This Husband Fainted When He Found Out Pregnancy News

Published on January 13, 2022
When you discover that you’re going to parent, you don’t know how to react. This husband reacted in the only way he could. He fainted.

The Happy Couple

Nia and Robert Tolbert first met in 2007 and immediately knew that they were destined to be together. They enjoyed each other’s company for three whirlwind years before they received some news that would change their lives.

The Happy Couple

The Happy Couple

Welcoming Their First Child

After three years together, the Maryland couple discovered that they were expecting their first baby. They were over the moon, and the next nine months passed in a blur. In 2011, they finally welcomed baby Shai into the world. The little family of three were happier than they had ever been.

Welcoming Their First Child

Welcoming Their First Child


The Next Step

Although Nia and Robert knew that they were already a couple, they wanted to make it official. So, they decided to tie the knot in 2014, and they did so with their son by their side. Not long after their incredible day, though, the Tolberts had another special day to celebrate. Nia was expecting again!

The Next Step

The Next Step


The Doctor’s Office

As she had previously, Nia made her way to the doctor’s office to have her sonogram. She had been expecting to find out the gender of their baby but didn’t expect the news that she actually received. The sonogram showed that Nia and Robert were having twins and that they were having twin boys!

The Doctor's Office

The Doctor’s Office


A Family of Five

The news went down a treat with the couple, and they later welcomed Riley and Alexander into their home in 2015. The identical twins soon became the apples of their eye, and the couple were more in love with their family of five than ever. It was a struggle, but it was worth it.

A Family Of Five

A Family Of Five


More Than Enough

With three children running about the house, both Nia and Robert knew that their days of having children were over. They had more than enough on their plates, and they just couldn’t imagine them coping with any more kids. Of course, you should always expect the unexpected, and this couple soon found that out…

More Than Enough

More Than Enough


The Plan of God

The couple were in for a surprise in 2017 when Nia and Robert found out that they were expecting for the third time. Because they had told themselves that they wouldn’t have any more children, the pregnancy was not planned. Instead, they noted that it must have been the plan of God.

The Plan Of God

The Plan Of God


Something Different

Because the couple had been blessed with three children, they hoped that they would finally welcome a little girl into the world. Nia began to believe that this was the case, as she felt as though something was different about her pregnancy. Her bump felt different, and she felt different emotionally.

Something Different

Something Different


Getting Worried

Although Nia wasn’t initially worried about these differences, she was concerned. She was worried that she had not gone through the same feelings, thoughts, and physical changes as she had during her first two pregnancies. So, she went to the doctor for a sonogram, where all of her questions and queries were answered.

Getting Worried

Getting Worried


Getting the Answers

Nia was excited to get her first sonogram for her third pregnancy. She wanted to make sure that everything was okay with the baby, and that it was healthy and happy – despite how it was making Nia feel. However, she had no idea that the differences in her pregnancy were for a life-changing reason.

Getting The Answers

Getting The Answers


Asking Another Question

Nia soon discovered that the reason her third pregnancy felt different was because there was something different about it. The doctor confirmed that it was not a normal pregnancy, and the sonogram clarified this for both doctor and mother-to-be. In fact, the doctor asked Nia a very important question: Do multiples run in your family?

Asking Another Question

Asking Another Question


Checking Once, Checking Twice

Nia confirmed that she had already welcomed a set of twins into the world, and this seemed to solidify the image on the sonogram screen for the doctor. She noted that Nia and Robert were expecting another set of twins, but she did want to check again to make sure that she was correct.

Checking Once, Checking Twice

Checking Once, Checking Twice


Three’s a Crowd

It was a good thing that the doctor checked twice because she soon came to the conclusion that Nia was not carrying two babies, but three! The Tolberts were expecting triplets, and Nia couldn’t quite believe her eyes. She was overwhelmed by the news and had no idea how Robert would take the news.

