After This Pregnant Dog Withholds Giving Birth, the Vet Realizes Why

Published on October 7, 2021
Nothing in the world could have prepared this poor vet for the ultrasound of an adopted pit bull. She counted over and over again, but the results were always the same. In fact, she had never encountered such a situation before and was in full-on shock mode.

Ultimately, the vet knew that this poor dog’s life was hanging in the balance. She had to rush to the dog owners and let them know what was happening. What could possibly have this veterinarian so worried? You must continue reading to find out!

We Should Adopt a Dog

Chris and Mariesa wanted to help a shelter dog find its forever home. There were many to choose from, and they all had their best look to beg to be taken home. However, when the couple gazed upon a specific dog, they immediately knew it was the one.

We Should Adopt A Dog

We Should Adopt A Dog

Very Pregnant Pooch

The couple was soon informed that their choice, a beautiful pit bull, was very pregnant. However, that didn’t matter to them! This gentle lady deserved to birth her puppies in a warm bed and loving home. Did they make the best choice, though?

Very Pregnant Pooch

Very Pregnant Pooch


Breeder Now Abandoned

They were told at the animal shelter that this mother, Storie, had belonged to someone who bred dogs in the backyard. Once the breeders realized the uniqueness of the dog’s pregnancy, they knew it was too much for them and abandoned her at this shelter. The poor pup!

Breeder Now Abandoned

Breeder Now Abandoned


The Only Choice

Mariesa and Chris knew from the moment they heard the dog’s life story that they must intervene! They wanted so badly to be the ones to make a massive change in this beautiful dog’s life. However, they just never expected what the vet had to say next.

The Only Choice

The Only Choice


The Family Bed

The couple absolutely adored dogs and had an affinity for pit bulls. In fact, they had adopted 10 fur babies already when Storie came into their lives. They had actually built a bed so that the dogs could all sleep together in the “family bed.”

The Family Bed

The Family Bed


Already Fans

Most first-time pet adopters are scared off when they learn that a dog is a pit bull. However, this wasn’t a problem for the couple because they already owned many pit bulls and other dog breeds, too!

Already Fans

Already Fans


A Real Dog Obsession

It’s actually lucky that Mariesa met Chris, a fellow dog lover. In an interview, she revealed that many of her relationships ended because of her devotion to the dogs. Other men just didn’t understand her need to be surrounded by lovable pooches!

A Real Dog Obsession

A Real Dog Obsession


One Happy Family

Then, Mariesa met Chris! It truly feels that these two people are meant to be. Chris is also a dog lover, so the two shared a love for each other and their growing family of pups. Aren’t they adorable?!

One Happy Family

One Happy Family


The Misjudged Breed

Pit bulls are a misunderstood breed of dog and have been for a while. They’ve been given a bad name because of a few incidents. That’s why they tend to end up in shelters. Because of their muscular build, they appear aggressive, but that’s not often the case.

The Misjudged Breed

The Misjudged Breed


The Real Terminology

Most people don’t know that “pit bull” doesn’t refer to a single breed of dog. It’s an umbrella term for many breeds falling into the same category. This includes the Bull Terrier, English Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and American Pit Bull Terrier.

Pit Bull Kisses

Pit Bull Kisses


Changing the Stereotype

Mariesa and Chris knew that pit bulls were unfairly stereotyped as being aggressive and vicious, but they wanted to prove everyone wrong. Therefore, they chose to adopt various pit bulls and picked Storie.

Changing The Stereotype

Changing The Stereotype


Loyal and Loving Animals

Pit bulls are like other dogs and can be loving and loyal companions if they’re given the chance. However, when any dog is mistreated, they lash out and could get dangerous. This is why the couple gave Storie a chance.

Loyal And Loving Animals

Loyal And Loving Animals


At the Shelter

After being at the dog shelter for a while, the couple realized that many of the dogs there were pit bulls. Their hearts went out to all of those unwanted pups. They just knew they had to help but didn’t know how much Storie needed them.

At The Shelter

At The Shelter


Shelter Statistics

According to the ASPCA, about 6.5 million companion animals go into animal shelters each year. Of those, roughly 3.3 million are dogs, with 3.2 million being cats. That means it’s critical to adopt animals.

