Hilarious Notes Left By Irate Neighbors

Published on August 29, 2019
Neighborly feuds are as old as time but these neighbors have taken their irritation to the next level. They have chosen to leave hilarious and creative notes to show their neighbor just how frustrated they feel about their actions.

Did Anyone Say Flamingoes On My Lawn?

Looks like this was a passive-aggressive game of chess or Chinese checkers. One homeowner’s move was to call the police on their neighbor and the counterattack move involved planting some flamingoes to decorate their lawn. What a sweet move.

Did Anyone Say Flamingoes On My Lawn?

Did Anyone Say Flamingoes On My Lawn?

Aesthetics Are Very Important Clearly

It seems that these neighbors really didn’t enjoy the blatant display by a free-spirited neighbor and managed to get several signatures to request that they close their blinds when getting dressed. Not sure if that’s a compliment or an insult?

Aesthetics Are Very Important Clearly

Aesthetics Are Very Important Clearly


A Game Of Catches With A Twist

We all know it’s important to take your dog out for walks to do their business but leaving their “business” on your neighbor’s lawn is not very respectable. This guy wasn’t going to put up with this without a fight.

A Game Of Catches With A Twist

A Game Of Catches With A Twist


A Picture Worth A Thousand Words

The yellow lines are meant as guidelines for your car to fit in between them, and not on them. Seems one driver needed instructions to understand this concept of parking, and this person took it upon themselves to teach them.

A Picture Worth A Thousand Words

A Picture Worth A Thousand Words


You Are My Sunshine My Only Sunshine

Here’s yet another neighbor that thinks that it’s ok to leave their doggie business on some else’s lawn or driveway, in this instance. At least this homeowner used a bit of humor to get his point across to the culprit.

You Are My Sunshine, My Only Sunshine

You Are My Sunshine, My Only Sunshine


A Half-Hearted Effort

Picking up your pet’s doodoo is the respectable thing to do, but once the package is secure in a plastic packet it needs to be disposed of appropriately. Leaving it near the garbage can isn’t the way to do it.

A Half Hearted Effort

A Half Hearted Effort


Missing Bike

Stealing is never an option in any scenario. This guy’s bike was stolen and he is having none of it! He is so angry that he’s making it his life’s mission to catch whoever took his bike and take revenge.

Missing Bike

Missing Bike


A 60 Second Dash

This guy is now fed up with having to endure what he deems as torture. He’s not happy being exposed to their upstairs neighbor ‘s late-night shenanigans. Hopefully, by trying a slightly ego-deflating approach he will get the desired result.

A 60 Second Dash

A 60 Second Dash


Twinkles Toes

Living in an apartment below noisy neighbors can be challenging and this downstairs tenant knows all about it. It seems they’ve had enough and are trying anything in their power to get the stomping to stop. Let’s hope this works.

Twinkle Toes

Twinkle Toes


Don’t Mess With My Child!

Children love to play outside, but when your child comes home with what appears to be chocolate mousse on their feet, the gloves come off. Never mess with a mama bear’s cub. Seeing this as a typo… hopefully, we’re right.

Don’t Mess With My Child!

Don’t Mess With My Child!


A New Paint Technique

It’s so funny how some people think they can tell you what your wall or fence should look like. Seems this guy taught his neighbor a lesson on how to mind his own business and worry about his own fence.

A New Paint Technique

A New Paint Technique


A Pre-Warning Before The Real Warning

Farm animals are called that for the mere reason that they belong in a farm and roosters most definitely qualify as one such animal. Can you imagine being woken up by a rooster at the crack of dawn every day?

A Pre Warning Before The Real Warning

A Pre-Warning Before The Real Warning


Neighborhood Camera Surveillance

It is pretty clear that these people have had several incidents where dog owners have let their pets make a “deposit” on their lawn. So they decided that enough is enough and realized that desperate times call for desperate measures.

Neighborhood Camera Surveillance

Neighborhood Camera Surveillance


Short And Sweet

What do you do if you can see your across-the-road neighbor from a different building doing what should be kept behind closed doors? Well, write a massive sign and stick on your window so they can see it, of course.

Short And Sweet

Short And Sweet


You Do My Laundry And I’ll Do Yours

Doing the laundry is a mundane task that is not particularly pleasant for most people, but it’s a necessity. When you find that your laundry has been tampered with, it can definitely drive you to do all sorts of things.

You Do My Laundry And I’ll Do Yours

You Do My Laundry And I’ll Do Yours


So Much Can Happen During A Drying Cycle

If you have to share a laundromat with your neighbors, there’s an etiquette and certain unspoken rules that you should follow. One important rule is to not hog the washing machine and dryer, which this person clearly didn’t adhere to.

So Much Can Happen During A Drying Cycle

So Much Can Happen During A Drying Cycle


Talk About Thinking Outside The Box

Theft is absolutely no laughing matter, and this guy wanted to make sure that whoever was breaking into his truck knew what was coming if they continued. He was definitely thinking outside the box when he decided on this approach.

Talk About Thinking Outside The Box

Talk About Thinking Outside The Box


Not So Cute Now Are They?

Squirrels are cute little creatures that may remind you of being in a Walt Disney animated movie when you see them scurrying around. But when they’re storing up food for the winter in your garden they’re not so cute anymore.

Not So Cute Now Are They?

Not So Cute Now Are They?


A Not So Heart-Felt Apology In Advance

Usually, you will find that irate neighbors have written notes to those they believe have wronged them in some way or another. This guy was one step ahead and decided to expose what’s coming before the complaints start rolling in.

A Not So Heart Felt Apology In Advance

A Not So Heart Felt Apology In Advance


A Case Of Mistaken Identity

Either this person was being a good Samaritan by removing an unwanted weed from the garden, or they knew exactly what it was and wanted it for themselves. Without any evidence, we still tend to lean towards the latter scenario.

