captures the level of animosity the “regular” guys feel.


Ethical Advertising

It’s annoying to deal with misrepresented products that end up being a disappointment. Many of these disappointments only happen because of the exuberant claims on the packaging. Wouldn’t it be nice if companies didn’t try to fluff things up?

Ethical Advertising

Ethical Advertising

Whoever did this package needs a commendation for putting the needs of the consumer first. When that third bottle only fills 80% of the way up, you can’t say nobody told you that would happen after reading this.


Get Your Act Together Cody

While you should never work for the sole purpose of getting recognition, it does feel really good to be appreciated for the work that you do. However, getting called out just as openly doesn’t feel as good.

Get Your Act Together Cody

Get Your Act Together Cody

You can come up with your theory on what you think Cody did, but it must’ve created quite the inconvenience for him to be singled out this way. It’s time to pull your weight, Cody!


Crystal Is a Savage

It’s no secret that many men don’t find muscular women attractive. It’s fine to have your preferences, but maybe you should keep some of them off the internet, as you never know who’s going to put you in your place.

Crystal Is A Savage

Crystal Is A Savage

There’s nothing wrong with Angry Hippy having a preference, but the cheekiness of the original tweet didn’t sit well with Crystal at all. She has no reservations in sharing a piece of her mind.


Looking Like a Whole Snack

For some people, nothing compares to getting an attractive or even a provocative photo from a significant other. This is especially true when the said significant other is the one that asks if you want the photo in the first place.

Looking Like A Whole Snack

Looking Like A Whole Snack

When Jose got the original message, there’s no doubt his idea of the word “snack” was something completely different. Sundaes are tasty, but this one probably caused a brief spell of confusion, followed by immense laughter.


When Everything Works Out

It’s a proud moment to be able to show off your results in the gym, and many people do it online. However, it’s normally best to keep things on the honest side of the spectrum as you share your progress.

When Everything Works Out

When Everything Works Out

This girl wanted people to see how well she did, but she decided to get Photoshop in the mix. Unfortunately, her little secret got out because the door in the picture got distorted. One eagle-eyed commenter was not about to miss it.


Shutting Her Down

Puberty is an amazing thing, and sometimes it makes previously undesired people incredibly attractive. The said persons tend to compare their before and after photos, and sometimes showing them off doesn’t hurt.

Shutting Her Down

Shutting Her Down

This young lady wanted to appear as one of those people. Now, while she’s definitely gotten more beautiful, she wasn’t ugly to begin with. Her pretense at being called ugly in her younger years didn’t go too well either, as an apparent former classmate spilled the tea.


That’s My Ice!

Sometimes people bring food and drink items to work for lunch. It could be a bid to save some cash, or maybe they just prefer the allure of a homecooked meal to something that they buy from a restaurant.

That's My Ice

That’s My Ice!

Ice, however, is not normally something persons bring from home. One employee not only brought ice, but the person also labeled it for protection. A co-worker thought this strange as many people might, and wasted no time in saying so.


The Fight That Never Ends

The internet is filled with eternal debates that are never going to end. Some of these focus on serious issues happening in the world. Others, however, are about less serious things, such as pineapples on pizza.

The Fight That Never Ends

The Fight That Never Ends

One Twitter user decided to let kitchen legend, Gordon Ramsay, know that rules shouldn’t be imposed on a food that was born from creativity. Unfortunately, Ramsay wasn’t having it, and he affirmed which side of the debate he sits on in blunt fashion.


Jody Is Not Welcome

Handmade signs can serve a variety of purposes, and they’re often used to say nice things in a very charming way. Unfortunately, they can also be used to say mean things, and some people have no issue sitting on the negative side.

Jody Is Not Welcome

Jody Is Not Welcome

There’s no telling for sure if Jody just overstayed her welcome or if she even did anything, but the sign is clear. This guy wants Jody back in California, as opposed to anywhere near him.


Airport Welcome

While some of us have only seen it in movies, the airport sign tradition is a real thing, and it’s very effective at grabbing the attention of someone who just came off of a plane and needs to be found by the sign holder.

Airport Welcome

Airport Welcome

When Matt came off his plane, he was probably looking for these two. However, he likely didn’t expect the sign to also announce that his sister is pregnant. There’s no doubt that he wanted to know, but maybe not like this.


The Opportunistic Ex

Vending machines have been a staple in the lives of those who want to grab a quick snack. All you need to do is have the required amount of money, and then you’re free to get the snack or drink of your choice to enjoy.

