A Decade Passes: The Disappearance of Natalee Holloway

Published on January 21, 2018

Used To

For many years, Beth couldn’t move on and she was lost in the “what ifs” and “what could have beens” of Natalee’s life. However today Beth isn’t so caught in celebrating Natalee’s birthday or even just imagining how her daughter would be if she were alive. “I used to, but I think I’m trying to find joy and peace in other things, [like] through my son. And I’m still really good friends with Natalee’s girlfriends, so I feel like I can kind of enjoy Natalee through them.”

Used To

Used To

Sharing Her Story

Sharing Natalee’s story has also helped her heal. “As I do the work and as I am speaking to groups across the country, I know that I’m making an impact on their lives.” Beth carries on to say, “It just breaks my heart, because I know the journey they’re about to be on. There is light at the end of the tunnel. There is hope… And I will continue to reach out to people with my message of hope, as I said, and how to endure in the face of adversity.”

Sharing Her Story

Sharing Her Story