A Case Of Mistaken Identity

A Case Of Mistaken Identity


Mama Always Said We Had To Respect Our Elders

Mama said we shouldn’t only respect our elders, but in fact, people in general. For some reason it doesn’t look like whoever wrote this note was taught the same life lesson. Decapitation and disembodiment aren’t exactly examples of showing respect.

Mama Always Said We Had To Respect Our Elders

Mama Always Said We Had To Respect Our Elders


The Bare Necessities Of Life

Certain bare necessities should always be on your monthly grocery list. One of these essentials items is toilet paper, amongst others. By shopping, we mean that you pay for the toilet paper yourself, and not steal it from your neighbor.

The Bare Necessities Of Life

The Bare Necessities Of Life


Halloween Time Is Pumpkin Time

People love decorating their homes with spiderwebs and carving out pumpkins put outside their houses for Halloween. But if someone is too busy to carve their own pumpkin, stealing their neighbor’s one is really not the way to do it.

Halloween Time Is Pumpkin Time

Halloween Time Is Pumpkin Time


A Song And Dance

Music is a wonderful way to connect people and to relay a message, that’s why so many love songs have been written. In this case, the music was still the vessel, but the message relayed was not exactly a loving one.

A Song And Dance

A Song And Dance


They Have Their Eyes On You

Some neighbors can be nosy and like to be in everyone’s business and others like to keep to themselves. If you don’t dispose of your trash and live with a nosy neighbor, be sure that they’ll notice and say something.

They Have Their Eyes On You

They Have Their Eyes On You


Keep It Down Please

At some point, there will come a time when you have a heated discussion with someone in your apartment. The key is not being loud enough for everyone to hear your issues. No one really wants to hear them anyway.

Keep It Down Please

Keep It Down Please


When Spirits Are Involved

Some people drink beer, some drink wine, and others enjoy spirits. This neighbor clearly enjoyed a bit of everything and it was evident in the noise levels coming from their home and the neighborhood didn’t quite enjoy their vocal displays.

When Spirits Are Involved

When Spirits Are Involved


Please Don’t Butt In

Smoking is a habit that some people cannot break, and that’s ok. But when they’re leaving their cigarette butts all over the place then it’s not ok. This neighbor helped the culprit by pointing out how unsanitary their actions were.

Please Don't Butt In

Please Don’t Butt In


What A Sight!

We’re not quite sure what this elderly man did to upset his neighbor so much but we must admit this is one hilarious way of telling him just what they think. Looks like the moon is out early this evening!

What A Sight!

What A Sight!


Romance Is In The Air

It’s one thing getting along with your neighbors and being friendly with them, but when they think you’re in love with them, well now that could be crossing the line. Fortunately, this guy wrote this note to explain the misunderstanding.

Romance Is In The Air

Romance Is In The Air


A Bit Of Elephant Ten Pin Bowling Anyone?

We’ve already established how challenging it can be living downstairs from noisy neighbors, and it seems another unimpressed tenant is expressing his concerns. Luckily they have a sense of humor and were not too aggressive in getting their message across.

A Bit Of Elephant Ten Pin Bowling Anyone?

A Bit Of Elephant Ten Pin Bowling Anyone?


Summer’s Here And It’s A Great Day For A Swim

If you thought mama bears were fierce when it came to protecting their cubs, well then you haven’t met the grandma bear! This grandma was really not impressed with the thief. Who would steal a little girl’s paddling pool anyway?

Summer’s Here And It’s A Great Day For A Swim

Summer’s Here And It’s A Great Day For A Swim


It’s A No-Smoking Zone

If someone enjoys smoking, then it’s their business, but when they’re leaving their cigarette butts around your property then you’ve every right to get upset and voice your frustration. This cat really needs help, please just pick up those butts.

It’s A No Smoking Zone

It’s A No Smoking Zone


Pump Up The Jam!

Everyone loves music in general, but when it’s the middle of the night and you’re rudely awakened by the loud trembling sound of music, it’s not so pleasant. If only this neighbor would be respectful and keep the volume down.

Pump Up The Jam!

Pump Up The Jam!


Veggie Thief On The Loose

It seems that even out in the countryside, thieves look for unsuspecting victims. In this case, it was the poor cherry tomato plants that were targeted. We hope the tomatoes aren’t harmed and that the plants are returned home safely.

Veggie Thief On The Loose

Veggie Thief On The Loose


Welcome To The Building

When someone moves into a new neighborhood or apartment building it’s lovely if they introduce themselves to the neighbors. Stomping on the floor disturbing the downstairs neighbor is not exactly the best way to go about introducing yourself though.

Welcome To The Building

Welcome To The Building


The Not So Friendly Neighbor

Greg must’ve thought that his neighbors really enjoyed his company otherwise he wouldn’t be visiting them. They clearly didn’t know how to tell him to his face and thought a massive public note was the best way to do it.

The Not So Friendly Neighbor

The Not So Friendly Neighbor


Jingle Bells That Don’t Jingle All The Way

Christmas time is a great time of year with decorations everywhere and carolers singing in the streets. This is only true for those that celebrate it. Clearly, this person feels it’s Christmas all year round and his neighbors don’t agree.

Jingle Bells That Don’t Jingle All The Way

Jingle Bells That Don’t Jingle All The Way


Maybe A Few More Lessons Will Be Necessary

There are different ways to enjoy music, either by listening to it or by creating it. Learning to play an instrument takes a lot of practice though before you can truly create music. Sounds like this neighbor needs to keep practicing.

Maybe A Few More Lessons Will Be Necessary

Maybe A Few More Lessons Will Be Necessary