An Unexpected Guest Leads To A Strange Bachelor Party Twist

Published on September 27, 2020
A typical bachelor party is a haven for crude jokes, fun games, and a lot of liquor. You can describe it as the boys “having fun,” and it’s precisely what these Michigan guys were looking forward to, as they prepared to celebrate their friend’s soon-to-be wedding. However, a strange figure was in the woods, watching them with a vested interest. Eventually, they noticed what was happening, and their objective changed. They soon found out that the forest was filled with secrets. Continue reading to find out how things changed for these guys, who initially had a fun-filled, traditional night planned.

A New Beginning

Mitchel Craddock was all set for his big day in 2016. His wedding was only weeks away. However, he had some things he had to get to before it was time to exchange the vows.

A New Beginning

A New Beginning

Quality Bro Time

His bachelor party was one of the big items on the list. He wanted some quality time with his friends before shifting to married life. Of course, established plans don’t always come to fruition.

Quality Bro Time

Quality Bro Time


A Cozy Base

They journeyed to a remote cabin in Tennessee, which was their base. They could leave their belongings there, as they moved around. The location was a seemingly relaxing one, and it was well isolated.

A Cozy Base

A Cozy Base


Get Cooking

When they got to the cabin, the first thing on their list was to fuel up. Bacon seemed appropriate, and so Mitchel started to cook an economy pack, which caught more than just his friends’ attention.

Get Cooking

Get Cooking


Canine Guest

The men were all looking forward to having some bacon, but the scent appealed to a dog too, and it decided to get close. When the men noticed the dog, the festivities came to a pause.

Canine Guest

Canine Guest


Annie Joins the Fray

Though the dog came out of nowhere, the guys welcomed her and named her Annie, based on the orphan movie. Though she stuck by them through their fun, she wouldn’t come inside.

Annie Joins The Fray

Annie Joins The Fray


Following the Trail

Instead of coming inside, the dog just barked and ran around the cabin repeatedly. As the men came outside, she ran off into the woods, and they followed her using pawprints she left behind.

Following The Trail

Following The Trail


Catching Up

Mitchel caught up to Annie first, and she was intently pacing around a small forest hollow. There was some rumbling inside, and he figured it out. He peered inside to confirm what he thought was happening.

Catching Up

Catching Up


The Little Pup

Inside, Mitchel saw a puppy. It was a newborn, which looked malnourished and very afraid. As he started reaching down to help out, he noticed something unbelievable that caused him to freeze in place.

The Little Pup

The Little Pup


It Wasn’t Just One

It turns out that there was an entire litter of puppies present. It appeared they’d all been there for a long time without any food or shelter, so swift action was required.

It Wasn't Just One

It Wasn’t Just One


Caring for the Little Ones

They took all the puppies back to the cabin. They realized that they needed more items. Therefore, the group decided to use their beer and pizza money on pet supplies.

Caring For The Little Ones

Caring For The Little Ones


A True Dog Lover

Some guys wouldn’t bat an eye. Others would be upset about using the money that way. Mitchel, however, was an avid dog lover. He was happy to help but had some concerns.

A True Dog Lover

A True Dog Lover


Where Were They From?

The dogs didn’t have any collars on them, yet they seemed to be domesticated. It made Mitchel wonder where they all came from. Did the dogs run away from a house nearby?

Where Were They From

Where Were They From


Doing the Best They Could

The men didn’t have a surplus in the cabin, but they did their best to care for the dogs. Still, the animals needed medical attention after staying in the woods.

Doing The Best They Could

Doing The Best They Could


Trip to the Vet

The crew took the dogs home, and Mitchel brought them to see a vet. Thankfully, there were only some bugs and malnutrition. The guys then decided to send out photos to find the owners.

Trip To The Vet

Trip To The Vet


No One to Claim Them

Mitchel didn’t hear anything from anyone about the dogs. Therefore, each of the men decided to take one of the animals for himself. Even so, one dog remained with no owner.

No One To Claim Them

No One To Claim Them


Problem Solved

Mitchel’s mom decided to take in the last dog, which took care of that little problem. They may not have had a party, but they all had new canine friends as a result of the happenings.

Problem Solved

Problem Solved


The Ties of Friendship

The dogs served as a perfect reason for the guys to remain close, even after the wedding happed. The men had their commitments, but they always connected for the dogs to play.

The Ties Of Friendship

The Ties Of Friendship


More Upsides

Mitchel got set up with a little family before his beautiful marriage. He was nothing short of a hero after the rescue, and he knew that his dog could repay the kind favor one day.