The Opportunistic Ex

The Opportunistic Ex

Unfortunately, some of these machines are faulty, which causes them to release nothing after taking your money. One person had some ex-related PTSD, and the vending machine’s selfish behavior seemed to be reminiscent of an ex who only received and never gave.


Just Here for the Dog

When you strike up a conversation with a new person, you never know how it’s going to go. Sometimes, things turn out tremendously well, and in other cases, things lean a bit more to the embarrassing side.

Just Here For The Dog

Just Here For The Dog

Mackenzie here probably saw an opportunity to meet a new person. However, the mystery texter was interested in nothing more than buying Mack’s dog. As soon as news broke that the dog was for sale, he got dropped like a bad habit.


Pushing the Right Buttons

Technology doesn’t seem to get along with everyone, which means measures sometimes need to be put in place to prevent people from damaging equipment. Take this notice, for example, to save a printer from destruction.

Pushing The Right Buttons

Pushing The Right Buttons

To the credit of the person who left the note, the instructions were followed. Unfortunately, the person who put up the sign in the first place may be coming back to a surprising note and a broken printer.


Poor Adrian

People like to use social media as a place to get their thoughts out into the world. There are other times, however, when persons post things that aren’t true to get people to see them in a certain light.

Poor Adrian

Poor Adrian

Adrian is one example, and he wanted to let the world know that people started to become fake as he progressively got richer. Sadly, a co-worker of his revealed his minuscule salary. The real kicker here is the twitter handle of the apparent co-worker.


You Can’t Fool This Kid

Kids can have such amazing viewpoints on things, and it often comes out in the work they do. Sometimes their answers on tests show the way they think, and great laughs are sure to follow.

You Can't Fool This Kid

You Can’t Fool This Kid

While many children would just address this paper as a math exam, this kid did not believe in ghosts, and so he just wasn’t having it. How were ghosts to fly away if they didn’t even exist?


Not Fixing What Is Broken

ATMs are super convenient since they allow you to access your funds without having to deal with going into a bank. Be that as it may, they are sometimes out of service, which can be a bit annoying.

Not Fixing What Is Broken

Not Fixing What Is Broken

Normally, the functionality gets restored after a while, but this ATM seems to be an exception. One customer was not a fan of how long this ATM had been out of service, and the Guinness World Record sign was a clever way of saying so.


You Can’t Always Be the Best

It takes a level of maturity to acknowledge what someone does well, even in the face of the other things that aren’t quite up to par. This child is already mastering the skill, however.

You Can't Always Be The Best

You Can’t Always Be The Best

Clearly, Mrs. Mchmahon is doing something right. However, there is at least one other teacher that’s doing things better, and this kid decided to let her know where she stands in the bluntest fashion.


Winter Buzzkill

When snow shows up, and the air gets cold, it’s easy to start feeling down and uncomfortable. Thankfully, some people try to see the brighter side of things, such as this person who wanted to spread some fun by building a snowman.

Winter Buzzkill

Winter Buzzkill

There are those, however, who don’t thrive on the happiness of others. Someone else decided to plan the snowman’s destruction exactly an hour after the building began. The buzzkill didn’t even have the decency to be original with the sign design.


Blue for Two

Conservation is way more important than many people realize, but there are those who make great strides in being environmentally conscious. Take this toilet, for example, with its dual flushing function to handle number ones and number twos differently.

Blue For Two

Blue For Two

While these toilets don’t typically feature encyclopedias, the descriptions tend to be a bit more fleshed out than this. These instructions get straight to the point, but you can’t help the uneasy feeling that someone is going to get it wrong and create a messy situation.


Business Marriage

Humans make mistakes all the time, and spelling mistakes are among the most common ones that occur. That’s why so many people are very dependent on the autocorrect feature to make things right when they mess up.

Business Marriage

Business Marriage

There are some mistakes, however, that require some serious explanation. This one falls under that category as a woman saved her fiancé’s number as “finance.” This kind of mistake makes you wonder about the parameters of the marriage, and if this was a mistake at all.


What People Do Four Love

Dating and wedding anniversaries are huge milestones, and many people like to celebrate them with a social media post to share the accomplishment with the world. Of course, some comments are more welcome than others.

What People Do Four Love

What People Do Four Love

One guy decided he wasn’t afraid to be bold, and decided to comment on an anniversary post, as he made his gutsy move on the lady. She was not having it and decided that she’d have some fun with the situation by blasting his attempt online.