Three's A Crowd

Three’s A Crowd


Defying All Odds

Nia enlisted the help of the doctor who had also delivered her twins to deliver her new additions, and Dr. Rami Tabbarah was extremely shocked. Nia and Robert had defied all odds by having one child, twins, and then triplets in quick succession. It was “extremely rare” for this to happen, but they were lucky.

Defying All Odds

Defying All Odds


Family History

While it’s rare for people to give birth in such a way, one look at both Nia and Robert’s family history made it more believable. Both of their families have a history of multiple births, but it was still a shock to the system. Nia just didn’t know how she would break it to Robert…

Family History

Family History


Planning Something Special

After much thought and consideration, Nia decided to coordinate the big reveal with her trip to Tampa, Florida. Nia would be leaving her husband for the weekend and knew it was the perfect time to use the sonogram pictures to her advantage. She placed them in a bag and left them for Robert.

Planning Something Special

Planning Something Special


The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Robert was intrigued when he saw the bag in front of him, and he eagerly went to open it. When he saw the three sonograms and three baby onesies folded neatly at the bottom, he pieced together the jigsaw. He immediately knew what his wife was trying to say, and this was when he fainted…

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

The Gift That Keeps On Giving


Phoning His Wife

Robert was unconscious for a short while before he finally awoke and digested the news. He was going to have three more children! Although he did wonder how he and his wife would cope with three new additions, he knew he had to phone her and congratulate their incredible gift from God.

Phoning His Wife

Phoning His Wife


Making A Few Changes

When Nia and Robert shared their excitement over the news, they also shared their concerns. With three children already under their roof, they would need to find space for three more. Thankfully, Robert didn’t faint again but instead got to work on making a few changes around their house for the arrival of the triplets.

Making A Few Changes

Making A Few Changes


Planning a Party

Although Nia and Robert had always learned the genders of their children at the doctor’s office, they decided they wanted to do something different for the triplets. They planned an impressive gender reveal party for their friends and family, and all three balloons revealed the same color confetti. They were having three girls!

Planning A Party

Planning A Party


The Lucky Number

The couple were amazed and shocked that they were going to be having three daughters. They had three boys already, and the three girls would balance their family out perfectly. Although their sons were a little put out that they weren’t going to have more brothers, they were excited to welcome their sisters into the world.

The Lucky Number

The Lucky Number


Changing the Dynamic

The Tolberts loved their boys more than anything, but they were excited about having their girls. They had not raised girls before, and they were curious about how it would change the dynamic of the household. The boys were momma’s boys, so would the girls stick to their father like glue?

Changing The Dynamic

Changing The Dynamic


Getting Closer and Closer

Nia and Robert were expecting their twins to make an arrival on February 9th, but a couple of weeks before their due date, Nia began to experience pain. Thanks to her previous pregnancies, she knew these were contractions. She rang her mom and debated whether she should go to the hospital or not.

Getting Closer And Closer

Getting Closer And Closer


Unexpected News

Nia knew enough about pregnancy to know that her contractions were probably a false alarm. Despite this, she decided to go to the hospital to get checked out. She fully expected to be sent home, and was shocked and surprised when they told her the triplets would be arriving that same day…

Unexpected News

Unexpected News


Welcoming the Triplets

On January 30, 2018, Nia and Robert Tolbert welcomed their beautiful triplets into the world. They were born through cesarean, and Robert was over the moon to learn that his wife and his three new daughters were happy and healthy after the procedure. Their first meeting was one of disbelief and wonder.

Welcoming The Triplets

Welcoming The Triplets


Naming Their Babies

As they looked upon their new triplets, they were able to fully take in their beauty and their similarities. With two identical and one fraternal triplet, they were all in peak physical condition despite entering the world early. They eventually named them Mackenzie, Zuri, and Bailey, and Nia even earned herself a nickname: 1-2-3 Mom.

