A Decade Passes: The Disappearance of Natalee Holloway

Published on January 21, 2018

28 Years

Joran spends two years in a Peruvian jail, while serving a 28 year sentence, before he ultimately confesses to the murder of Stephany Flores. His lawyer then informs the media that Joran murdered Flores while under “extreme psychological trauma.” The trauma of his being accused of killing Natalee Holloway.

28 Years

28 Years


On November 12, 2010, some tourists discover a jawbone on the beach near to the Phoenix Hotel and Bubali Swamp. A preliminary examination determines that the bone is in fact from a young woman – some parts of the bone is sent to The Hague for testing by the Netherlands Forensic Institute. By November 23, 2010, the Aruba Solicitor-General Taco Stein says that based on dental records, the jawbone found was not from Natalee Holloway.

