Water Station
Most amenities in this world are designed around people of average height. Water fountains are one of the many amenities that are extremely difficult to access when you’re a very tall person. They have to almost bend over fully to get a drink.

Water Station
Limited Leg Room
Apartment buildings in crowded cities are designed to fit as much as they can in a small space. Hence why the toilet is very close to the bath in this photo. Thankfully, in this design, the bathtub can actually be used as extra legroom.

Limited Leg Room
Dating Mishaps
When a lady is tall, it’s hard to find a guy that’s taller than her. Therefore, she can’t be too picky when it comes to height. She just has to make it work. This girl towers over her partner, but hey, they still look happy.

Dating Mishaps
Headless Shots
When you’re little, your mom always told you to stand up straight, especially when taking a photo. In this case, this girl is so tall, her head got cut off from the photo because she was standing up straight.

Headless Shots
Tough Subway Situation
This poor guy is just trying to make his way to work by using the subway. Unfortunately for him, apparently the underground system was not built for tall people, and he is having a bit of a struggle just making it throught the station itself. We hope he won’t be late!

Tough Subway Situation
Totally Capped Out
This young guy must really say a prayer every time he gets invited to someone’s house. If they have a low ceiling he will end up with a pretty sore neck by the end of the evening. Maybe he could just sit the whole time.

Totally Capped Out
A Time And Place
There’s no denying that there’s a time and place for everything. It’s always nice to be friendly and greet people around you, but not when you’re in the bathroom. Maybe just keep to yourself if you find yourself in this situation.

A Time And Place
A Hard Days Work
When you have to work, you have to work. It doesn’t matter that your legs are too long to fit under the desk when you try to sit to do something on your computer. All you can do is adapt and move on.

A Hard Days Work
Cooking Blindly
This gives blind-tasting a whole new meaning. You might as well be blindfolded while cooking if the appliances are preventing you from seeing what you’re cooking in the first place. Only tall people have this struggle in the kitchen.

Cooking Blindly
Clearance Denied
Clearance beams are posted at every underground parking garage to prevent trucks from trying to enter and damaging the vehicle. This kid is as tall as a truck! He should really watch out otherwise he’ll end up causing damage to his head!

Clearance Denied
A Doctor’s Visit
Thank goodness the height chart was next to that counter, otherwise, this short doctor would just have to state ‘tall’ on this man’s chart. It’s nice to see the doctor thinking outside the box and going the extra mile, though.

A Doctor’s Visit
A Lightbulb Moment
Many people have had a metaphorical light-bulb moment, meaning they got clarity of sorts on a certain subject. This gives new meaning to that. This girl quite literally had a light-bulb moment as she tried to walk under the light.

A Lightbulb Moment
How About A Hug?
If you’re a tall person and you want to hug a short person, do you bend over and hug their shoulders? Or do you stand up straight and almost crush their head as you hug with your arms around their necks? It seems as though there isn’t an ideal strategy.

How About A Hug?
A Convertible Is A Necessity
Most people get a convertible for the look. They want to feel the wind through their hair and enjoy the sun’s rays. For this guy, the convertible is an absolute necessity otherwise, his head wouldn’t fit in the car!

A Convertible Is A Necessity
Saying Goodbye
Saying goodbye is never easy if it’s permanent. Well, if you’re really tall and want to hug your friends and family goodbye it can be just as difficult, physically. That’s when tiptoes and bended knees are the only way to go.

Saying Goodbye
A Multi-Use Ceiling Feature
No one understood why you wanted that hole in your ceiling when you built your house. Now when a tall person comes to visit, they can stand comfortably. So it’s all about perspective and thinking ahead! This shows how many things can multi-use.

A Multi-Use Ceiling Feature
Making A Plan
Being tall has its limitations but that didn’t stop this guy. He was too tall to see himself in the mirror so he made a plan. He added an extra mirror above the original mirror. And voila, he can see his face!

Making A Plan
What A View
This tall guy must be so tired of hunching over to fit under things or be level with them that he took a different approach. He definitely doesn’t let his height get him down and takes any opportunity to make light of it.

What A View
No Heels Please Sweetheart
Whether this lady wears heels or not, unfortunately, she’ll be towering over her man. But the pair seem to be happy regardless. What they say about love being blind is really true. And it’s evident with this lovely couple.

No Heels Please Sweetheart
Too Big for Your Own Boots
As mentioned before, planes are generally not designed for tall people. Tall people do however have to travel by plane at one point or another and unfortunately, this is something they have to endure. Thank goodness for the emergency exit seat!

