Hilarious Times People Were Just Absolutely Clueless

Published on October 27, 2020
There are times in life when we see something so ridiculously absurd that we stop and think to ourselves, “surely this can’t be real?” How many times have you come across someone making an astounding mistake and doubling down, refusing to admit that they are absolutely wrong? It happens more often than you might think, and is just a sad and many times funny fact of life.
The reality is, social media has made it much easier to see these types of mistakes, since pictures snapped in a second can spread like wildfire online. While people’s clueless errors could make you roll your eyes, we think it’s better to just stop and just take in the amusing aspects of these times instead. Here are some of the most ridiculous and hilarious moments people were just so wrong that their mistakes had to be immortalized on the internet.
Hilarious Clueless Fails

Hilarious Clueless Fails

Syntax Error

Ah, the joys of being a math teacher. Since math is often a hated subject, the challenge is taking the sometimes theoretical subject and making it interesting enough for everyone in the class to understand and maybe even enjoy.

Syntax Error

Syntax Error

However, this teacher looks like he’s lost all hope with this student. As she writes down her solution for the problem on the board, it has become evident that she is blindly copying what is on her calculator, without thinking about the solution herself.


Not How It Works

As time progresses and technology continues to evolve, we find ourselves constantly connected. All of this connectivity inevitably leads to your devices’ batteries running low, and a great solution to this issue is the invention of the portable charger.

Not How It Works

Not How It Works

However, while the portable charger is a fantastic tool to have around especially when you are desperate for more battery life in a pinch, it is really crucial to actually plug your device into it, otherwise all the battery power in the world won’t help you.


Super Uncomfortable

Halloween is a wonderful opportunity for people to express themselves through a costume. Many couples opt for coordinated costumes, and it’s always fun to see the creative duos that many people come up with each year. However, sometimes things can go awry.

Super Uncomfortable

Super Uncomfortable

This couple decided to dress up as Superman and Supergirl, but it’s clear that the two are not avid comic book fans and are unfamiliar with the characters’ backstories. Otherwise, they’d realize that the two superheroes are cousins and not a couple at all.


Not Getting It

With the invention of the internet, many new opportunities came along. One of these is selling your belongings and many people choose to use Facebook as a marketplace in order to find good deals for second hand items.

Not Getting It

Not Getting It

However, some people have still yet to grasp the basic concept of supply and demand. This person was in such desperate need for a TV that he gave his offer, and upon being told the TV was already sold, actually offered the seller even more. He even had to audacity to tell the seller that they were wasting his time.


Scientifically Challenged

Finding out that your significant other has become pregnant can be quite a stressful piece of information to learn, especially if this was not part of your plan. Stress can lead people not to think clearly sometimes, and we hope that was the case here.

Scientifically Challenged

Scientifically Challenged

Otherwise, there really is no good explanation as to why this man asked why women never have to take a DNA test in order to confirm maternity of the baby that they are going to give birth to.



Placing items like sugar, coffee, salt, and even rice or pasta in jars is a nice way to keep things tidy and not have branded boxes lying around the house. While getting labeled jars is nice, that usually confines the potential contents of the jar.



We are really not sure why this woman chose to cross out and re-label these jars when she realized she accidentally switched up the coffee and tea. We would definitely adviser her to get unlabeled jars next time.


Right Under Your Nose

Have you ever suddenly panicked at the realization that you have no idea where your phone is, proceeded to frantically search around the house with your heart hammering, only to realize that you were holding it in your hand the whole time?

Right Under Your Nose

Right Under Your Nose

This woman had a similar experience in thinking she had her friend’s phone while texting her friend about it. She even began searching in her bag until her friend told her to stop and think about what she was saying. At least she realized her mistake.


Think About It

The world we live in is rapidly changing and is heading into a direction where most of our everyday interactions are becoming digitized. That also includes many government related bureaucracy, and some people are weary of this fact.

Think About It

Think About It

However, it’s important to remember that just because something is digitized, it does not necessarily mean it is something to fear. As this woman points out to this fearful man, the photo on your physical driver’s license means that your face is already in the system.


