What You Probably Don’t Know About the Ancient Mayans

Published on January 18, 2018

“Xoc” Or Shark

We owe something else to the Mayas, and that is sharks. Well, no we don’t mean to say that they invented sharks, rather they could have been the reason we have the word “shark”. According to some sources, the Mayan word “xoc” meant shark and we took it from there.

Xoc Or Shark

“Xoc” Or Shark

Tattooed Too

We all know that tattoos are not a recent thing, but getting a tattoo back in the days of the Maya was quite different. First the “tattoo artist” would carve a shape into a person’s body part and then fill it with ink. Quite often the person would fall prey to infection and even died sometimes, therefore those who got tattoos were considered to be brave.

Tattooed Too

Tattooed Too