The Tears Flowed
Jackie didn’t want to start a fight or cause any drama, but she knew she couldn’t just let it go. She knew she had to say something to her husband, and she demanded to read the note that the waitress gave to him.

The Tears Flowed
Motherhood Is Tough
Jackie-Johnson Smith experienced both the joys and the difficulties that motherhood can bring on. She had a lot of difficult and trying times as a mother, but nothing hit her as hard as what happened at the restaurant. All she wanted was to go out to dinner and enjoy the night with her family.

Motherhood Is Tough
Stirring Up the Drama Pot
When Jackie left for the restroom, the waitress took the opportunity to come by their table and give the man the note. She thought that the wife would not see, but her plan backfired. Jackie was absolutely stunned, and she knew she had to do something about this.

Stirring Up The Drama Pot
Don’t Mess with Her
Jackie served in the US Army for years, so she was not really one to mess with. She also didn’t appreciate sneaking around of any kind. Once she left the army life, she chose to dedicate her life to being the best mother and wife she could possibly be.

Don’t Mess With Her
The War Hero Mom
Jackie always tries to have her “tough face” on but she couldn’t keep it together when she saw the waitress giving her husband the note. What could this note possibly say that would make this war hero mom completely break down at the restaurant? Her husband was completely shocked at her response.

The War Hero Mom
Not as Glamorous
Though a lot of Hollywood movies show motherhood as glamorous, in reality it’s not the case. It’s hard to be put together all the time when you’re a mother because of all of the responsibilities you’re worried about. However, Jackie decided to look nice for this night out, especially since she had recently given birth.

Not As Glamorous
He Was Handsome
Jackie was also fully aware that her husband is attractive and that other women look at them when they go out. She chose to always brush it off because she knew she had nothing to worry about. However, she could not ignore the fact that the waitress kept looking over at their direction in the whole night.

He Was Handsome
No Blind Eyes
Of course Jackie and her husband love each other dearly, but they both know that their relationship was not the same as it was at the beginning. Having three kids changes you, and of course it impacts the mother’s body. She knew that she didn’t have the same mental and physical capabilities as before, and she felt that her husband noticed it.

No Blind Eyes
An Uncertain Feeling
Jackie started to feel some insecurities within her marriage, and she wondered whether she should bring it up. She tried her best to ignore these insecurities that were coming up, but the night at the restaurant brought up all these feelings to the forefront of her thoughts.

An Uncertain Feeling
Taking the Family
Jackie and her husband Tom knew that it was time for a date night and it was long overdue. Since she had recently given birth not so long ago, they wanted to take the whole family out to enjoy a dinner and a night out.

Taking The Family
The Newborn Life
The moment that they arrived at the restaurant, the newborn began to cry. Jackie immediately knew that her baby was hungry, and so she decided to start breastfeeding him at the table. Jackie didn’t care that people stared when she would breastfeed in public, but she noticed that the waitress looked at her in an odd way.

The Newborn Life
Breastfeeding in Public
Jackie was well aware of the fact that mothers constantly face judgment for every move they make in raising their children. People get upset when mothers breastfeed in public. Although often people don’t mean to be rude, the fact remains that their behavior make mothers uncomfortable. Jackie was already used to the stares.

Breastfeeding In Public
Proud Mommy
No stares or comments would make Jackie stop breastfeeding her baby, but the waitress’s glance was so different that she made note of it.

Proud Mommy
Everyone Watched
Jackie always noticed that people would stare or make comments while she was breastfeeding in public. By the time she had her third child, she was barely paying attention to any of the stares. She knew that there’s nothing unnatural about what she was doing.

Everyone Watched
An Uneasy Feeling
When Jackie noticed that the waitress began staring at her, she was immediately very uncomfortable. What was this waitress’s problem? Had she never seen a woman breastfeeding before? Jackie continued to wonder.

An Uneasy Feeling
The Letter
When Jackie got up to go to the bathroom, her husband signaled to the waitress for the bill. The moment Jackie stepped away from the table, the waitress took the opportunity to head to the table and give Tom the note. So what did the note say?

The Letter
New Feelings Arose
As Tom read the waitress’s note, a look on his face appeared that confused Jackie. Tom didn’t realize that she could see him. She felt her stomach drop. What could be on this note to cause that look on her husband’s face?

New Feelings Arose
What Was His Reaction?
Jackie thought that if the note wasn’t important, surely he would just toss it aside. However, after he read the note, he took his phone out. Jackie thought she was living a nightmare. Did the waitress really just give him her phone number?

What Was His Reaction?
Was He in Love with the Waitress?
Jackie felt heartbroken and hurt, and she could not help it. She immediately wondered what could be going on. She was so confused and upset, but she was determined to find out exactly what was happening.

Was He In Love With The Waitress
Her Jealousy Showed
Jackie was stunned that the waitress had been so bold, especially since Jackie had stepped away from the table for just a few minutes. Suddenly, Jackie felt so angry and she began to feel aggressive. Her mind was racing through all the possibilities of what the note could have said.