Naming Their Babies

Naming Their Babies


One Step At A Time

As their friends and family heard of their new additions, the couple were asked the same questions over and over again. How would they cope? Would they be able to manage with six children? Nia and Robert noted that they didn’t have a plan, but would instead take one step at a time.

One Step At A Time

One Step At A Time


Extra Support

Although they vow to take the best care of their children, both Nia and Robert have confessed that they would not be able to raise them without extra support. They have utilized the help and guidance of their friends and family, and are extremely grateful for an extra pair of hands every so often.

Extra Support

Extra Support


Needing Extra Space

More than anything, it’s the price of three new babies that has rocked the family. While they fully understand and appreciate that much of their paychecks will go to their children, they still have a huge family to feed. Because of this, they have started a Crowdfunding campaign to raise money for a new car.

Needing Extra Space

Needing Extra Space


Room for More?

With six children to their names, many people can’t help but wonder if Nia and Robert are looking to welcome more children into their brood. However, they have confessed that they will not actively seek to have any more children. Their hearts and their home is full enough with their 1-2-3 babies.

Room For More?

Room For More?


Totally Tolbert

Nia and Robert know that the responsibility of raising their children lies on their shoulders, but they are hoping that by getting their name and their impressive family out there, they will be able to raise some money for the car. Because of this, they created a fundraising page called Totally Tolbert.

Totally Tolbert

Totally Tolbert


Keeping Fit

However, that doesn’t mean that Nia and Robert aren’t working to support their children. You wouldn’t know that Nia had gone through three pregnancies, because she is now fitter than ever. That’s because she is now a fitness and wellness coach, as well as a yoga instructor. She has even created her own fitness brand.

Keeping Fit

Keeping Fit



Nia has created MOTHERLOVINGYOGA to inspire people around the world to maintain their levels of fitness and enjoy the likes of yoga and meditation. She also uses this platform to write and blog about her experiences as a mother. She prides herself on being open and honest about everything, including the bad days.




Staying Natural

Yet, Nia’s business ventures don’t stop there. As well as raising her six children and working as a yoga instructor and fitness coach, Nia also works as a coach for Herbalife Nutrition. This company uses natural and wholesome foods, vitamins, and supplements to encourage a healthy lifestyle for those around the world.

Staying Natural

Staying Natural


Sharing Their Story

Because they know that they have one of the most intriguing parenting stories on record, Nia and Robert decided to share their story. They have created social media accounts for their family as a whole, where they are able to share their hectic daily life with those on Facebook and Instagram.

Sharing Their Story

Sharing Their Story


More and More Popular

The family social media channels have become hugely popular over the years, with fans being able to tune in to each of the children and watch them grow up before their very eyes. The demand for more photos of their everyday life has excited Nia and Robert, and they love to share their lives.

More And More Popular

More And More Popular


Every Step of the Way

More than anything, these social media pages are a way to document every step of their parenting journey. When the triplets turned three weeks old, Nia and Robert posted this adorable photographs of their tiny pink shoes. Fans cooed over this photo and congratulated the couple for bringing adorable girls into the world.

Every Step Of The Way

Every Step Of The Way


Getting Up to Mischief

However, fans can’t just keep up to date with the girls. They can also keep up with the mischief that the boys and Robert get up to on a regular basis. Now that the triplets have come into the world, the boys have gravitated more towards their father, something that fills Robert with joy.

Getting Up To Mischief

Getting Up To Mischief


Size Matters

Nia and Robert have built up an impressive and professional social media following over the past few months, and they make sure they give their fans what they want. Because of this, Nia takes photos of her children every few weeks to show their growth and changes in their appearance.

Size Matters

Size Matters


Going With the Flow

Although Nia and Robert weren’t expecting to have such a large family under their roof, they have taken it in their stride. They love their children more than anything, and they are just going with the flow. More than anything, they are excited about where the rest of their lives take them.

Going With The Flow

Going With The Flow