Woman Sues Neighbor, He Responds By Leaking Photos Nobody Was Meant To See

Published on November 23, 2020
All across the globe, neighbors have the stigma of being notoriously noisy, and sometimes, this stigma is very true. This was the exact cause for this woman who ended up suing her neighbor. What did she sue him about? Well, it seems that this neighbor had admittedly done something wrong. As a result, the feud between the woman and the woman’s neighbor grew fiercer once she decided to enter a lawsuit against him. That’s when he responded by leaking photos never to be seen by the world. The story between these two neighbors is truly extraordinary, but what caused all of this upheaval.

Not-So-Friendly Neighbors

Friendly neighbors seem hard to come across nowadays, especially those that remain friendly. Too often, neighbors have warm introductions but become more like enemies as time goes on. This was the case for Kristopher Hess, who had a pretty bad run-in with his neighbor.

Not So Friendly Neighbors

Not So Friendly Neighbors

The Cause of the Case

The neighbor had known he had done wrong, and he had admitted it. However, it didn’t seem very fair that his neighbor decided to go on the hunt for blood. That’s when he typed her name in the search bar and found some interesting pictures.

The Cause Of The Case

The Cause Of The Case


Who Is the Neighbor?

Kristopher Hess was an 18-year-old working as a security guard who had fallen into a tiresome routine. He worked 16-hour shifts and returned home each day at eight AM. He was living a very lonely life of just working until one day when he got a phone call.

Who Is The Neighbor?

Who Is The Neighbor?


The Phone Call

Kristopher received a call from a childhood friend telling him that he was going to be in town over Independence Day weekend. Kristopher was beyond excited to hear the news and even took time off of work to spend quality time with his friend.

The Phone Call

The Phone Call


The Weekend

Kristopher had intentions of spending the weekend with a few beers and snacks while catching up with his friend. However, Mark had other ideas about how they should be spending the 4thof July weekend. He decided that the best way to celebrate was with some fireworks.

The Weekend

The Weekend


Getting the Resources

Kristopher first checked to see that his dad wasn’t home before grabbing the last of his savings to buy fireworks. When they got home, the men laid all of the fireworks out on the floor. Their collection included Roman Candles, Cakes, Bottle Rockets, and Sparklers.

Getting The Resources

Getting The Resources


Setting the Plan

The boys gleamed at their purchases with excitement. That’s when Kristopher got an idea that was incredibly ill-fated. He thought that it would be a good idea to play around with some sparklers because it wasn’t dark yet. However, trouble soon followed while in the backyard.

Setting The Plan

Setting The Plan


A Massive Mistake

Kristopher put his plan in action by lighting the first sparkler. The boys then decided to start waving the sparklers around and draw patterns in the air. It was a care-free time for Mark and Kristopher as they relived their childhood memories.

A Massive Mistake

A Massive Mistake


A Fire

While waving the sparklers around, a small spark fell off and made contact with the ground. Before the boys knew it, a fire had erupted and quickly became an alarming sight. The fire was spreading closer and closer towards the neighbor’s yard.

A Fire

A Fire


Identifying an Opportunity

The fire grew too much that it was uncontrollable. Due to this, Kristopher called 911 while Mark made an attempt to extinguish the flames. That’s when the neighboring fence caught alight. Their neighbor, Patricia, ran out and was incredibly understanding about the situation.

Identifying An Opportunity

Identifying An Opportunity


A Terrible Surprise

Kristopher returned back to work after a not-so-relaxing break. After another tiring day at work, all he wanted to do when he returned home was take to his bed and call it a night. However, he came back home to find a very terrible surprise.

A Terrible Surprise

A Terrible Surprise


Expensive Mistakes

Once Kristopher returned home, he found two quotes from his next-door neighbor. One of the quotes was for the cost to replace the fence, which totaled $4,000. The second quote totaled $6,000 and was the cost to replace the lawn that had been damaged in the fire.