Diabetic Father

The nice thing about dating apps is that some have a feature that allows you to explore potential partners around the globe, giving you the opportunity to broaden your horizons and speak to people from outside your usual radius.

Diabetic Father

Diabetic Father

The one downside is that sometimes due to language barriers, some things in a person’s profile could really get confusing. When a guy came across this girl’s profile, all he could read was that she is toxic and looking for a “diabetic father.” It took him a few moments to realize she was looking for a sugar daddy.


Uh Oh

Before traveling abroad, it is a good idea to inform your bank that you will be traveling and using your card outside of your home country. This way, the activity will not be flagged and you will not be locked out of your account.

Uh Oh

Uh Oh

However, it’s equally important to remember that you are the one traveling. If you happen to see activity that is different from your usual spending, take a moment to think about whether it was your or not before you cancel your credit card.


Aunt Or Uncle

The news of a sibling’s future baby is truly one of the most exciting that life has to offer. Often, when we are excited, our usual common sense can sometimes fly out to window, leading us to do or say silly things.

Aunt Or Uncle

Aunt Or Uncle

We really hope that was the case here when this girl announced her sister’s pregnancy. While wondering whether she would have a niece of nephew, she forgot that she will always be an aunt, and most likely not become an uncle regardless of the baby’s gender.


Listening Together

The thought that we are alone in this world is truly a scary thought for many people. Perhaps this is why as humans we tend to form groups that identify in a similar way, especially around a shared common interest.

Listening Together

Listening Together

This guy was wondering whether anyone else could possibly be enjoying the same song he is listening to at the very same time, without really thinking about the fact that this is quite common when you are listening to a radio.


Having Quadruplets

The invention of the pregnancy test has truly changed life forever. With a simple test, you can find out within mere moments if your life is about to change drastically forever. It’s common to have someone with you when you are taking the test.

Having Quadruplets

Having Quadruplets

This woman’s friend needs to take a class on how human anatomy and pregnancy tests work, since it’s clear that she really has no idea. Four positive tests certainly guarantees that her friend is pregnant, but that is not an indication of how many babies her friend is carrying at all.


Waterproof Adults

Twitter has emerged as a popular platform for people to share their thoughts, which often times are completely unfiltered. This can yield interesting results, as tweeting without thinking can lead people to trouble many times without them even realizing it.

Waterproof Adults

Waterproof Adults

In this case, this woman’s stream of consciousness led her to this bizarre tweet that had her questioning why adults really need to use umbrellas. It’s quite unclear whether she thinks grown ups are supposed to just deal with the rain or if they’re supposed to be waterproof. She should definitely explain herself.


There’s A Name For That

With the invention of the internet and its availability on smartphones and tablets, the increased screen time leads many parents to feeling quite concerned about their kids’ tech habits. Many would prefer them to read books instead of playing games.

There's A Name For That

There’s A Name For That

The unintended consequence of the rise of technology is that many antiquated practices have fallen out of favor, so much so that the simple concept of a library, which has existed for centuries, is often forgotten. This parent didn’t even think of it as an option being posting this question.


Not A Joke

A nice feature that is included in many people TV settings is the language button on the remote that allows for watching programs dubbed over in languages other than English. An accidental push of the button can lead to some confusion, though.

Not A Joke

Not A Joke

This person accidentally changed the language setting on his TV and spend a good 10 minutes thinking that the Family Guy episode he was watching was running a very long gag. After the show continued in Spanish, he realized his mistake.


Wrong Number

On a certain level, everyone operates under the illusion that every other person is on the same page as them. When someone texted this person, the receiver realized that the text sender obviously had the wrong number, and promptly informed them of this mistake.

Wrong Number

Wrong Number

The text sender could not understand why the receiver was the wrong person, since their phone number matched the one they wanted to send the schedule to. The idea that the number they had was incorrect just completely went over their head.


Why Korean?

