Proof That Humanity Is Going Backwards

Published on November 24, 2020
As time goes on, humans advancement are getting more impressive and efficient. 2000 years ago, who would have thought that we would ever carry devices that hold all the information in the world in our pockets? While we move forward with technology, sometimes the very things that are produced show us evidence of other areas of humanity where we still have a lot of improvement to do. The fact is, with our cell phones, we are able to document moments that show human beings in their natural state. While in so many ways we are moving forward, there is plenty of evidence on the Internet that some of us are just evolving backwards. Check out some of the most hilariously embarrassing moments from people who most definitely wish the Internet was not a thing.
Humanity Is Actually Devolving

Humanity Is Actually Devolving

Don’t Believe The Internet

To start off, the perfect example is the fact that people fall for Internet pranks. This person posted a fake hack, claiming to have put a penny in the microwave for two minutes and that it caused it to shrink.

Don't Believe The Internet

Don’t Believe The Internet

Of course, putting a penny in the microwave is a terrible, terrible idea is quite dangerous. The person who replied to this Tweet learned this the hard way. Apparently he fell for the trick and tried it out, which caused a fire.

This Just Isn’t Right

A lot of people are very particular about how their steak is cooked, claiming that if you overcook the meat and don’t leave it partially rare, you’ve ruined the steak. Fair enough, they’re allowed to like their meat the way they want.

This Just Isn't Right

This Just Isn’t Right

The same absolutely cannot be said for cooking chicken. Regardless of what this person says, it is absolutely not safe to be consuming raw chicken. Not even medium rare as they claim here. This is just uncooked and very dangerous.


Crunchy Eggs

Hard boiled eggs have a bad reputation for some reason. While most people love eating scrambled or fried eggs, a lot of people are really repulsed by the idea of a hard boiled egg. It’s unclear why it has such bad marketing.

Crunchy Eggs

Crunchy Eggs

It might have something to do with the fact that people struggle to prepare hard boiled eggs correctly. This guy had another problem: he thought you’re meant to eat the hard boiled egg without peeling it first. Luckily someone set him straight.


Fresh Wild Corndogs

It is pretty clear that this person is very confused about the structure of a corn dog. Apparently nobody has ever told him that it’s just a hot dog that’s covered in cornbread batter. When he saw a cattail plant in the wild, he thought it was a wild corn dog.

Fresh Wild Corndogs

Fresh Wild Corndogs

He even went as far as picking it and slathering the plant with mustard. We wish we could have seen his face after taking his first bite and realizing that it certainly is not a corn dog.


Not Like That

Being a teacher is one of the hardest jobs a person can have. It comes with an unbelievable amount of responsibilities and expectations, and often teachers are not compensated well for their hard work and frequent time working outside of their expected hours.

Not Like That

Not Like That

One of the most frustration aspects of being a teacher is certainly when students do not follow directions. This teacher was feeling so fed up when he asked a student for a passport scan, and received this. Now he knows he needs to give very exact directions.


Extra Hours Of Love

This woman is so clearly head over heels in love, that it’s messing with her head. They say love makes you crazy, and it’s very apparent that she has not been thinking clearly because she is so smitten with her man.

Extra Hours Of Love

Extra Hours Of Love

She posted that she thinks about him all the time, including when she’s sleeping, so 31 hours a day. She didn’t think about that fact that even though she’s sleeping for 7 hours, they’re not added onto the already existing 24 hours in a day.


When Is It Again?

A lot of holidays can get confusing. Who can remember when Labor Day is, or the exact day of Thanksgiving every year? Luckily there are a lot of holidays that fall on the same exact date each year, making it easy to remember.

When Is It Again?

When Is It Again?

Even better, the 4th of July is not only the same every year, but its name should ensure that you’ll never forget when it happens. That was not enough for this person, who was getting very confused about when Independence Day is.


Roast History Chicken

The rise of the supermarket has led to an increase in purchasing pre-made food. A lot of it is questionable and not as tasty as something that is home made. However, sometimes things made at the supermarket can be tasty.

