Mother Is Frozen In Fear After Receiving a Photo from Her Young Babysitter

Published on December 29, 2022
Claudia is a working mom who had recently had a baby. Although she would have loved to spend more time with her new baby, she had to return to work. That’s why she called her teenage niece to babysit her 2-month-old. Claudia understood that it would take a good amount of time for her niece to settle into becoming a babysitter. However, she didn’t know what to expect when she received a shocking picture from her niece. The teenager had sent her an image that set off a chain reaction. Here’s what happened.

Her Responsibilities

Claudia Sorhaindo was like every other working mom, trying to balance her job and raising a small child. Her daughter was only 2 months old when she had to return to her job to fulfill her working responsibilities.

Her Responsibilities

Her Responsibilities

Needing Help

Claudia wanted to spend as much time with her daughter as possible, which is like most mothers who have just given birth. Nonetheless, she needed to ask for help from babysitters. She never expected the event that happened with one babysitter.

Needing Help

Needing Help


Facing Reality

Claudia lives in Lakeland, Florida with her daughter Ava. Two months after giving birth, the mother quickly developed a protective nature. She hardly left her daughter’s side. However, she soon needed to face reality.

Facing Reality

Facing Reality


A Balance

One pressure that many mothers face is the immense pressure of balancing motherhood and work. Claudia had received a call from her office. During this call, they explained that they wanted her to attend a business meeting.

A Balance

A Balance


A Mother’s Dilemma

This required Claudia to leave her precious Ava. After finishing up the call, Claudia made a list of her choices, but none of these were attractive. She had to choose between missing a career opportunity or missing taking care of her daughter.

A Mother’s Dilemma

A Mother’s Dilemma



Claudia realized that she only had one choice, as she had already taken up all of her maternity leave. She understood that she needed to attend the meeting. However, she didn’t know what was going to happen after she went to the meeting.




A Helping Hand

The new mother had finalized her decision to return to work, which led to her looking for someone to watch over her precious Ava. Even though the meeting wouldn’t take up too much time, Claudia knew that she needed someone she trusted.

A Helping Hand

A Helping Hand


The Phone Call

That’s when Claudia went through her phone to see if any of her friends or family could help, but this was unsuccessful. However, Claudia’s sister had told her that there was someone who might be up to the job. Who was it?

The Phone Call

The Phone Call


An Option

Claudia’s sister had suggested that her daughter, J’Ann, watch over Ava while Claudia was away at her work meeting. The mother was uncertain if she could leave her teenage niece with a 2-month-old, even though she knew that J’Ann was responsible.

An Option

An Option


No Other Option

Despite Claudia being apprehensive, her sister encouraged her that it would be okay. After all, Claudia had no other options, but she still felt fearful about leaving her daughter with a teenager. Were her motherly instincts correct?

No Other Option

No Other Option


Time to Decide

The day of Claudia’s meeting was coming soon and she didn’t have enough time to look for another babysitter. After receiving many rejections, the new mother decided to trust her sister and let her niece look after her baby.

Time To Decide

Time To Decide



J’Ann was happy to babysit for her aunty. However, nobody understood what was about to take place. Claudia had left strict instructions to ensure nothing went wrong. According to Claudia, nothing could go drastically wrong.





J’Ann prides herself on being one of the oldest grandchildren in the family. She has experience with babysitting her other cousins, which is why she was confident that she could take care of her new little cousin, Ava. She even has a CPR qualification.




The Day Had Come

When the day arrived, the mom was incredibly anxious to leave her daughter. This was possibly because she hadn’t left her daughter’s side since she had given birth. Leaving her baby with a young babysitter certainly didn’t help her nerves.

The Day Had Come

The Day Had Come


Ready to Go

Claudia had informed her niece about everything she would need and also handed her emergency contact numbers in case there was a problem. J’Ann was well-prepared and there wasn’t anything else she needed to know, but Claudia still wanted to remain home.

Ready To Go

Ready To Go


Business Meeting

The drive to the office felt incredibly long for the new mom. She constantly checked her phone for any messages. It seemed her anxiety wasn’t going to stop until she got home and saw her daughter. Getting out of the car, she saw a message from her niece.

Business Meeting

Business Meeting


Full Screen

J’Ann had sent a picture to Claudia. From the thumbnail, Claudia could clearly see that her daughter was in the picture. Her mind instantly began thinking that something had happened. The full image was taking forever to load, which only made her worry more.

Full Screen

Full Screen



Claudia was getting restless and anxious. Millions of thoughts ran across her mind as she waited for the picture to load. Something might have been seriously wrong and she wouldn’t have known. However, she never expected what she saw next.




Finally Revealed

Claudia couldn’t wait for the picture any longer. She needed answers immediately, which is why J’Ann sent her a text telling her what had happened. The teenager explained that she went to go make herself a sandwich because she was hungry.

