Man Is Shocked to Learn What a Tiny Creature Grew Into

Published on March 26, 2023
Jonathan was your average animal lover who enjoyed walking in the woods and being surrounded by nature. Many people find strength and serenity outside, so it’s no wonder that they thrive outdoors.

What would you do if you found a small creature while wandering around the forest? If you were Jonathan, you’d scoop it up and take it to a local veterinarian to make sure it was okay and healthy. That’s what he did after finding a white monkey-like animal that looked very weak. However, that turned into a huge mistake; he should have left it where he’d found it and called it a day!

Animal Lover

Jonathan had always loved animals and appreciated them. Therefore, he’d been on countless rescue missions. In fact, he loved nature and walked around in the woods as often as he could. Today, he was helping a creature in need, but things weren’t really what they seemed.

Animal Lover

Animal Lover

Baby Animal

Overall, Jonathan was skilled at helping animals, though he never called himself a hero. He could easily identify basic issues and knew the vets in the city. Right now, he saw a baby creature alone, but that just led to more trouble.

Baby Animal

Baby Animal


Cry for Help

While on a walk through the woods, Jonathan recognized a cry for help from an animal. He paused to see if he could hear it again. A few seconds later, the same sound rang through. It was faint and sounded like a puppy, but how did it get there?

Cry for Help

Cry for Help


Poor Thing

Jonathan spotted the tiny creature. It was lying on top of a bed of moss, and he thought it looked like a white monkey. However, it was young enough that his eyes hadn’t opened. The man looked around for other creatures, but this little guy was the only one!

Poor Thing

Poor Thing


Checking for Wounds

The man checked the little creature for wounds. However, the monkey seemed fine, though it was scared and alone. Was it really a monkey? As Jonathan kept staring, he became unsure, and that wasn’t the only strange thing!

Checking for Wounds

Checking for Wounds


The Human Problem

That bed of moss didn’t look natural, so he wondered if it was a nest. Likewise, he also felt that humans had a part to play in this. How could someone leave the baby puppy or monkey in the woods all alone? He knew he had to do something!

The Human Problem

The Human Problem


Time for a Walk

Jonathan made a makeshift carrier with his travel bag cover, putting the puppy/monkey inside of it. There was plenty of walking to do before he got back to his car, but at least this creature was protected and safe.

Time for a Walk

Time for a Walk


Continuous Checks

During the trek, Jonathan checked on the baby animal. It was a black creature and very small with few distinctive features. However, its face looked odd. Finally, he decided it was a monkey and not a puppy. There just wasn’t any other explanation!

Continuous Checks

Continuous Checks


A New Idea

Further along on his walk, Jonathan got another idea. The animal might not be native to the area or forest. A monkey wouldn’t, but it did make more sense. If that was the case, how did it get here? Again, humans seemed the only plausible answer.

A New Idea

A New Idea


Parking Lot

It was getting dark by the time Jonathan got to his vehicle, and the city was still half an hour away. Finally, he made it to the park’s parking lot, but it was empty! No one was there. He turned back to his vehicle, but it was gone!

Parking Lot

Parking Lot


A Clue

Jonathan walked to where he parked it, walking around the space to make sure he wasn’t mistaken. No one could have towed it in that short time frame. He knew it was here, and it was legal to be there. Finally, he made his way to the first place he looked and found a clue!

A Clue

A Clue


Broken Glass

He bent down to the pavement and saw broken glass. Someone must have broken the window and stolen his car. They had the time to do it since he’d been in the forest. Luckily, he had his phone, so he called the police to file a report.

Broken Glass

Broken Glass


The Police

Jonathan told the police officer everything he could about the vehicle, including make, model, license plate number, and where it had been parked. The cop said they would watch for it to show up. Still, Jonathan was stranded.

The Police

The Police


No Cabs

Since Jonathan had a smartphone, he checked his Uber app. No one would drive that far from the city to get him, even though he was willing to pay a high price. Then, he called a taxi service, explaining his situation. However, the cab company thought he was trying to scam the drivers.

No Cabs

No Cabs


Something Drastic

He kept calling taxi companies, but they all turned him down. He was furious after the sixth call he placed. Now, he was desperate, and the rain was coming. He didn’t want to be cold, so it was time to do something drastic.

Something Drastic

Something Drastic



Jonathan decided to hitchhike, and a car came by about 10 minutes later. He flagged it down, and a middle-aged woman rolled down her car window. The man explained his situation and said he needed a ride into the city.




Going to the City

The woman in the car was going into the city and had no issue taking Jonathan with her. She believed his story and was quite kind. He sat down in the passenger seat and heard an odd noise coming from her backseat.

Going to the City

Going to the City


Curious Dog

Jonathan instinctively covered the animal he was holding as a Labrador approached, sniffing to see what it was. He thought the dog was motherly and wanted to help, so he uncovered the creature to show the dog, but that made things worse!

Curious Dog

Curious Dog


Growling Dog

Jonathan realized his mistake, but it was too late. The Labrador had taken a look at the monkey, sniffed him for a moment, and then became aggressive. It started growling and baring its teeth before it got reprimanded by the woman.