Roast History Chicken

Roast History Chicken

This guy wanted to know whether his local store’s rotisserie chicken was worth buying, but unfortunately he was confused about the chicken’s exact name. Instead, he inquired about “roast history” chicken, causing his friends a lot of confusion.


But How…?

Firefighters and other rescue teams certainly have interesting jobs where they see all sorts of strange things taking place. We are really not sure how this girl got herself into this situation, but it looks like her head is stuck in there pretty good.

But How...?

But How…?

Luckily for her, a squad of firefighters have arrived to help her out of this predicament. She is also lucky that she is not in an emergency situation that is life threatening. We wonder how long she was stuck there before they helped her.


A Trip To The Sun

Education is one of the most important aspects of society that we have to invest in. Lack of education can set us all back as a population. Understanding how our world works around us help us move forward as a people.

A Trip To The Sun

A Trip To The Sun

Unfortunately, this person must have been completely sleeping through their science classes while in school. It’s unclear how she’s gotten this far in life while thinking that it is physically possible to travel to the sun without being totally incinerated.


Who’s Gonna Tell Him?

There are a lot of people who have chosen to forgo eating any meat and animal products as a means to oppose the unjust treatment of many animals, in particular animals that are bred purely as a food source fo us.

Who's Gonna Tell Him?

Who’s Gonna Tell Him?

While this person’s heart is in the right place, unfortunately logic is not on their side. While trying to shame people who hunt and kill their food, they tell them instead to buy food at the supermarket, where “no animals were harmed.”


No Underwater Breathing

While learning how to swim, you are often taught how to hold your breath properly in order to stay underwater and dive into the water. This is an important skill to have if you want to become a proficient swimmer.

No Underwater Breathing

No Underwater Breathing

While this sign most likely had the best intentions, it is really not clear what it is attempting to accomplish. It seems pretty intuitive not to breathe while underwater, as it is pretty much impossible to do anyway. Maybe they had a bad experience with someone who tried to anyway.


The Real Lion King

The Lion King is one of Disney’s most successful animated films from the “Disney Renaissance” era in the 1990’s. It is loosely based on William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, with many elements of the story being taken as inspiration for the cartoon.

The Real Lion King

The Real Lion King

While it is based on another story, it should go without saying the The Lion King is not based on a true story. This should be obvious, since animals cannot talk. That still didn’t stop Disney from trying that out in the live-action remake, however.


Dairy Narnia

We really what on earth went on at this store that the owners felt the need to post a sign that reads “this is not an exit” on a refrigerator containing milk. What would prompt someone to think that this is an exit?

No Exit

Dairy Narnia

We also really hope that nobody got hurt while trying to exit the store through the refrigerator. Who knows, maybe they know some secret that the rest of us don’t. Perhaps there’s a Narnia-like magical land full of dairy products back there.


Allergy Warning

Peanut allergies are a serious concern that should absolutely need to be taken seriously. There are a lot of people who suffer from this allergy. Serious peanut allergies cause some people to have to wear medical bracelets with this information at all times.

Allergy Warning

Allergy Warning

However, it should be safe to sell shelled peanuts without having to place a sign that reads “this product contains peanuts.” We’re pretty sure that people with peanut allergies know what peanuts look like. Maybe the store owner is just trying to be extra safe, which is okay.


What Is Happening

There’s almost nothing worse than getting caught in the rain without a way to protect yourself. We’ve all been there, it’s a beautiful sunny day, and then suddenly out of nowhere, clouds gather together and before you know it, it’s pouring.

What Is Happening

What Is Happening

If only there was a way that this guy could prevent himself from getting caught in the rain…oh wait, there actually is. Why on earth is he not using his umbrella properly? Why is he just holding it up in the air like that?


Thanks Captain Obvious

There has to be a company that is in charge of all of these signs, as this has to be the same person who’s behind “do not breathe underwater” sign. It’s pretty sad that this sign has to exist at all.

Thanks Captain Obvious

Thanks Captain Obvious

This establishment is probably just trying to avoid any lawsuits. If this place sells alcohol, then everything makes sense. Maybe only a sign that says “caution: fire is hot” will prevent a very drunk person from touching the flames.