Expensive Mistakes

Expensive Mistakes


An Aspiring Con Artist

After inspecting the quotes further, Kristopher and his father noticed that the quotes were made on Microsoft Word and didn’t have any logos. In addition to these quotes, the neighbor also included a very rude note stating that Kristopher needed to pay for her water bill for three months.

An Aspiring Con Artist

An Aspiring Con Artist


Working It Out by Themselves

Kristopher reached out to one of his contractor friends about the quotes he received. After speaking to his friend, he understood that the costs had been blown up tremendously. He then got professionals to come out and prepare an estimate. That’s when things got really ugly.

Working It Out By Themselves

Working It Out By Themselves


Cops Were Called

Kristopher met with the contractor to inspect the lawn. However, as soon as they arrived at the property, Patricia ran out and stated that he didn’t have permission to get an estimate on the fence. After this, Patricia called the cops.

Cops Were Called

Cops Were Called



After this big ordeal, Kristopher finally got an estimate of $1,200 to replace the fence. In addition to this, he also got a quote to re-seed the lawn. This would ultimately cost $800. Copies of these estimates were given to Patricia, who was less impressed.




Enough is Enough

Kristopher had just returned home from a 16-hour shift when his neighbor came knocking on his door and demanded to speak to him. He politely told her that now wasn’t the right time and that he needed to sleep. This was when she went on to call him lazy.

Enough Is Enough

Enough Is Enough


His Offer

At this point, Kristopher was on the verge of losing it. He told her that she could either accept the $2000 or get nothing. She remained quiet for a while before finally accepting the offer and agree to meet at the notary the next morning.

His Offer

His Offer



Kristopher woke up the next day and began preparing to meet Patricia. He brought along the money and the contract he had drawn up. He waited for more than three hours, but she never arrived. She later demanded the full amount over text.

No Show

No Show


Patiently Waiting

After receiving that message, Kristopher watched his neighbor’s yard become an oasis. It was equipped with a small pond, flowers, and new Sod, along with other features. She had been planning to make such remodels and was waiting for an opportunity like this.

Patiently Waiting

Patiently Waiting


Digging Up Dirt

Kristopher had admitted that he had done wrong and was willing to pay the right price to fix it. However, he was driven to other measures when she wanted more money. That’s when he searched to find incriminating photos on a Facebook page.

Digging Up Dirty

Digging Up Dirt


The Pictures

Patricia had used her saving for remodeling to go to Hawaii for a vacation. Kristopher became aware of this when he found her bragging about such a thing on a neighborhood Facebook group. That’s where he saw her sipping cocktails at an expensive hotel.

The Pictures

The Pictures


Getting Served

Four months after the fire had taken place and all the remodeling had been conducted, Kristopher got served papers to attend court for more than $10,000. While in court, Kristopher laid out everything that he had against the entire ordeal.

Getting Served

Getting Served


Getting Her Day in Court

After seeing all of the evidence, the judge immediately sided with Kristopher and told her that she was out of her mind. Kristopher had offered her more than what she was entitled to. The amount owed to her was actually $1200, and the judge deducted Kristopher’s lawyer fees from it.

Getting Her Day In Court

Getting Her Day In Court


The End Result

After all, was settled, Patricia took a massive financial loss. It’s unclear how much her Hawaii trip cost, but she was suffering from a large amount of debt. She had to sell her house and move to a smaller one to try and recover her financials.

The End Result

The End Result


His Lesson

Since the unfolding of this entire ordeal, Kristopher doesn’t use fireworks. However, it’s not just that a fire was started from using fireworks, but he also realized that someone could have gotten hurt. It was a good thing that he took responsibility.

His Lesson

His Lesson


More Bad Neighbors

Now, Kristopher’s bad neighbor story is possibly one of the worst and rarest cases. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t other bad neighbor stories being created each day. Here are some other stories that people have shared about their neighbors on Reddit.