Shelter Statistics

Shelter Statistics


Still No Puppies

While at the shelter, the couple was told that Storie’s puppies should have arrived, so she was overdue. No one knew what was happening in her belly. What was the reason for the delay?

Still No Puppies

Still No Puppies


Her Life Was at Stake

The couple could see that Storie was heavily pregnant, so she definitely needed a new home where she could deliver the puppies. She crept into their hearts immediately, and they realized that she and her puppies’ lives were at stake.

Her Life Was At Stake

Her Life Was At Stake


A Decision to Make

While they really wanted to help Storie, they knew it meant they had over 10 dogs, and that’s just without the puppies. They couldn’t understand what was coming, so what could they do?

A Decision To Make

A Decision To Make


She Begged for Help

It felt like Storie already knew what was happening. As Mariesa and Chris discussed what they should do now, the dog rested her head gently on Mariesa’s knee. She looked at her with pleading eyes, and Mariesa instantly knew what to do.

She Begged For Help

She Begged For Help


Slight Hesitation

Though Chris and Mariesa never doubted that they wanted to assist, they worried if they could handle all of the dogs. While they needed to help Storie, she was pregnant. They could have more than 20 dogs soon, so they needed a viable solution!

Slight Hesitation

Slight Hesitation


No Question at All

As the couple deliberated, Mariesa knew there wasn’t a question of whether they could take Storie with them. The question was how to do it. Then, they crafted a brilliant idea!

No Question At All

No Question At All


A Solution for Everyone

Finally, the couple thought of a solution that could work for everyone. This mom couldn’t stay at this shelter anymore. After some discussion, they realized what they must do to make it work.

A Solution For Everyone

A Solution For Everyone


Fostering Instead of Adoption

Chris thought about becoming foster parents for Storie first. That gave them time to find permanent homes for the puppies and the pooch. They knew this pregnant doggie wanted to leave the shelter as soon as possible!

Fostering Instead Of Adoption

Fostering Instead Of Adoption


Worry with Joy

While Mariesa and Chris were happy with the solution to get Storie out of the shelter, they were weighed down with worry and fear over the pregnancy. They realized that they had to figure out what was happening as soon as possible.

Worry With Joy

Worry With Joy


About the Puppies

Storie was now adjusting to her new home well. All the other dogs loved her, and they got along well together. Now, the only concern was for the puppies. They should be here by now, so why weren’t they!?

About The Puppies

About The Puppies


No Help from Google

Worried about the pregnant dog, they chose to head to the internet to get answers. They researched the potential reasons for not delivering the puppies. However, the information they got just scared them more!

No Help From Google

No Help From Google


The Unknown Was Worse

The internet searches just gave them more questions to ponder with no answers. That made the couple more nervous. Since they didn’t know what was wrong, they worried even more! However, they never got discouraged and knew they could figure it out.

The Unknown Was Worse

The Unknown Was Worse


Don’t Give Up

It seemed that the couple might never find the answer, but they never gave up. They realized they could figure everything out if they looked hard enough. After even more research, they found a potential solution…

Don't Give Up

Don’t Give Up


The Connection Between Birth and Stress

Finally, Mariesa and Chris found an article explaining that shelter dogs often feel trauma and stress. Such a crowded environment isn’t ideal for dogs, but especially pregnant female ones. That could explain why Storie hadn’t given birth yet.

The Connection Between Birth And Stress

The Connection Between Birth And Stress


The Dangers of the Situation

After tons of research, it was clear that this situation might be detrimental to Storie’s health and that of her puppies. The worst outcome was she might lose the pups. However, they could lose Storie, too, if they did nothing.

The Dangers Of The Situation

The Dangers Of The Situation


Severe Trauma Doesn’t Help

The couple learned that pregnant dogs deliberately refuse to birth the pups and hold them in when they feel excessive trauma. That’s because they believe the environment isn’t safe for the puppies, and they could be in danger.

Severe Trauma Doesn't Help

Severe Trauma Doesn’t Help


They Fear for Her Life

Chris and Mariesa were happy that they found an answer to their problem. However, they grew even more concerned for the dog’s life and her unborn babies. They knew they had to go to the vet’s office immediately.