Growling Dog

Growling Dog


The Destination

The man closed his eyes, hoping that the veterinarian could help him get information. He knew he had to go to the vet before the police station because he had to know what this animal was. Luckily, the woman said she would drop him off there.

The Destination

The Destination


The Waiting Room

Finally, they arrived at the vet’s office. The woman wished him luck, leaving him at the building. Jonathan checked in at the receptionist’s desk, sat down, and watched the tiny creature. Even the receptionist was confused.

The Waiting Room

The Waiting Room



Since the animal appeared in bad shape, he was bumped up to priority status. He went into the vet’s office and told the veterinarian what he knew. The vet asked questions and sent Jonathan back to the waiting room.




Making a Call

Now that the poor creature was in the vet’s care, Jonathan turned his attention to the theft of his vehicle. He called the police again to get an update on his police report, but he was transferred to some other department.

Making a Call

Making a Call


Broken Window

Luckily, the cops had found his vehicle. The thief rode to town with the window broken, and a police officer saw it, stopping for a routine check. The driver couldn’t provide appropriate information, so they took both the vehicle and thief into custody!

Broken Window

Broken Window


Caught Off Guard

Now, it was time to call the insurance and get the vehicle back, but the vet was tapping on his shoulder. Looking up, he saw the strange look, and his curiosity grew. The veterinarian told Jonathan that he had made a mistake bringing that creature here.

Caught Off Guard

Caught Off Guard


The Explanation

Jonathan had a defeated look on his face while the doctor explained the circumstances. That young animal was in a bad situation, but the doctor couldn’t do anything because it had progressed too far. However, it also posed a danger to the animals at the clinic!

The Explanation

The Explanation


Not a Monkey

The animal had a contagious virus and was a baby super glider. Jonathan was shocked and almost laughed. In fact, he knew it couldn’t have been a puppy, but he had no idea that it was a bat! Who could have guessed?!

Not a Monkey

Not a Monkey


Super Gliders

The super glider had a virus that the vet knew well because he’d been studying it for a few weeks. It was widely reported on in the area. However, it was common amongst hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, and raccoons. They could all get it.

Super Gliders

Super Gliders


No Risk to Humans

While Jonathan worried, the vet said they had isolated the creature, but the humans had to shower and put on fresh clothes so that they didn’t spread the virus. Humans couldn’t contract the virus, but the other animals at the clinic had to get tested.

No Risk to Humans

No Risk to Humans



After a while, the tests were done, and no other animals were hurt. Plus, the vet said they could treat the super glider. Clearly, Jonathan should have left the creature in the forest, but he just couldn’t do it and had to save it if possible!




More News

One day, the veterinarian called and told Jonathan that he had news on the super glider. It was important for him to get to the clinic. Though Jonathan was at work, he asked for the rest of the day off and headed to the hospital.

More News

More News


Come Inside

Jonathan drove quickly and had a bad feeling. Finally, the vet came to the waiting room and told Jonathan to go into the office. He was nervous and had no idea what to expect. Then, the vet asked a surprising question!

Come Inside

Come Inside


Choose a Name

The veterinarian asked if Jonathan had picked out a name for his super glider. This confused him, and he wondered why he would do that. After a moment of silence, he blurted out, “MONKEY!” That was the super glider’s name.

Choose a Name

Choose a Name


Take Responsibility

A woman brought in the super glider, and the vet asked if Jonathan would take him home. He was so happy the animal was healthy. Though he’d never cared for one before, he said he wanted to do so for the creature.

Take Responsibility

Take Responsibility



Jonathan was truly overjoyed when he got to take the super glider home. In fact, he and Monkey became best friends, playing all the time. Luckily, Monkey got stronger with each day, so Jonathan took him outside to play one day, but something happened!




Horsing Around

Monkey ended up climbing a tree and was gone. Jonathan searched for a few hours but couldn’t find him. He left, vowing to come back. The next day, he went to the tree but couldn’t find that super glider. He was getting ready to call it a night, but then it happened!

Horsing Around

Horsing Around


Out of Nowhere

From out of nowhere, the super glider jumped from the tree and flew around. He circled Jonathan, eventually landing on the man’s shoulder. They stayed like that, cuddling, and Jonathan instantly knew it was Monkey. They went home, but something felt off.

Out of Nowhere

Out of Nowhere



Jonathan wondered if it was okay for Monkey to live with him. Maybe he would be better off in the wild? Therefore, he let Monkey play in his backyard tree, where he flew away. Later, he took a walk in the forest and didn’t see Monkey, but there was something in his garden!




Back to the Vet

It was another super glider in his garden, and they seemed to want help. Worried it might have that same virus, Jonathan took it to the vet. Immediately, the vet ran tests and found that this super glider was negative. Upon further examination, the veterinarian realized that Monkey and this creature were brother and sister!

Back to the Vet

Back to the Vet


Best Friends

Instantly, Jonathan knew he had to take care of both these creatures. He said he would take them home without hesitation. Now, they’re healthy and happy, and Jonathan has some new friends to play with!

Best Friends

Best Friends