Finally Revealed

Finally Revealed


Took Forever

Once Claudia had read the text, she went back to the picture. In the image, Ava’s legs looked swollen. However, the new mother’s worries quickly changed to amusement once she saw the clear image her niece had sent her.

Took Forever

Took Forever


A Crazy Idea

After seeing this image, Claudia was filled with relief as she got out of the car. Although she was consumed with anxiety from the slow loading time, these fears rapidly dissipated once she saw the image. J’Ann certainly was looking after Ava.

A Crazy Idea

A Crazy Idea


Unconventional Thinking

Claudia later revealed that her niece is incredibly smart and knew that she always needed to watch the baby. That’s when she came up with a genius idea while making a sandwich in the kitchen. The new mother had never thought of the solution herself.

Unconventional Thinking

Unconventional Thinking



J’Ann decided to place Ava in her sweatpants. The baby was secure thanks to the waistband. This allowed J’Ann to make herself a sandwich while watching over Ava. The image depicting this situation amused Claudia and brought her much relief.

Two In One

Two In One



The new mother quickly went onto her Facebook page and decided to share the image. She dubbed this as the ‘hands-free’ method. Claudia used the caption to explain what was happening. After publishing the image, comments and reactions came rolling in.

Hands Free

Hands Free



Claudia attended her work meeting after sharing the picture on social media. Her entire family reacted to the photo. The new mom understand that her family and friends would laugh about this new method.




Attracting Attention

Once she logged back onto her social media, Claudia saw that the image had made the rounds on the platform. It had been shared multiple times and many people had been commenting on it. The photo was attracting tons of attention.

Attracting Attention

Attracting Attention



When Claudia looked again, her post had already received hundreds of likes and comments. This was an unbelievable reaction. The new mom came up with her own idea while going through the comments left on her post.




Surprising Reactions

Claudia had read many comments where people had tagged other Facebook accounts. Others gushed over how adorable baby Ava was. However, the majority of these comments stated how brilliant this idea was.

Surprising Reactions

Surprising Reactions


Business Ideas

One user stated that they should get a patent on maternity pants that turn into this afterward. A baby carrier and maternity pants might have sounded silly. However, the certainly was a market for such a product. Was this the start of a new venture?

Business Ideas

Business Ideas


Her Plan

Along with J’Ann’s help, Claudia began formulating a plan that would make pregnant women’s and new mothers’ lives easier. They decided to name these pants J’Pants in honor of J’Ann and rapidly began production.

Her Plan

Her Plan


A Massive Hurdle

Claudia and her niece were thrilled about the design. However, the new mother also understood what a small business would entail. Any new business requires some funding, which is why they needed money for production. That’s when they made a GoFundMe page.

A Massive Hurdle

A Massive Hurdle


Business and Family Relationships

Even though the fundraiser didn’t achieve the pair’s last goal, people were donating to the page. Many individuals were hoping to see the production of these J’Pants in production. The page was open from 2017 and only raised $220.

Business And Family Relationships

Business And Family Relationships


Sense of Security

In the meantime, Claudia had another realization. J’Ann doing what she did for Ava showed the new mother how supportive her family is. She was incredibly lucky to have such a community surrounding her.

Sense Of Security

Sense Of Security


Terrible Truth

Claudia’s overprotectiveness wasn’t because she was having ‘first-time mom syndrome.’ The mother had a lot of experience with children, as she had come from a big family. Instead, she had undergone a traumatic event.

Terrible Truth

Terrible Truth


A Traumatic Event

Sadly, Claudia had lost a baby. She had a three-month-old girl named Jenelle who died in 2011. The baby had died in the hospital because of a medication mix-up. This devastated their entire family, especially Claudia.

A Traumatic Event

A Traumatic Event


A New Beginning

Soon after falling pregnant with Ava, Claudia and her fiance decided to move to the US. The new mother never believed she would be blessed with more children and was overwhelmed when she found out she was pregnant.

A New Beginning

A New Beginning


Life in America

The couple was informed that Claudia couldn’t have any more children after Jenelle’s death. They saw this pregnancy as a massive blessing. That’s when they decided to move to the US. They would be surrounded by support.

Life In America

Life In America


Feeling Loved

The viral post on Facebook only entrusted Claudia’s reasoning behind making the move. She believed that she would have help with any situation she encountered. Moving had left her feeling immense love and security from her friends and family.

Feeling Loved

Feeling Loved


New Joy

Baby Ava was seen as one of the greatest blessings for the entire family. After losing Jenelle, the family believed that they would never recover. However, they did when this new life was welcomed into the family.

New Joy

New Joy


A Family Blessing

When discussing her life story, Claudia detailed the tragic events proceeding to her and J’Ann’s new invention. To Claudia, her family had been the biggest support when she lost Jenelle. With her family, she didn’t need anti-depression medication. She knew she would be okay with her family by her side.

A Family Blessing

A Family Blessing