In the Western world, we tend to forget that non-English speaking countries exist and produce just as much content as the West that is just as valid. That was evident when this reported interviewed Korean filmmaker Bong Joon-ho.

Why Korean?

Why Korean?

She asked Joon-ho why he decided to have the film be in Korean, his native language, when the film was set in Korea with a fully Korean cast. She didn’t seem to think about the fact that the movie was Korean, and not made for a Western-only audience in mind.


Missed The Point

This professor decided to wear this clever shirt to make a point about extrapolating based on incomplete data. Of course, part of the joke was the fact that the shirt included incomplete data to illustrate his exact point.

Missed The Point

Missed The Point

Still, the message was lost on a student who did not understand the point at all and proceeded to ask if part of the shirt was in fact missing. Hopefully the professor saw the opportunity for a teaching moment here and explained it to him.


Lions & Panthers

The Pink Panther is a beloved figure in the animated world, with a theme song that has stood the test of time and multiple remakes made throughout the years. However, that doesn’t mean that the character’s popularity still hasn’t left some confused.

Lions & Panthers

Lions & Panthers

This person was not sure whether the Pink Panther was a lion or not, so he decided to ask his girlfriend. She patiently tried to explain to him that he was staring at the answer, but he still did not catch on. Once he finally got it, he was still confused as to why panthers are not actually pink.


Best Friends…?

Cast member Samira Wiley and lead writer Lauren Morelli met while working on the Netflix original series Orange Is The New Black. The two fell in love and in October 2016, the two announced their engagement. A year later, they officially tied the knot.

Best Friends...?

Best Friends…?

The wedding was featured in many magazines in print and online, however some people did not fully understand. Vegan Megan thought that the two were actually best friends who decided to get married on the same day, and asked where the husbands are. Who’s gonna break it to Megan?


4th Of July

A lot of times, Americans are guilty of forgetting that there are other countries in the world. Many countries, in fact. We have a tendency to think that the entire planet revolves around us, and even celebrates our Independence Day.

4th Of July

4th Of July

This poor guy asked whether people celebrate the 4th of July in other countries. Of course, his silly question landed him in hot water, with people asking if people in America celebrate Red October Revolution, which apparently this guy has never even heard of.


A Personal Check

Cheri seems to be a little unclear about how government stimulus checks work, and exactly who pays for them. Apparently, she is under the impression that the money has come directly our of President Trump’s personal bank account.

A Personal Check

A Personal Check

Someone needs to inform her that these checks did not come from Mr. Trump directly. Her husband also seems to be unsure of how the process works, saying that Obama would not have been able to afford to “pay” everyone $1200 since he is not a billionaire. Oops!


Throwing Avocados

This person’s friend was absolutely annoyed by the fact that he believed that his neighbor has been tossing avocados onto his lawn for weeks. Everyone knows that avocados don’t come cheap, so it’s definitely an odd thing to be throwing around.

Throwing Avocados

Throwing Avocados

Luckily Mave’s friend eventually realized that he actually had the great fortune of having an avocado tree on his lawn. Lots of people would absolutely love to have an avocado tree growing in their backyard, so this guy actually benefitted from this realization.


Already Done

Sometimes, we take things that we know completely for granted that we’re not really concerned about their background story. Take our number system, for example. Many people do not know that the numbers we use are the Arabic numerals.

Already Done

Already Done

This poll seemed to have set out to catch people in their prejudices and expose the fact that they are not so well informed at the same time. 73% replied they don’t think the US should teach Arabic numerals, unaware that that’s what’s been taught all along.


Old School Science

The invention of the x-ray was truly a medical wonder that has allowed leaps and bounds of advancements in the medical field. With this technology, we can easily see into people’s bodies and examine their bones without any invasive procedure.

Old School Science

Old School Science

This guy was very unsure about how people in the Middle Ages were aware of the existence of skeletons without the use of x-rays. Luckily, he later realized that when people pass away, eventually their bodies decompose and reveal their skeletons.


Happy Birthday?