Should Go Without Saying

Sometimes, you encounter a sign that seems truly unfathomable. Why on earth would there be a sign that reads “please do not lick the bathroom walls”? It’s pretty worrisome that something horrible must have happened for this sign to be here.

Should Go Without Saying

Should Go Without Saying

Who is insane enough to lick a public bathroom wall in the first place? There should be absolutely no reason for this sign to exist. The other question is, how did the restaurant’s staff even know about the bathroom wall-licking that took place?


Not A Drinking Fountain

To continue the trend of signs that should not have to exist, especially not in the bathroom, we have this sign as well. Why anybody would ever decide to drink anything that has come near the urinal is beyond us.

Not A Drinking Fountain

Not A Drinking Fountain

There is absolutely no reason why there should be a sign clarifying that the urinal is not a water fountain and that the water is not for drinking, but here we are. What on earth went down for this to have become a thing?


That’s Usually How It Goes

Having a balcony is quite the desirable feature in a home. There’s nothing like sitting outside on a beautiful day and enjoying a meal or coffee with a pleasant view. You would think that everyone is aware of the fact that balconies are typically not on the ground floor.

That's Usually How It Goes

That’s Usually How It Goes

However, there must have been a good reason for whoever owns this place to add this sign. It must have just not been clear to someone that this balcony was not on the ground.


No Dive Zone

Diving is an art, and takes a lot of skill as well as dedicated practice. You’d expect that it is common knowledge that in order to dive, you need a large body of water or a large enough pool.

No Dive Zone

No Dive Zone

That’s why it is a mystery as to why this sign had to be included on this toilet. Who on earth is trying to dive INTO the toilet bowl? It should be pretty clear to everyone that this is not physically possible at all.


What Was He Expecting?

Anybody who has visited more than one Chipotle location knows that the interior decor is pretty uniform throughout all the different Chipotle restaurants. One of its most distinct features is the wall installment that features many holes arranged in lines in a giant slab of wood.

What Was He Expecting?

What Was He Expecting?

We’re sure that many kids have been curious about these and have tried to fit their fingers through them. Apparently that was not limited to just kids though. This adult man got his finger stuck, and unlucky for him, someone caught it on their phone.


Looks Painful

Most of the time, signs are needed in order to warn people against doing things that are possible to do but need to be avoided. For example, we have signs that say “no entrance” and “not an exit” that are pretty self-explanatory.

Looks Painful

Looks Painful

While the phrase “do not sit on the fence” makes sense grammatically, it certainly doesn’t make sense in this case. Who would even want to sit on this fence in the first place? But sadly, someone must have been doing it, which explains the sign.


Looks Can Be Deceiving

Faux decorations like plants and fruit has really come a long way. While they used to look horribly fake and plastic-y, nowadays, there are many quite convincing replicas that you can buy in order to decorate your home or office.

Looks Can Be Deceiving

Looks Can Be Deceiving

This poor guy saw a bowl of fruit and decided that he wanted to snack on an apple. Unfortunately for him, even after he picked it up, he didn’t realize that it was not a real apple, and got a pretty nasty shock when he took a bite.


Not For Humans

Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could get the full story behind every warning sign out there? As Burg points out, “every warning label has a story” and we’re dying to know what happened here in order for this sign to exist.

Not For Humans

Not For Humans

It’s pretty concerning that this gas booster looks similar enough to energy drink packaging that someone would confuse the two. That must have been one extremely unpleasant sip. We just hope the person didn’t drink enough of it to get hurt.



Sometimes we all experience brain farts: we enter a room only to immediately forget why we went in there for, we frantically search for our phones while they’re in our hands, and we panic about losing our sunglasses while we’re wearing them.



This girl experienced one of these moments when she was holding her phone in one hand a chocolate milk in the other. Instead of tossing her phone on her bed, her brain had an “oopsie” moment and she ended up with chocolate milk sheets instead.


What Are They Doing?

Locking your keys inside your car is seriously one of the most unfortunate and frustrating situations. Often, it means that you’ll have to either call a company to break into your car or you have to break into it yourself.