More Bad Neighbors

More Bad Neighbors


Another Court Case

One person reported that their neighbor took her to court. Why did she do that? Well, the neighbor decided to sue because the writer’s dog growled at her. This growling apparently caused the neighbor emotional stress worth $24,000.

Another Court Case

Another Court Case


A Parking Spot

Some neighbors can just be plain inconsiderate. This was the case for this poor guy who pays $125 a month for a parking spot, only for his neighbor to take up part of the space. How would this make you feel? We don’t think we would be too pleased.

A Parking Spot

A Parking Spot


Take Out Your Trash

This is yet another case of a neighbor being inconsiderate to the rest of those living nearby. This user took to Reddit to explain what was occurring in their building. It seems a neighbor sends his trash down the elevator when there are easily accessible trash chutes and dumpsters.

Take Out Your Trash

Take Out Your Trash


Wake Up Calls

Some neighbors are just peculiar, and one user’s experience proves it. She had a neighbor that made it a constant habit to bang on the surrounding walls at six AM to wake people up. She would generally shout that there was too much noise.

Wake Up Calls

Wake Up Calls


Locked Doors

A user took to Reddit to describe the discomfort she felt when encountering her neighbor. He had asked her why she locked her doors when she was inside. That’s when she asked him how she knew about that, which he replied that he tried to open the door on multiple occasions.

Locked Doors

Locked Doors


Throwing Soup

One user’s neighbors made a habit of throwing soup out of their window. They live on the 16thfloor, and throwing this soup would result in all the below apartment’s windows being covered in the soup. Moreover, these neighbors won’t open the door when the user came to complain.

Throwing Soup

Throwing Soup


Bad Smells

Some people are just lazy. This one neighbor is the perfect example of that. The photo captured shows you just how sluggish the neighbor is. The fence is on its last leg, trying to stop all that built-up trashing from moving into the opposing house’s lawn.

Bad Smells

Bad Smells


No Time During the Day

Many neighbors don’t have much to do during the day and fill most of these days, trying to disturb other neighbors. One way that does this is by complaining about the most ridiculous things, such as a trash can being on the curb for the whole day.

No Time During The Day

No Time During The Day


Noisy Neighbors

Why are noisy neighbors so common to come across? It’s okay to throw a small get-together on a Friday night, but the music should probably be turned off, or the volume turned down at least after midnight. However, this never seems to happen.

Noisy Neighbors

Noisy Neighbors


Be a Better Neighbor

Sometimes returning the acts of a bad neighbor isn’t always the answer, and replacing these acts with kindness wins. Not to mention, just being nice and neighborly to those living close by can make your living situation more pleasurable.

Be A Better Neighbor

Be A Better Neighbor


Be Considerate of Noise Levels

Nobody is asking you to be a quiet, little mouse. However, there are certain basic rules you should follow to be considerate of the noise levels within a living space. Noise acceptability is dependent on where you live. Apartments and houses are going to have different noise acceptability levels.

Be Considerate Of Noise Levels

Be Considerate Of Noise Levels


The Golden Rule

Following the golden rule of being a good neighbor can put you in the good books of those who you live close to. Observe and respect the personal space of your neighbor, don’t be the neighborhood gossip, and go solve issues with your neighbors directly.

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule


Curb Appeal

Being a good neighbor entails that you should maintain the exterior of your house, along with your lawn. This maintenance should be done to the same level as the rest of the neighborhood you’re situated in. Doing this sets a good image in the minds of your neighbors.

Curb Appeal

Curb Appeal


Crazed Porsche Neighbor

Another frustrated Redditor shared a crazy story involving their neighbor Richard and a car parked nowhere near where it should be. However, the Redditor didn’t allow for this neighbor to walk all over him. Here’s what happened.

Crazed Porsche Neighbor

Crazed Porsche Neighbor


Driving Through

The Redditor’s neighbor, named Richard, decided it was okay to park his Porsche in the backyard, driving through the Redditor’s garden in order to reach the yard that is beyond the separation line between their homes.