Leaving in Style

Sometimes quitting a job feels like a very hard and unsure thing, and sometimes it can be the most relieving feeling in the world. It’s a sensitive situation, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun with the whole thing.

Leaving In Style

Leaving In Style

This person was not about to leave in the traditional boring way and brought in a card that’s typically meant for grievers. There’s no doubt that the company got both grief and a laugh at the same time after Todd’s savagery.


Act of Defiance

First, it’s important to state that it’s never OK to steal. Even if you are borrowing something, you should always return it. Sadly, some people never got that memo, and they are remorseless in their actions, regardless of the impact on others.

Act Of Defiance

Act Of Defiance

This thief is a perfect example. Writing the reply with the missing marker was its own statement, and there’s no doubt that the person with the marker sees this as a comedic thing.


Less Is More

Many churches put up signs to catch people’s attention, which can compel strangers to attend a service. However, it takes the use of the right words to evoke the necessary interest, or you can bet the sign is getting ignored.

Less Is More

Less Is More

Here is one example of a church getting it right. Instead of a long-winded message, this one just got to the point. While the approach is an unconventional one, it does command attention and curiosity.


Granting You Fries

Businesses that sell products must ensure that they order goods in reasonable quantities, so they can realistically sell everything they have in stock. Sadly, things don’t always go so smoothly, and a plan needs to be made to get rid of all the extra stuff.

Granting You Fries

Granting You Fries

In this case, it seemed like Grant ordered too many fries, and a sale was the only tactic that could help to get things under control. The only question is which colleague got ticked off enough to put Grant on blast like this?


Where’s Google’s Ph.D.?

Though medical doctor’s studied for years to amass their knowledge, people still turn to Google to self diagnose when things start going wrong. There’s nothing wrong with checking, but you should probably not contend with a doctor’s diagnosis based on your search results.

Where's Google's Ph.D.

Where’s Google’s Ph.D.?

This doctor clearly got tired of patients and their Google degrees getting in the way. This sign is one of the most hilariously blunt ways to let people know that they need to take a chill pill.


Simon’s Stick

As phone cameras got better, selfies began to become a huge trend. Selfie sticks were also a big hit as they made it that much easier to grab a quick pic. However, one wife is not a fan.

Simon's Stick

Simon’s Stick

Simon likely expected a joyful greeting from Britney when he arrived, but nothing could prepare him for this. In a matter of minutes after getting off the plane, he’d find out that his stick ended his relationship. The other people reading this make it that much more embarrassing.


No Kissing Delays

Being in love is a wonderful thing, and those who have experienced it can’t get enough sometimes. That’s why being away from the one you love can feel like nothing short of a nightmare when it happens.

No Kissing Delays

No Kissing Delays

This person was not about the distance life, and couldn’t wait to get the kissing on. If the returning lover wanted some time to relax after arriving, that was clearly not an option here, as the sign bluntly stated how things were about to work.


Mom to Save the Day

Young children tend to be very excited to see their parents after they have been away for many different reasons. These boys may have missed their mom for various reasons, but one stuck out more than the rest did.


Mom To Save The Day

Mom To Save The Day

Whoever was looking after them while their mom was away apparently decided that laundry was on the list of not-so-important activities. So, now the boys are out of underwear, and this sign is as hilarious as it is a cry for help.


Baby Maker

The longer this goes on, the more it seems like traditional airport welcome signs just don’t cut it anymore. People are branching out and expressing all sorts of surprising messages to travelers that make for some interesting situations.

Baby Maker

Baby Maker

Take this guy, for example. There’s no telling if there’s some resentment here or he’s just trying to be funny, but the message is clear. Somebody got his sister pregnant, and he’s waiting for that guy. If only he could see the guy as something more, though.


Future Implications

When a school tenure is ending, many exciting events unfold. One such event happens to be the completion of the school yearbook, where future prospects come into the mix, as a way of fun forecasting.

Future Implications

Future Implications

Some of the descriptions are notably concerning, and Katia’s is no exception. No one is sure if they should be concerned about her future prospects, or if they should assume that she just has the world’s brightest computer screen and wants people to know.


The Right Attitude

People approach situations differently, and the variations tend to define how each person progresses. Some people just have a frame of mind that allows nothing to stop them, and the never say die attitude is why they make strides.