What Are They Doing?

What Are They Doing?

This couple had a perfect opportunity to retrieve his keys without damaging the car, but maybe they were too panicked to realize that they literally had a garbage bag replacing their window. All they had to do was remove the bag…


Wrong Number

We’ve all been there: you thought you entered somebody’s phone number correctly into your phone, only to realize that there was a mistake when someone unexpected answered instead of your friend. Usually, the confused person is the one who got the message.

Wrong Number

Wrong Number

In this case, the person sending the message was the one who was seriously confused. He didn’t understand that the person he was texting was a total stranger and had no idea what the correct number he was looking for was.


Pretty Disappointing

Most sellers rely on reviews in order to gain customers’ trust in their products. There’s nothing worse than getting a one star review. That is, except for receiving a one star review for something that is not your fault at all.

Pretty Disappointing

Pretty Disappointing

This person didn’t realize that this phone cause with a protective film that needs to be removed from the case when it is received. They thought that the phrase “remove protective film” was just part of the design. Yikes…


It’s Just Math

When it comes to Facebook, people have a tendency to overshare. Perhaps that’s just our human nature, but something about being able to post publicly gives us agency to make announcements that are sometimes just plain annoying to everyone else.

It's Just Math

It’s Just Math

This woman tried to show off just how much she thinks her husband is better than everyone else’s husband (whatever that even means) but she really should have brushed up on her basic math knowledge first. Instead she accidentally publicly insulted her husband.


Do YOU Have A Brain?

One of the great mysteries of life is what on earth is your dog thinking while he’s gazing into your eyes? Do they really, truly understand us on a spiritual level, or is he just looking for his next treat?

Do YOU Have A Brain?

Do YOU Have A Brain?

This person is very confused about how dogs operate in general, and also how brains work as well. Somebody need to let them know that just because animals can’t speak it absolutely does not mean that they do not have brains. Biology 101 time.


Not Even Ounce

Investing in your education is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your future. While the traditional school system may not be for everyone, making sure you get some sort of education is paramount for success.

Not Even Ounce

Not Even Ounce

This guy thought that he’s outsmarted the whole system. Despite his teachers’ and parents’ advice, he decided to drop out, thinking he’d be totally fine without any education at all. Well, it looks like his parents’ point has been proven.


Authur, Write This!

Speaking of education, here we see yet another example of somebody who was seriously not paying any attention at all while at school. From his declaration of “my back is killing me, I think I got Authur write this” we can see that.

Authur, Write This!

Authur, Write This!

First of all, he has completely butchered the word arthritis. Second, he doesn’t understand that arthritis refers to joint pain and stiffness, so most like his back issues stem from a completely different issue. We suggest he heads to a licensed doctor immediately.


A Drive-Thru

Drive-thrus are perhaps one of the most interesting inventions which (of course) originated in the United States. Did you know the first drive-thru was started in 1930 and it was a drive-up window teller at a bank, which allowed deposits to be made.

A Drive Thru

A Drive Thru

These days, it’s pretty common to see food, beverage, and banking drive-thrus around the country. Now, these are usually pretty easy to spot. That’s why it’s unclear why this guy saw his own reflection and got confused about why there’s a car inside the bank.


Let’s Think About It

We truly understand the frustration expressed by @rllydumbtweetsi, since this person’s Tweet is an alarming indication of the state of our education system. It is really important for students to receive a proper education about how the body and its functions work.

Let's Think About It

Let’s Think About It

There should be absolutely no reason why a grown up individual is asking why “the woman” (here he needs to work on his spelling as well) never need to take a DNA test in order to reveal maternity. This is just sad.


Not A Restroom

We really feel the pain of the worker who has to spend their whole day working at this ticket office. There must be so much confusion about whether this room is a bathroom or not that this sign was needed.

Not A Restroom

Not A Restroom

We sincerely hope that the confusion ended with people just walking in, but unfortunately we have a bad feeling that there may have been one or two messy accidents before. That red underline beneath the “NOT” really emphasizes the frustration.


