What You Probably Don’t Know About the Ancient Mayans

Published on January 18, 2018

Nobody knows why the Mayan Civilization collapsed.

Though we have tons of evidence supporting the day to day lives of the Mayan people we have yet to come to a firm conclusion as to why the once great civilization simply vanished from their place atop the ladder. Some theories speculate that disease or low class revolt were the primary engineers of the collapse. Other people suspect that the Mayans were simply too successful in dominating their land and they thus ended up milking the local area dry of resources. Coupling this lack of resource with the falling apart of trade routes points us in the direction of the Mayan culture simply succumbing to exhaustion at the end of it all.

Nobody knows why the Mayan Civilization collapsed

Nobody knows why the Mayan Civilization collapsed

The Start.

According to the ancient Mayans, the world was actually created on August 11, 3114BC, which is the date their own calendar counts from.

The Start.

The Start.