More Upsides

More Upsides


Meet Max

Max, another dog, is a perfect example of how normal dogs can be excellent things for some families. Though Max was getting old, he just needed a single moment to prove how amazing he could be.

Meet Max

Meet Max


The Age Showed

Max, an Australian Cattle dog, reached an incredible 17 years old in 2018! It wasn’t very hard to tell that the animal was old. He had completely lost his hearing, and he was also partially blind.

The Age Showed

The Age Showed


He Had Aurora

Despite his age, Max had a loving family. Aurora, a three-year-old, was his favorite member. He’d been around before she was even a newborn, and he kept watch over and played with her.

He Had Aurora

He Had Aurora


Great Caretakers

Aurora’s caretakers were her uncle, Jake, and her grandmother, Leisa. The two lived in Warwick, Queensland, and they took fantastic care of both Aurora and Max. As Warwick is very isolated, they only had each other.

Great Caretakers

Great Caretakers


Always Playing Outside

Whenever Leisa and Jake did their chores, Aurora would play in the yard. She always stayed close to the windows, so there were no worries associated with her being outside, as they monitored her.

Always Playing Outside

Always Playing Outside


Max Was Always Present

Additionally, Max was always there to play with and watch her. Though he was slower than before, he still always kept her in his sight. However, one April afternoon, things were different.

Max Was Always Present

Max Was Always Present


Change in Routine

Aurora went further than she typically does on this special day. No one knows what the child was focused on as she played, but she wandered off without realizing that she was far out.

Change In Routine

Change In Routine


Realizing Late

Eventually, she looked around and realized the situation that she was in. Aurora couldn’t see her house, and she was alone. The child collapsed to the ground and began to cry. She was lost and confused.

Realizing Late

Realizing Late


Nowhere to Be Found

Since Leisa didn’t see Aurora in the yard, she assumed the child must be playing inside. After not seeing her inside either and panicking, Leisa got the police involved in the equation.

Nowhere To Be Found

Nowhere To Be Found


The Search Begins

The police were on the scene within hours, and they set up a search party to find the little girl. Numerous volunteers got involved, but there was a lot of ground for them to cover.

The Search Begins

The Search Begins


Nothing Turning Up

The team searched intently, but they came up with no signs of Aurora. Night fell, and rain and sleet served to make things even harder. Jake and Leisa began to lose all their hope.

Nothing Turning Up

Nothing Turning Up


Good Old Max

No one knew, but Max took off to find her soon after her disappearance. His senses were not what they used to be, but the dog was determined to use his incredible intuition.

Good Old Max

Good Old Max


A Dangerous Place

The wilderness was dangerous to both the child and the dog. Exposure and starvation were terrible enough, but there were also numerous predators to worry about. A snake bite, for example, was a problem.

A Dangerous Place

A Dangerous Place


Max the Hero

Though the situation looked grim, Max pulled it off! He found Aurora, and she was thrilled to see him. She hugged him, and then they used a rock to gain some warmth.

Max The Hero

Max The Hero


A New Day

Leisa didn’t even know what to think the next day. Even so, she went off on her own to check the deep vegetation. She shouted the child’s name quite often, hoping to hear something.

A New Day

A New Day


Max Shows Up

After one of Leisa’s calls, she heard a faint voice in response. Reinvigorated, Leisa took off toward the hill that the voice came from. As she ran there, Max hurriedly came to greet her.

Max Shows Up

Max Shows Up


A Ray of Hope

Leisa called out to Jake, and both of them went up the hill as they followed max. They didn’t even question why he appeared. To their amazement, he led them straight to Aurora.

A Ray Of Hope

A Ray Of Hope


Making Sure

They were happy to find Aurora, but they had to ensure that she was okay. She was out for 15 hours, after all. They called in the paramedics to examine her, just in case anything was off.

Making Sure

Making Sure


Nothing Serious

As hard as it was to believe, the child was all but unscathed. All she needed was some rest and a warm meal. If the dedicated, half-blind dog hadn’t found her, who knows what would’ve happened?

Nothing Serious

Nothing Serious


Warwick Hero

The whole town acknowledged Max as a hero. He even got the honor of becoming an honorary police dog. The old dog did way more than just learning a new trick when he was needed most.

Warwick Hero

Warwick Hero


A Shining Moment

Based on his age, no one would’ve believed that Max could pull off what he did. It shows that sometimes latent potential is present that needs the right stimulus before it comes pouring out.

A Shining Moment

A Shining Moment