Please Don’t

A lot of parents feel that they can live vicariously through their children, even if that sometimes means forcing their kids to do things that they would otherwise not want to do. It looks like that includes riding theme park rides.

Please Don't

Please Don’t

We wonder how many traumatizing incidents the park workers had to witness before this sign was put up in order to prevent more scared children from being forced to sit through a park ride. We’re glad this sign is up, please don’t do this to your kids.


It’s For Your Sake

Wow, talk about a mouthful! This sign is so wordy and it probably includes so much detail because the person who put it up must have gone through a really frustrating legal process in the past.

It's For Your Sake

It’s For Your Sake

Unfortunately, since the sign is so long and detailed, we’re afraid that people will not be inclined to read it at all. This would actually cause the opposite effect of what the sign aims to do, since it deters people from reading it at all.


The Wifi Is GF

You have to hand it to these cafe owners, they really understand their target audience. Some people can’t have anything that is not gluten free. While many people have a legitimate reason to be gluten free, some people choose to be.

The Wifi Is GF

The Wifi Is GF

This cafe has decided to cater to the current trend of everything being gluten free, so much so that they’ve decided to let everyone know that even the Wifi is gluten free. This is a classic marketing trick: place a gluten free sticker on something that’s always been gluten free.


Don’t Flush

Establishments that have a public restroom available to use must see so many strange things over time. Who knows how many countless toilet clogs they’ve had to deal with because of stray items that ended up in the toilet bowl.

Don't Flush

Don’t Flush

That’s why they decided to put this sticker on the toilet with a very detailed list of items that should not end up being flushed down the toilet. Luckily it seems like these business owners still have a good sense of humor.


Pull Your Pants Up

Since the early 2000’s, for some reason it has been in style (for men in particular) to wear pants very low to the point where the underwear worn underneath is very prominently visible. A lot of people take issue with this style.

Pull Your Pants Up

Pull Your Pants Up

For example, this business owner has adopted a strict “pull your pants up” policy, otherwise he is reserving the right to refuse entry to his establishment. At least he was considerate and allowed kids ages 3 and under to be exempt from this rule.


For Emphasis

You would think that the inclusion of a stop sign would be enough of an indication that this is a point where vehicle are expected to make a full stop. But of course, when human beings are involved, things are bound to go wrong.

For Emphasis

For Emphasis

It seems like so many people were not following the simple instruction of the stop sign (which should be self explanatory) that a second sign needed to be added, saying: “this is a stop sign” for extra emphasis.


How Would You Even?

Some warnings on the label are very clear, like “do not eat” and “choking hazard.” This is especially true when you have young children around that are eager to explore the world by inserting potentially dangerous things into their mouths.

How Would You Even?

How Would You Even?

However, we’re not really sure how anybody could potentially swallow this hanger. Even the illustration seems to be a bit outlandish. How could anyone fit this giant hanger in their mouth? We wonder if this warning came after a bad experience.


Please Read This

This is another one of this situations that make us wonder about the fate of humanity. We’re sure that something really unpleasant must have taken place at this Ikea toilet display in order for this sign to be placed here.

Please Read This

Please Read This

It should be clear when a toilet is just for display in a showroom and when it is an acceptable place to do your business. Sadly, somebody must have tried to relieve themselves here, causing the store to put this sign directly in the display toilet.


Not An Entrance

What do you think, should you enter through this stairway or no? It seems like this is another situation where one sign simply was not enough to deter people from going through this area, so whoever was in charge decided to make the message clearer.

Not An Entrance

Not An Entrance

It seems like it’s just part of human nature to get really curious upon seeing a “do not enter” sign, making us throw caution to the wind and go ahead anyway. That explains why there are so many “last warning” signs added on here.


Oh Really?

When you go to the zoo, you hope that there are good fences in place that allow for the animals to roam around freely in their enclosures so visitors can be at a safe distance from them while observing the animals.

Oh Really?

Oh Really?

Of course, people will still found stupid ways to make otherwise safe situations unsafe. We wonder what must have gone down in order for this zoo to decide to put up this sign to remind visitors that indeed, “lions are dangerous.”


