The Most Unique Facts About Left-Handed People

Published on February 8, 2018

The Incas Believed Lefties To Have Magic!

We’ll cap off our list with a pretty positive fact about left handed people. For all of our talk about devil associations and unclean hands, the Incas thought that lefties were simply magical — literally! The Incas thought lefties were able to heal and the Zuni Tribe thought left handed people brought good luck. Now that’s just nice, isn’t it?

The Incas believed lefties to have magic

The Incas believed lefties to have magic

Higher IQs.

Based off a study done in New York, when comparing right-handed people to left-handed people, there are more left-handed people with an IQ over 140. Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Benjamin Franklin, all lefties, all geniuses.

Higher IQ

Higher IQ’s