Too Big For Your Own Boots
This One Is Just Right
Your bed being too short for you is probably something most people don’t have to think about, unless you’re a tall person. Being admitted to the hospital is bad enough, but your bed being too short is even worse! How uncomfortable!

This One Is Just Right
A Doll House
With these two tall guys in the kitchen, it looks like this is actually a dollhouse. How do they manage to cook or do anything with their heads glued to the ceiling? They must suffer a lot from a stiff neck.

A Doll House
Making It Work
Being tall shouldn’t stop you from staying fit. If you are, you just have to be innovative in finding ways to exercise. Like this guy… he made a hole in the ceiling to get in the right headspace for working out.

Making It Work
A Contortionist Act
Many countries have cars that are really small to zip around crowded cities. This guy has to pretty much perform a contortionist act every time he wants to get into the car. He’s ultra-tall and the car is ultra-small, which is certainly not a good combination.

A Contortionist Act
Getting By
These days some things are made to cater to short people, but it seems like the same is never really done for tall people and they just have to make do. This lady did the best she could while using the ATM machine, irrespective if she hurt her knees. Good on her!

Getting By
“Cabin Crew, Prepare For Crouching”
Planes tend to be compact with just enough space to maneuver and feel a degree of comfort. This pilot, however, should request to be seated in first class so he has more legroom and overall space. But who would fly the plane?

“Cabin Crew, Prepare For Crouching”
Don’t Say Cheese!
When traveling abroad a tall person always struggles with legroom on the plane. But no one ever considered that they might struggle before even boarding the plane! Even taking their passport photos can be a difficult task for them!

Don’t Say Cheese!
Hanging Out
Doing pull-ups is hard enough, but what if there’s no space to literally pull up to? Well, at least this guy won’t be falling on his back if the bar slips off while trying to do a pull-up. That’s because he’s already on the ground.

Hanging Out
Take A Deep Breath
This shower head is so low it actually looks like a stethoscope ready to be placed on his chest. Well, he’s actually so tall that it’s where it sits. It looks like all he’ll manage to clean squeaky is his chest.

Take A Deep Breath
Let’s Skip The Chit-Chat
This guy was so tired of people always having the same questions and comments because of his height so he decided to make his life easier. He had cards made with answers to the same questions and it works for him.

Let’s Skip The Chit Chat
Little To No Leg Room
Long bus trips or flights are terrible enough as it is, but when you have absolutely no leg room, it gets a whole lot worse. Unfortunately, only tall people with long legs will ever have this issue to deal with.

Little To No Leg Room
The Struggle Is Real
Everyone knows that tall people usually struggle to get through some doorways designed for shorter people. Seeing it first hand just confirms how real their struggle is. One that people of average height will probably never have to worry about.

The Struggle Is Real
Reaching New Heights
Most people take it for granted that giving someone a hug doesn’t require any extra effort. You simply reach out and hug. However, when you want to hug a tall person you might have to go to new lengths to make it possible.

Reaching New Heights
No Privacy
When you’re out shopping for clothes, it’s always a good idea to try the item first before buying it to see if it fits properly. Ideally, you want some privacy in this situation., but when you’re very tall this might not be possible at all.

No Privacy
Clever Slogans
You get some witty people out there that come up with funny car bumper stickers and T-shirts slogans. This one is so spot on and that’s what makes it so funny. This guy’s T-shirt expresses exactly how he feels.

Clever Slogans
Giraffes United Against Ceiling Fans
People of average height welcome ceiling fans because they provide relief from the heat during the summer months. However, tall people don’t share the same sentiment. Ceiling fans can easily cause them serious harm, so they actually consider them to be a safety hazard for them.

Giraffes United Against Ceiling Fans
A Little Higher Please
There’s nothing worse than getting sprayed with an automatic air freshener in the eye. Sadly for tall people, there’s a high probability of that happening. Hopefully, the maintenance staff moved it a little higher for this tall person’s sake.

A Little Higher Please
Live TV Fun
When you’re in a situation where both the cameraman and the reporter are shorter you have to make a plan. That means making yourself short too to fit into the shot. The guy learned this lesson the hard way!

Live TV Fun
The Long And Short Of It
When you’re tall, routine tasks can become a challenge. Something as simple as making yourself a sandwich or washing the dishes may need a little improvisation. This guy seems to understand the long and short of it and has it figured out.

The Long And Short Of It
A Different Point Of View
Sometimes you need to see things from different perspectives to understand the whole picture. This politician is, in fact, average height, but looks to be really tall next to the tiny reporter. A different point of view can reveal different things.

A Different Point Of View
Out At Sea
Just because you’re out at sea it doesn’t mean you can skip your daily shower, no matter how difficult a task that may be. This guy had to find a way to do just that by opening up the ventilation flap just to fit inside.