Her Jealousy Showed
She Demanded Answers
What made Jackie feel worse after seeing the waitress hand over the note was the fact that her husband took his phone out after reading it. Did he put the waitress’s number in his phone? She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Upon returning to the table, she demanded to see the note. After she read it, she immediately began to cry.

She Demanded Answers
It Was All Suspicious
It was clear that the note that the waitress gave Tom was not some sort of promotion from the restaurant. How could the waitress even have the time to make a move on Tom, after all, Jackie was away from the table for just a minute.

It Was All Suspicious
Problem Central
On the note, the waitress has commented on the fact that Jackie was breastfeeding in public. Of course, Jackie was already used to stares, but she didn’t realize that someone would take the time to write a note about it.

Problem Central
Very Emotional
Before Jackie could compose herself, she immediately started crying. She was overwhelmed by everything: balancing motherhood and taking care of three kids, her changing relationship with her husband, and now this waitress giving him a note.

Very Emotional
The Note Made Her Cry
After reading the note, she was even more overwhelmed with emotions. Jackie couldn’t help it. She needed to process all of the feelings she was experiencing.

The Note Made Her Cry
The Note Goes Viral
With such a strong emotional response, Jackie decided to post about the experience on social media. She was fully aware of the controversy that surrounds women breastfeeding in public, but she could not believe the feedback she was getting from her Facebook contacts.

The Note Goes Viral
The Note Said…
Jackie explained that she was used to breastfeeding all three of her children while in public. She said that some places were more comfortable than others, and that she would try her best to be discreet about it. She said that she would always get stares, but tonight’s events erased all of that negativity.

The Note Said…
Experienced Waitress
The waitress, named Bodi, was a young woman who had been working in the food industry for a while now. She noticed that people would often stare at women who were breastfeeding in public, and that it was usually strangers who were doing this.

Experienced Waitress
Sharing Emotions
Jackie’s social media post shared that this was the first time that she had ever gone to Fong’s Pizza restaurant. She was nursing her crying, fussy baby in the booth. She chose to leave the table so that the baby’s crying wouldn’t disturb the rest of the guests. The waitress then left a note on the receipt, which left Jackie speechless and very emotional.

Sharing Emotions
What the Note Said
Even though Bodi was not a mother herself, she was quite bothered when people would judge this woman, and any other, for breastfeeding in public. Bodi wrote a note on the family’s receipt that she would pay for one of their pizzas and to thank Jackie for breastfeeding.

What The Note Said
She Expected the End
Jackei admitted that her mind immediately jumped to the worst case scenario. She assumed that when her husband took his phone out, it would be to put the waitress’s phone number in his phone. What the note actually said took her by total surprise.

She Expected The End
Going Public
The reason why Tom took his phone out was actually to take a photo of the note in order to remember the kindness of the waitress. That’s when they decided to share the note on Facebook. The post generated comments geared to both Bodi and Jackie.

Going Public
Raising Awareness for Breastfeeding
Thanks to the note and Jackie’s post, a conversation surrounding breastfeeding in public began to take place. All Jackie wanted was to feed her child in peace without being subjected to stares.

Raising Awareness For Breastfeeding
All She Had Wanted
Bodi showed that not everyone has a negative response to mothers breastfeeding in public. Jackie then realized that some people were just uncomfortable. She was amazed and thankful that Bodi had made the gesture.

All She Had Wanted
So Many Positive Responses
Despite the fact that breastfeeding a natural part of motherhood, the fact remains that so many people frown upon mothers breastfeeding in public. That’s why it’s so uncommon for mothers to get a positive response. Bodi later said that she was so happy that Jackie was going for it without being intimidated by others.

So Many Positive Responses
Creepy Staring or Something More
Bodi also made note that she was trying not to stare too much at Jackie, so that she wouldn’t make her uncomfortable. That’s why Jackie thought that the waitress was looking at her, because she actually was! However, the reason why was totally different than what Jackie was first imagining.

Creepy Staring Or Something More
Women Stick Together
Jackie shared on her Facebook post that she was already so used to people’s negative reactions that she was taken aback by the positive response. This situation showed her that she was doing the right thing after all.

Women Stick Together
Best Feeling Ever
Not long after the incident, Jackie went back to the restaurant in order to thank Bodi in person. She told Bodi that even though she knew she was doing the right thing by feeding her baby, it was nice to hear it from someone else as well. It was a wonderful moment where two women empowered each other.

Best Feeling Ever
The Unbreakable Family
Jackie and Tom had a wonderful interaction with Bodi. The couple’s relationship grew even stronger and they felt like a team when parenting their kids. Jackie decided it was time to post more about breastfeeding in public.

The Unbreakable Family
Kindness Rules
Clearly, Bodi never realized just how far her small kind gesture would go, but it ended up meaning the world to Jackie. One small act of kindness can truly go a long way.

Kindness Rules