We’d Love To Know

Many public libraries have rules in place in order to keep things organized and orderly. Many times, this includes having a strict no food policy, in order to prevent books from getting damaged. This library has a very strict no Oreo policy.

We'd Love To Know

We’d Love To Know

We wonder what these “recent events” were that forced the library to enact such a specific rule that outlaws these particular cookies. What could have people possibly done with Oreos for this to happen? Hopefully things didn’t get too out of hand.


Just To Clarify

Ikea is not just a furniture shopping experience, but also can be a full day outing. This is because they also have a food court that allow shoppers to take a lunch break in between shopping for couches and DIY shelves.

Just To Clarify

Just To Clarify

One of their signature snacks that are sold include 50-cent hot dogs, as seen in the sign. What we didn’t think needed to be pointed out is the fact that the hot dog picture in the giant sign is not to scale.


Isn’t Everything?

As things stand right now, pretty much every single item that is produced is made on planet Earth. While that may change in the future, it’s safe to say that everything that is manufactured has been made here and not on the moon.

Isn't Everything?

Isn’t Everything?

It is pretty typical to have a product’s place of production listed on its packaging, and perhaps this label had a mandatory form field for this. Maybe the person filling out the information wasn’t sure where the product was made, so he just filled in “earth” to be safe.


Flying Popcorn

This automated hand dryer must be located in a movie theater, judging by this frankly hilarious sign that was placed next to it. There must have been quite the mess to clean up in order for the establishment to include this sign.

Flying Popcorn

Flying Popcorn

Since the hand dryer is motion activated, it’s probably best to keep a tub of popcorn far away in order to avoid a flying popcorn situation. We must say, the offending incident must have been pretty funny to watch happen.


You’re No Paragraph!

Ever since the Internet has become popular, there has been a huge influx of people trying their hand at DIY projects and hobbies. That means that for freelance creatives, the field seems to have been diluted, making it harder to secure work.

You're No Paragraph!

You’re No Paragraph!

This person decided to vent their frustration by tweeting: “owning a camera doesn’t make you a paragraph.” It would have made a very clear point if he would have just not written “paragraph” instead of “photographer” since now he just looks silly.


Boy Male Or Girl Male?

A lot of people turn to the hive mind for help, and this is particularly the case when trying to think of a name for a pet. This person decided to pose the question to their friends on social media.

Boy Male Or Girl Male?

Boy Male Or Girl Male?

When asking what he should name his male puppy, the first person to reply clearly does not have great reading comprehension skills, since they asked a follow up question of “boy or girl?” Maybe they could just offer a unisex name.


Books For Free?

Technology is advancing at such a rapid rate that many traditions that have been around for centuries are quickly being forgotten. When was the last time you sent a letter by mail to a loved one?

Books For Free?

Books For Free?

This person wanted to know if there was a way to borrow books and return them once they’ve been read…there’s actually an entire system for this exact model, and it’s called a library, a concept that’s been around since 2600 BCE. And it is totally free.


Salmon Vanilla

Here is yet another example of how badly we need to improve our education system. This guy was smart enough to ask about food safety, but that’s where his intelligence ended. He asked: “has anyone ever gotten salmon vanilla from chicken that’s not fully cooked?”

Salmon Vanilla

Salmon Vanilla

Of course, he was trying to ask about salmonella, and not salmon vanilla, which frankly sounds like a terrible sushi roll. This guy really needed to pay more attention both in his science class and his English class. At least he knows not to eat raw chicken.


You’re Kitten Me

Anyone who has seen a cartoon that includes a cat has most likely viewed a scene that included the cat drinking a bowl of milk. It’s a well-known trope that felines enjoy drinking milk in order to reap the benefits.

You're Kitten Me

You’re Kitten Me

Some stores sell milk specifically meant for cats, aka cat milk. Unfortunately some people seem to be confused about whether this milk comes from cats or is just milk for cats. Of course, it’s the latter, but it’s quite concerning that some people were maybe interested in consuming milk from cats.