Out At Sea
Frequently Asked Questions
Most tall people get asked the same questions over and over and they probably get pretty tired of it. This tall person decided to save himself the hassle of answering such frequently asked questions and had the answers pinned to his jacket.

Frequently Asked Questions
Making It Work Out
Being a tall girl doesn’t mean you can’t find someone and fall in love. So you have to be prepared to meet shorter guys and finding a way to make it work. These love birds certainly found a way to fall in love.

Making It Work Out
An Awkward Train Ride
When space is limited like on buses and trains, tall people have to be prepared to be in awkward positions. Hopefully, other passengers understand and don’t judge. If there’s nowhere to put your long legs, then interlocking legs will have to do.

An Awkward Train Ride
Window Seat Please
Most people want the window seat on a plane because then you get to look out the window at the views as the plane takes off and lands. But when you’re tall, sometimes the window isn’t that helpful after all. Well, at least they can crouch to see the view.

Window Seat Please
Making Minor Adjustments
If you’re super tall and have season tickets to watch your favorite team play then you just have to hope and pray that the seat in front of you is available. That way you can sit back, stretch your legs out and enjoy the game.

Making Minor Adjustments
Going Ape
When visiting the zoo this young man decided to compare his size to that of an adult gorilla on the chart. It’s meant to be an educational chart. Well, one thing’s for sure, now he knows he’s as big as a gorilla!

Going Ape
Head In The Clouds
Climbing up the stairs is quite the mundane and unremarkable activity one goes through on a regular basis. However, if you happen to be blessed with a bit of extra height, even this seemingly-regular activity can suddenly become a bit more challenging. This poor guy!

Head In The Clouds
Adventurous Hats
Being tall poses a challenge when walking in and out of stores. Sometimes the roof can pose as a kind of hat for tall people out there. At least he won’t get wet if it rains as he’s very cozy under there.

Adventurous Hats
Just Act Natural
When parents want to take a photo of their children they always tell me to look natural. ‘Hug your sister’ they say… Well, he’s trying to look natural while hugging his sister but it looks more unnatural than anything because of the height difference.

Just Act Natural
Very Thoughtful
Now here’s a person that’s really considerate and has catered for tall people. Not quite sure how many tall people visit this library but hey, at least they’ll feel special when they do as there are books that only they can access.

Very Thoughtful
Visiting Japan Is Problematic
Japan is known for its generally diminutive population, and that results in many low-ceilinged structures. While these tend to be very beautiful, they come at a cost. Many tall visitors struggle with getting around, although that shouldn’t be a reason not to visit the beautiful country!

Visiting Japan Is Problematic
Another Reason To Duck
Every tall person is used to ducking when coming in and out of places but this is just another instance where they would need to duck. The only way they’ll be able to see themselves in the mirror would be to duck.

Another Reason To Duck
Runs In The Family
Now, this little boy may look short in comparison to his very tall dad. Give him a few years and he might even be taller. For now, he’s still pretty tall for a young boy. You can see it runs in the family.

Runs In The Family
On Bended Knee
You know the saying ‘Where there’s a will there’s a way?’ Well, there was definitely a will here because their height differences didn’t stop these two love birds from falling in love. The operative word being ‘falling’ on bended knee.

On Bended Knee
Which Is It?
This photo is almost like an optical illusion. We don’t quite know whether this is a group of short prisoners or two very tall guards. Either way, they all seem happy to be posing for the camera. This was probably a highlight for them.

Which Is It?
Public Transport
If you have to make use of public transport to get around and you’re tall, you might find it challenging. Finding seats that have enough legroom can be tough. This girl found a way around that and made herself comfortable.

Public Transport
A Limited View
Much like at a concert, while at a marathon, it’s unfortunate if you happen to be standing behind a very tall person while trying to see what’s going on in front of you. Everyone wants to come and see the runners and support them.

A Limited View
Mind The Gap
Never mind the gap, mind your head! Tall people that commute using trains have a really hard time fitting in, especially when the train is full and there’s no space to move around or maneuver. They just have to endure the trip.

Mind The Gap
Keep Your PIN Secret
Withdrawing money from the ATM is usually a pretty simple procedure, but not for this tall guy. He’s too tall to even read what’s on the screen. Squatting all the way down to the ground is the only way to get the job done.

Keep Your PIN Secret
A Blanket Issue
This poor guy most probably couldn’t sleep because of the blanket. In winter when all you want to do is snuggle in your blanket and be covered from head to toe in it it must be extremely frustrating not being able to so just because of your height.

A Blanket Issue