Driving Through

Driving Through


No More

Finally, the Redditor had had enough and wanted to show Richard that this behavior was completely unacceptable. He shared his story on Reddit: “Until recently, my parents lived in the same house for 50 years. We had three neighbors on the north side over that time.”

No More

No More


The First Neighbor

He continued: “The first was a little old woman called Elenore. She was a hermit and as such us young kids were always scared of her. She died when I was a freshman in high school. It took a few years and then we had a new guy buy the property, Richard.”

The First Neighbor

The First Neighbor


A New Neighbor In Town

The Redditor explained that then Richard moved in and said that he came home one day to his neighbor cutting down the bushes on the Redditor’s property. When confronted, Richard said that the bushes were a foot into his property and that he was shocked that the previous neighbor didn’t mind.

It's A MAN's Class

It’s A MAN’s Class


Not Happy

The Redditor continued: “My dad and I confronted him, and let him know those were our bushes he was cutting down and we were not happy about it.” The Redditor thought that reasoning with his neighbor would help solve the issue.

Not Happy

Not Happy


His Response

However, Richard’s response was that he simply didn’t care and that the bushes were in his way and preventing him from parking his car in the yard.

His Response

His Response


Pointing It Out

The Redditor continued: “[My dad told him] you have a curb cut out on the other side of your house, you can mow it and have a straight access to the backyard as the original builder intended.”

Pointing It Out

Pointing It Out


Storming Off

According to the Redditor, after his father gave this simple and logical answer to the problem, Richard then stormed off. The next day, the bush was completely gone, and from then on Richard began driving his car through his neighbors’ property and into his backyard.

Storming Off

Storming Off


Had Enough

The Redditor and his family had enough of this behavior, so they decided to install a metal fence that clearly marked the division of the property lines. All they wanted was to make sure Richard didn’t ruin their lawn with his car.

Had Enough

Had Enough


The Fence

As the Redditor described: “[My] dad and I decided that we needed metal fence posts to mark the property line. We put them 5 inches on our side of the property line. Drove them down really deep. There was very little room for him to get anything past them, especially his cars.”

The Fence

The Fence


His Reaction

They immediately knew when Richard had returned home, since they could clearly hear him shouting and cursing in response to the new fence. This went on for several hours, and it was clear that he was not happy with this.

His Reaction

His Reaction


Damaged Car

The Redditor then said: “Then we heard a car start up in the back and he successfully got one of his cars out but not without serious damage to the side, nice sized scrapes all along the side of the car.”

Damaged Car

Damaged Car


More Damage

Not only did Richard’s rash reaction damage his own car, it also damaged the newly installed fence, denting it so that it ended up leaning over towards their home.

More Damage

More Damage


Completely Stunned

The Redditor and his father simply could not believe that somebody could be so stubborn. This could have easily been resolved with clear communication and minimal compromise from both sides.

Completely Stunned

Completely Stunned


Feeling Conflicted

On one hand, escalating the situation could cause a lot more chaos, but on the other hand, there was no way that Richard could get away with his unbelievable behavior. They knew what they had to do.

Feeling Conflicted

Feeling Conflicted


Calling the Cops

The Redditor and his father decided that it was time to call in outside help. They called the police, and Richard was given a ticket for damaging their private property.

Calling The Cops

Calling The Cops


People Agreed

When the Redditor shared the story, people were quick to praise him and his father for putting up with the nonsense behavior for so long. They felt that he was being completely unreasonable and that it was good they called the police.


A Commenter

One commented wrote: “I wish you had sued over the bushes the tree law crowd is always fun although I wonder if bushes would fall under that.”

People Agreed

People Agreed


Another Voiced Opinion

Another person replied: I have never met a Richard that wasn’t a complete tool, deep down. Some of them can hide it, but it’s THERE.”

Another Voiced Opinion

Another Voiced Opinion