The Right Attitude

The Right Attitude

It seems this kid is already on the right track, as falling on the playground and scratching a knee isn’t a big problem. This child is already at the stage of life to “deal with it,” and that’s as admirable as it is hilarious.


Only for Survival

Admittedly, camp can be a difficult experience for young children. The unfamiliar surrounding and the new rules tend to be a lot to adjust to, and some kids are just doing what it takes to survive daily.

Only For Survival

Only For Survival

Apparently, this child just wanted to eat and had to write a letter to mom first. This text is not likely what the mother was expecting, but at least she can’t ever say that she was responsible for raising a dishonest child.


Todd Messed It Up

Disappointments are not the easiest things to handle, and sometimes it’s hard to avoid directing frustration at the person who caused the disappointment. This is especially true when the event affects multiple people.

Todd Messed It Up

Todd Messed It Up

There’s no way to know for sure what lightsaber night is, but if Star Wars is anything to go by, it should be loads of fun. It seems, however, that Todd did something to get it canceled that he won’t be living down any time soon.


Upcoming Rebel

While children can change, there are some signs that indicate when you’re going to have your hands full with one. There’s nothing you can do but prepare and try to be an effective parent throughout the child’s development.

Upcoming Rebel

Upcoming Rebel

This child, for example, doesn’t believe in being told what to do. That goes double for random Disney princesses who think their fame makes them bosses of anyone. Though Snow White was trying to be helpful in this case, the kid just didn’t want to be ordered around.


Personal Care

There’s no understating the value of personal hygiene. A state of cleanliness is always a good thing, as it helps to steer clear of certain illnesses, and keeps you bacteria-free throughout your day.

Personal Care

Personal Care

Hand washing is one very important aspect of the equation, and there’s no doubt that it needs all the focus it can get to remind people of its importance. That’s why signs like these are such treasures. Look at the way it promotes its message without the fluff.


Why Bill Nye?

Sometimes, well-received animated productions get live-action adaptations in the future to appeal to old fanbases and to create new ones. The whole thing requires a cast though, and selecting people for the roles is where things get divisive.

Why Bill Nye

Why Bill Nye?

When the Little Mermaid was selected for a live-action adaptation, people started to weigh in on who should play the lead of Ariel. Nick thought that Kylie Jenner was a shoo-in for the role, but Bill Nye saw things a bit differently, and he let his savagery show.


Spellcheck Anyone?

People make mistakes with their spelling all the time, but that’s what spellcheck features are for. There’s no reason not to use one, especially when the document is intended for many eyes.

Spellcheck Anyone

Spellcheck Anyone?

Someone wanted to send a message that this chair wasn’t structurally sound, and managed to throw a very noticeable typo into the mix. One person who wanted to voice displeasure over the matter did so with a second sign that hilariously highlighted the presence of an error. Hopefully, the original sign got replaced.


Height Problems

It’s one thing when you know a restaurant is closed without going there, but it’s another to drive to one and find out the hard way. The combination of hunger and annoyance can drive people to crazy and hilarious lengths.

Height Problems

Height Problems

This food store had to close because of a staff shortage. However, the way the notice was written gave off a different meaning to someone who was clearly upset about not getting a taco because of a “height” problem.


You’d Best Just Listen

Sometimes, looking out for warning signs becomes a literal thing, and heeding the said warnings can be the thing that protects you. Normally, signs that spell out danger are not for show.

You'd Best Just Listen

You’d Best Just Listen

Whoever put this sign up ensured to bluntly explain the situation to anyone who wants to risk going beyond the gate. If anyone does decide to take the journey after, then everyone already knows what’s coming. You can’t say you weren’t warned.


Harsh Hot Dog Stand

While it is very uncommon, people do choke on their food sometimes, and the presence of someone who knows the right first aid techniques can make the difference in the outcome.

Harsh Hot Dog Stand

Harsh Hot Dog Stand

Whoever owns this restaurant decided not to become concerned with chokers, and addressed the rare phenomenon in the bluntest and savage of ways. Be that as it may, no one can visit this hot dog stand and say that there wasn’t enough information.


Trusted Review

Today, most people only use products or services if there are good reviews that speak to the provisions. So, you can imagine that food establishments with no reviews end up having this a little rough.

Trusted Review

Trusted Review

The owner of this one decided that he’d give his own review to show how good the food is. You may call this one biased, but you do need to appreciate the creativity and honesty that went into the whole thing. It got your attention, didn’t it?