They Fear For Her Life

They Fear For Her Life


Time to Go to the Vet

Finally, they decided they had to take Storie to the veterinarian to find out what was happening. Could the vet help them? This was so terrifying for them, and they didn’t know what they might learn next.

Time To Go To The Vet

Time To Go To The Vet


The Ultrasound Results

Once the vet did the ultrasound, it was clear that Storie’s was a unique case. The scan revealed something almost unbelievable! In fact, if the vet hadn’t just seen it herself, she couldn’t have believed it.

The Ultrasound Results

The Ultrasound Results


How to Break the News

After the initial shock wore away, the vet realized she had to explain what was happening to the couple. This wasn’t an ordinary pregnancy, and they hadn’t a clue as to what they were to hear in just a few moments. How could she tell them what had happened?

How To Break The News

How To Break The News


The Extraordinary Pregnancy

Many dogs carry about six puppies during a pregnancy. The vet showed the couple Stories’ ultrasound and counted the outlines of the puppies. However, what she pointed out in the ultrasound was unusual, and the couple was shocked by what they saw!

The Extraordinary Pregnancy

The Extraordinary Pregnancy


Unbelievable Situation

They all expected to see six puppies at the most, but that’s not what they got. Storie was carrying double the amount. She had 12 puppies inside her belly, which was why she looked like she could pop any moment!

Unbelievable Situation

Unbelievable Situation


Everyone Was in Shock

They couldn’t believe what they heard! This was way too many puppies for one dog’s body to carry. What could this mean for poor Storie? Could she and the puppies survive? How could Chris and Mariesa help?

Everyone Was In Shock

Everyone Was In Shock


The Worries Increased

Now that the couple knew what was happening, they had so many new problems to deal with. How could Storie get through the extraordinary and unusual pregnancy? Was it even possible?

The Worries Increased

The Worries Increased


A Silver Lining

Concern and worry overtook the couple. However, the vet assured them that each of the puppies inside Storie was alive and well. Though Storie was stressed and delayed the birth, everything was okay, but for how long?

A Silver Lining

A Silver Lining


Time to Go Home

The veterinarian told the couple that they could take the pregnant pooch home. All they could really do now is wait. If she hadn’t given birth within 48 hours from that point, they should bring Storie back to the vet for another examination.

Time To Go Home

Time To Go Home


The Waiting Game Starts

These new foster parents were waiting anxiously now for the puppies to arrive. However, they didn’t know that Storie had personal reasons for holding the puppies in and keeping them in her belly for a bit longer.

The Waiting Game Starts

The Waiting Game Starts


No One Knows

No one really knew why the puppies didn’t come. Even the vet couldn’t explain it. Was there something the couple could do to help the pregnant pooch along? She might feel comfortable and safe enough to give birth if she had a space of her own!

No One Knows

No One Knows


A Safe Haven for Storie

The couple had read many articles explaining how pregnant dogs are affected by trauma. Therefore, Mariesa thought of a good idea. They prepared a safe haven in the corner of their room. With that, they put down some blankets and a comfortable pillow for her!

A Safe Haven For Storie

A Safe Haven For Storie


This Might Do the Trick

Now, Storie had her own personal space, so they all went to sleep for the night. However, they didn’t realize that the miracle was to happen soon. The next morning, the couple checked on Storie to make sure she was still comfortable.

This Might Do The Trick

This Might Do The Trick


What a Wake-up Surprise

As the couple made their way to see Storie, they heard some funny sounds. They rushed to see what was happening and didn’t expect what they were to see. She had all 12 puppies in the night!

What A Wake Up Surprise

What A Wake Up Surprise


Proud Foster Parents and Mom

There Storie was, just lying in her comfortable bed and nursing her puppies. She had a ferociously proud look in her eyes from giving birth in the night by herself. This dog had no assistance and was a true champion!

Proud Foster Parents And Mom

Proud Foster Parents And Mom


Excitement for the Household

Mariesa and Chris were so emotional and couldn’t contain themselves. They burst into joyous tears and were ecstatic. Finally, they realized why Storie took so long to give birth. Can you guess the reason?

Excitement For The Household

Excitement For The Household


A Mother’s Instinct

Storie’s motherly instincts took over when she was at the shelter. She knew that wasn’t the best place to give birth to her babies. Therefore, her body took over to prevent the birth from happening.