Many Americans oppose the views that Bernie Sanders espouses, like free healthcare and college tuition for all, as well as high taxes. Mike is so opposed to Sanders’ platform that he decided to tweet what he thought would be a clever analogy.

Happy Birthday?

Happy Birthday?

However, Mike didn’t realize his mistake when he said that Bernie Sanders should be forced to give away 90% of his birthday cake, since most of the time, people do in fact share a majority of their birthday cake with others.


It’s Just Spanish

The increased awareness of racial injustices have largely been pointed out through social media platforms like Twitter. People flock to the site to point out any grievances they may encounter. However, it’s important to make sure that an injustice has actually taken place first.

It's Just Spanish

It’s Just Spanish

Mika pointed out that a Maybelline eyeliner had the word “negro” on it, and was quick to shame the company. However, what she didn’t realize that the company was not being racist, but actually translating the eyeliner’s color of black into the word for black in Spanish, which is negro.



In the 1980’s, fast food company A&W decided to try to compete with McDonald’s successful Quarter Pounder burger. They did this by introducing a burger that is 1/3 of a pound and was sold at a lower price than the Quarter Pounder.



However, their plan did not work out, since people thought that 1/3 was actually less than 1/4. Perhaps it’s because the number 3 is smaller than the number 4. The real lesson here is Americans need to improve on basic math skills.


Not Too Sweet

Here we see yet another example of confusion caused by lack of fundamental fraction understanding. This reviewer wanted to make a slightly less sweet version of this dessert, so she decided to go with her own sugar measurement.

Not Too Sweet

Not Too Sweet

Unfortunately, she did not realize that she was actually increasing the amount of sugar by adding 1/3 instead of 1/4 cup. Luckily it did not seem to be much of an issue in the end, as she said it ended up “perfect” in the end.


Not Even Trying

The fact that the drinking age in the United States is set at age 21 means that a lot of people try to get around the law by having fake IDs made. Sometimes these are convincing, but many times, they are quite bad.

Not Even Trying

Not Even Trying

Take this guy’s fake ID for example. We’re not sure how he thought he would get away with this, but we’re pretty sure no legitimate ID photo would allow for a couple’s photo to be used as a means of identification.


Just Satire

The internet has a wealth of information and endless platforms that provide it. There are plenty of satirical sites out there that post funny articles that are not meant to be taken seriously. However, things can get out of hand quickly.

Just Satire

Just Satire

When people don’t realize that an article is satirical, they can end up looking quite silly if they post it with some critique of the content. This person did not realize that this website was actually looking for professional protesters and was just joking around.


Take A Look

Having a difficult landlord can seriously be one of the most frustrating experiences for any person who is renting their home. Often, landlords take a lot of convincing in order to believe their tenants that something has broken in the apartment.

Take A Look

Take A Look

This landlord would not believe Patrick when he told him that the hot water was not working. After the landlord was informed, he ask Patrick for photographic evidence of the hot water being broken, and Patrick sent him this hilarious reply.


But What?

When you are admitted to the hospital, you are trusting your life with strangers. You want to believe that these medical professionals know exactly what they’re doing and are fully equipped to take care of you while you’re in need.

But What?

But What?

It’s pretty unclear what happened to this guy, but we’re pretty sure that this particular device is not meant to be placed on the nose, but on the finger instead. Hopefully this was just a silly prank, otherwise we’re pretty concerned.


Quite The Pickle

When a person is hungry, it can dull the rest of their senes and seriously cloud their judgment. In fact, many people experience being “hangry” or hungry-angry until their next meal is consumed. This guy had a different problem while trying to get some pickles.

Quite The Pickle

Quite The Pickle

He was so hungry that he did not realize that the pickle he was trying to fish out of the bottom of the jar was not a pickle at all, but was in fact his pinky finger.


Take A Geology Class

This girl’s dream of visiting New York finally came true, but when she posted about it online, people were quick to point out to her that New York is actually still in the United States, unlike what her caption says.

Take A Geology Class

Take A Geology Class

Although New York City can feel like a country on its own, the fact remains that it is a city located in a state that is very much a part of the United States. Hopefully this girl will learn some Geography soon.


