Nadia Comăneci – The First Gymnast To Achieve A “Perfect 10” At The Olympics

Published on February 18, 2018

Is It A Fairytale?

When Isabelle Kumar asked Nadia if she felt that her life was a fairytale, she answered “I don’t want my life to be scripted, it becomes too cheesy. I brought motivation to my generation and the generation after me. You should never give up when it gets hard.”

Is It A Fairytale

Is It A Fairytale?

Inspiration To All

Nadia Comăneci continues to be an inspiration to young and budding gymnasts as well as to all athletes across all boards. Her motivation and commitment even during the hardest times, teaches us that we can do anything we put our minds to. Difficult times are the springboard to getting further than we’ve ever gone before. Nadia Comăneci is living proof of that.

Paving The Road

Inspiration To All