Natural Filter

Parents can be the funniest people when they react to the way that their children become invested in trends. Filters on pictures are super popular, and so many people like to use them in just about every picture they take.

Natural Filter

Natural Filter

This little lady decided to send her dad a picture using the ever so popular flower crown picture. It’s hard to tell if her dad just wanted to play around or if he found it ridiculous, but his response here is golden.


Straightforward Casey

The dating app experience is a very difficult one for the person to text first sometimes, as there is absolutely no way to know how that first attempt at communication is going to be received by the person on the other end.

Straightforward Casey

Straightforward Casey

One rule of thumb is to avoid the traditional greeting texts, and Casey seemed to be a master at doing just that. He got straight to the point with a text that is sure to grab anybody’s attention.


Beautiful Casey

While this is a different person, one has to assume that there’s something special about people on dating apps named Casey. In this case, Casey is on the receiving end of the bluntness from the mystery texter.

Beautiful Casey

Beautiful Casey

It’s normal to ask what people are looking for on dating apps, as it helps to avoid wasting everyone’s time. Be that as it may, there’s no way Casey was expecting this answer or this admirable level of honesty from a Tinder match.


Holy-Wan Kenobi

Nobody knows for sure what Jesus looks like, but some depictions can be ruled out. Ewan McGregor, in his role as Star Wars’ Obi-Wan Kenobi, makes a strong case, but he’s certainly no Jesus.

Holy Wan Kenobi

Holy Wan Kenobi

Unfortunately, this mom likely never saw the movie, and she thought McGregor had that holy look about him. Thankfully, the force was strong enough in her child for the admittedly hilarious mistake to be pointed out. One has to wonder what the mom’s response was.


The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far from the Tree

It’s normal for kids to ask their parents for money, though some of the figures can be a bit on the exorbitant side. This mom certainly thought the request was unfair, and she made no bones about making her child know it.

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree

Parents like to point out similarities between their kids and each other, but there are some contexts like this one in which the likenesses aren’t the most desirable qualities, though this is nothing more than a very good joke.


Dog Rights Matter

While interventions are sometimes necessary for situations, sometimes people really need to just stay out of others’ business. There are several ways to tell someone when they’re overstepping, and some are hilarious compared to others.

Dog Rights Matter

Dog Rights Matter

There’s obviously a very good reason for the dig being here, but this poster decided to be inquisitive. Therefore, someone decided to make a Twitter account to answer in the most hilarious way possible. The dog’s apparent expression is the icing on the cake.


Ellen’s Plight

No matter where some people are, they can’t help themselves, but login to their social media pages. However, most companies don’t allow that, which means that things can go downhill when the wrong person discovers unauthorized social activity.

Ellen's Plight

Ellen’s Plight

Ellen here decided to check on her Facebook page while working at the Apple store. Not only did she lose her job, but someone decided to out her by posting on her page, as she forgot to logout. Her chronicling the situation made it that much funnier.


Red with Rage

Product labels are always an important source of information when you are using any new product. Palmer Paint, for example, makes a red washable glitter paint that washes off skin easily according to its label.

Red With Rage

Red With Rage

Unfortunately, it seems that was not the case when Leah put it all over her face. Not only does she voice her displeasure, but she also manages to voice her intention to sue the company in one golden line.


Dad Jokes

Normally, the term “dad jokes” is used to capture unfunny attempts at humor. Be that as it may, there are some dads who knock it out of the park with their incredible and witty reactions to the things their kids do.

Dad Jokes

Dad Jokes

This girl decided to get a tattoo of a knife, and her dad is showing his disapproval in the funniest way ever. Based on her caption, one can only imagine what else he does and how many other pictures she’s gotten like this one.


Proud Father

When children grow up and accomplish great things, parents can’t help but be proud. Some parents express their feelings in some of the most unconventional and hilarious ways when they start to celebrate their children’s milestones.

Proud Father

Proud Father

This dad was clearly over the moon about his son’s graduation, and he had no reservations about celebrating with a cutout of his son’s face. This display manages to be both funny and heartwarming at the same time when you consider how the dad must feel.


Geez Emily

There’s a debate about the extent to which the friendzone is a thing, but both sides can agree that some situations are shocking and leave a metaphorical burn on those who get the short end of the stick.

Geez Emily

Geez Emily

Danny here decided to make a subtle attempt to express the way he feels about Emily. Luckily, he used “hahahaha” to try to protect himself just in case. While he’s lucky he did, there was no escaping Emily’s scorching response.