And…That’s A Vaccine

There has been an increase in the movement of people who are against the idea of taking a vaccine, despite the fact that they have proven to be quite safe and very effective in preventing many forms of diseases.

And...That's A Vaccine

And…That’s A Vaccine

This person thought he came up with a clever solution by suggesting instead of a vaccine that we be exposed to a piece of the virus so that the body will recognize it. Well, little did he know that he was actually describing exactly how a vaccine works.


A Big Planet

Space can be an overwhelming topic to think about, since it is so vast and still very much a mystery. While we have learned a lot about space, there is still endless knowledge to be learned about what lies beyond our planet.

A Big Planet

A Big Planet

This person is struggling with the basics, however. When asking what the biggest planet on earth is, it’s clear that this person needs a 6th grade science class refresher on the solar system and planets unit.


Yeah, That’s Not How It Works

This guy decided to (perhaps unkindly) share his girlfriend’s confusion on how sponsorship animal “adoptions” work. These programs exist to help animals in need by providing them with much needed funding through this clever donation system.

Yeah, That's Not How It Works

Yeah, That’s Not How It Works

Unfortunately, his girlfriend thought that she would actually be adopting a real life koala as opposed to just helping sponsor the koala from afar. We have to say, she should have been suspicious of the $70 price tag, which seems rather low for a live animal.


You Actually Can

Sometimes, when people post on Twitter, it becomes abundantly clear that our education system has failed so many people on so many levels. This person definitely did not pay attention during health or science class, and is unaware of basic biology.

You Actually Can

You Actually Can

While we cannot choose our own fathers, we most certainly can choose who will or will not father our own children. Hopefully this woman was either joking or has been informed of her mistake before this other user came in to hurt her feelings.


In For A Shock

The confusion about how technology works is rather prevalent, but it is also pretty understandable. Any time a brand new type of technology is released, people who do not understand it typically fear and reject it, like when cars were invented and people clung on to their horses.

In For A Shock

In For A Shock

Facial recognition technology has been around for a while, but it is only now entering the realm of the mainstream and affecting a majority of the population. This guy is already concerned about it, but he doesn’t realize how the government and documents work.


Wilted Cabbage Leaves

Twitter is the place that most people go to when they want to vent about their opinions, and sometimes that means getting into arguments. Any hot button issue will quickly turn volatile when it is discussed online, as was the case here.

Wilted Cabbage Leaves

Wilted Cabbage Leaves

However, the person who responded to the original tweet definitely misunderstood the whole situation. Instead of realizing the original post was talking about September 11th, instead he thought the person was talking about 911 emergency calls….how awkward!


Makes No Sense

The Coronavirus pandemic has affected virtually every industry and every individual. While many small business have suffered and even had to shut down, a lot of conglomerates also faced struggles during an unprecedented time that nobody was really prepared for.

Makes No Sense

Makes No Sense

Beer company Corona faced a unique situation: their sales decreased as 38% of Americans avoided their product due to how similar its name is to the name of the virus. Does it make sense? Nope. But that’s what’s happening.


Terrible Idea

Sometimes, the internet is a place where you can meet friendly people, but other times, it can also be a place for predatory people looking to fool others who may not be as quick witted as they are, like here.

Terrible Idea

Terrible Idea

Someone posted the question: “if you social security number was the amount of money you had…how rich would you be?” and people, without thinking, posted the answer, not fully realizing that they were giving away precious information to strangers on the internet.


Free Hands

There’s really a lot going on in this Facebook marketplace post. First of all, who is giving away these hands for free? What purpose would that have for anyone? He may have been trying to be funny, but it didn’t work.

Free Hands

Free Hands

Then we have the commenter who was confused as to why the person had to post two separate photos of his hands. Luckily after a few moments he came to his senses and realized why this was the case.


Watch A Bowl

While browsing the marketplace of used items, often you’ll be able to find a great deal for items that are gently used and still very much usable. However, it’s important to make sure that they’re still fully functional, even if they’re not brand new.