A Mother's Instinct

A Mother’s Instinct


She Needed a Safe Place

All Storie really wanted was a safe place for her to have the puppies. After spending just one night at Mariesa and Chris’s house, she felt loved and comfortable giving birth!

She Needed A Safe Place

She Needed A Safe Place


Taking Care of the Babies

Storie is an amazing mother and took great care of the babies. By now, everyone knew that they were born. People lined up down the block to adopt them. How might Storie feel after separating from the puppies?

Taking Care Of The Babies

Taking Care Of The Babies


Mama and Puppies Bonding

When the pups opened their eyes, they immediately bonded with their mom. They were playful and enjoyed running around the yard. However, the time was approaching for them to separate from their beloved mother.

Mama And Puppies Bonding

Mama And Puppies Bonding


The Exciting New Chapter

Chris and Mariesa already fell in love with the puppies and adored them. However, they realized that they couldn’t keep all of them. Amazingly, they found a home for each puppy. Though it wasn’t easy to part with them, it was the best thing to do.

The Exciting New Chapter

The Exciting New Chapter


Ready for the New Homes

At 10 weeks old, these puppies were ready to go to forever homes. What might happen to the mommy? The pups were taken care of, but Storie still needed a loving home. She deserved it after all that she had been through!

Ready For The New Homes

Ready For The New Homes


Possible New Home for Storie

As you might imagine, Storie’s story made social media rounds. It was so inspiring to others, and people shared it a lot. One man then saw it and knew what he had to do!

Possible New Home For Storie

Possible New Home For Storie


Storie’s Forever Home

One man read the story and instantly fell in love with Storie. He contacted the couple and asked to meet her right away! Once he met the pooch, it was all confirmed: he had to take her with him. Storie found her forever home, too!

Storie's Forever Home

Storie’s Forever Home


Shelter Dogs Don’t Always Get a Happy Ending

Because of the couple’s love and devotion, Storie got a happy ending. However, there are so many other dogs in shelters that need people like Chris and Mariesa to make a difference. If you want a doggie, please adopt instead of buying one.

Shelter Dogs Don't Always Get A Happy Ending

Shelter Dogs Don’t Always Get A Happy Ending


Mr. Mo Project

Chris and Mariesa founded a nonprofit organization called Mr. Mo Project. It cares for sick and elderly shelter dogs. They help to house the pooches so that they can live their remaining lives in a loving household. This is such a great way to make a huge difference!

Mr. Mo Project

Mr. Mo Project


Number of Americans Who Own Pets

According to the APPA, about 78 million doggies and 85.8 cats are owned by Americans. Roughly 44 percent of households in the US have a dog, with 35 percent owning a cat. Most of them are purchased from a breeder.

Number Of Americans Who Own Pets

Number Of Americans Who Own Pets


National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day

Because of the huge amount of pets in shelters waiting to get adopted, a national holiday was designated to raise more awareness for the situation. Therefore, April 30 is the annual holiday (non-bank), and it’s called National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day. This helps to encourage others to adopt instead of shop.

National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day

National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day


Zac Efron Adopted

Tons of celebrities have helped bring awareness to the need for adoption with their voices. Zac Efron, an actor, shared his adorable adopted dog, Maca. He captioned it with a hashtag of #adoptdontshop to help boost awareness.

Zac Efron Adopted

Zac Efron Adopted


Tom Brady’s Dogs

Tom Brady, the quarterback for the New England Patriots, might have a collection of rings from the Super Bowl, but he’s also collected three shelter dogs to be his pets. Scooby, Fluffy, and Lua are shown below!

Tom Brady's Dogs

Tom Brady’s Dogs


Miranda Lambert’s Doggie Crew

Though Miranda Lambert is known for her singing voice, her heart is just as big. She’s welcomed many shelter dogs into her home for a whopping seven in total! She even started Tishomingo Animal Shelter!

Miranda Lambert's Doggie Crew

Miranda Lambert’s Doggie Crew


Pine’s Pit Bull

Handsome Hollywood stars can also adopt pit bulls! Chris Pine adopted his pit from North Central Shelter in LA. Aren’t they cute together?!

Pine's Pit Bull

Pine’s Pit Bull