Watch A Bowl

Watch A Bowl

The person who posted about this used TV was honest about the fact that there was a crack in it, but he assured potential buyers they they could still watch a bowl game. Wait a minute….


Not Again

We’ve all wondered about that small strip of paper inside of a Hershey Kiss wrapper. Is it or is it not edible? This person’s sister convinced him that they were in fact edible and he enjoyed the paper along with the chocolate for a full year.

Not Again

Not Again

After he realized his error, he posted about it on Twitter, and a clever user decided to prank him once again. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me for eating paper.


Who’s Gonna Tell Him?

For many Americans, there always seems to be a competition between the U.S. and its neighbor Canada. This guy went as far as to boldly claim online that Canadians believe that the Titanic was a real ship that sank and not just a Hollywood story.

Who's Gonna Tell Him?

Who’s Gonna Tell Him?

Unfortunately for him, the fact remains that the Titanic was actually very much a real ship that sadly did crash into an iceberg that led to its demise along with many of its passengers. 1-0 Canada.


Bright As A Bulb

Often when we gaze outside of our window, we are looking without really seeing. Only when something unusual appears do we really take a good look at what the view actually has to offer, as was the case for this guy.

Bright As A Bulb

Bright As A Bulb

He thought that the sun bore quite the resemblance to a ceiling light, especially the one in his room. Luckily he admitted to his mistake and posted that he did in fact realize that it was just a reflection of his ceiling light.


That’s Just Wrong

People love to find patterns in the date and time, especially cool ones that will not happen again for thousands of years. Perhaps this makes us feel special that we bore witness to a fleeting moment that will not happen again in our lifetimes.

That's Just Wrong

That’s Just Wrong

However, this guy posted about it not realizing that every day during the year 2020, at the time 8:20pm and 20 seconds, the time will be 20:20:20 202020…we wonder what he did at that time on the 2nd of February, 2020.


Too Difficult

The system of numbering homes on a street is quite a clever one, as it provides us with an easy way to identify everyone’s address without having to rely on landmarks. This guy wanted to buy metal numbers that represent his house number of 45.

Too Difficult

Too Difficult

He purchased the 5 and the 4, thinking he made a mistake. When someone pointed out to him that he could switch the numbers around, he said he didn’t want too much trouble and just wanted to buy the “exact ones” he needs. To each his own.


On Mute

Along with the fact that texting has quickly shifted to be the most popular means of communicating, as it has evolved, many features have come along to enhance our conversations. You can now add moving GIFs to your exchanged to really emphasize a point.

On Mute

On Mute

However, some people may still not fully understand that GIFs, though they are moving photos, do not emit any sound. This person thought that he was not receiving the full message without the sound included in the moving photo.


The Wrong Number

A lot of people seem to struggle with understanding how phone numbers work. If you call a number and do not reach the person you’re looking for, it means you have the wrong number. For some reason, that’s not clear to everyone.

The Wrong Number

The Wrong Number

This person insisted that they had the “right” number even though the person they reached was not the correct person. Kimber was confused as to how the “wrong” person could still be messaging her from the number she contacted.


Oh Dad

While it is important for all fathers to equally share the responsibilities and duties of having a child, sometimes there are things that one parent is better at than the other and there’s no use arguing about that.

Oh Dad

Oh Dad

This poor dad really didn’t know how these baby overalls worked, not realizing that you’re meant to pair it with a shirt underneath it. Let’s not rush to judge him, maybe he thought that’s right since a lot of hillbillies don’t wear a shirt under their overalls.


Watermelon Weight

When traveling by train, it is important to look up the rules in order to make sure you comply with them and will not be removed from the train upon your arrival. This guy panicked when he realized he couldn’t bring his watermelon aboard.

Watermelon Weight

Watermelon Weight

He decided that he had to find a way, and came up with this solution. This way, if any train worker told him that he was breaking the rules, he could point out that technically, the watermelon was not inside the train at all.