Animals Who Survived Extinction and Got Rediscovered

Published on January 28, 2018

The Nelson

The name of this small mouse-like animal may be interestingly “human-like”, but for about the past century it hasn’t been too certain on making itself known. This little guy wasn’t discovered until back in 1894 and only 109 years later was he rediscovered by 2 scientist on the slopes of the San Martín Tuxtla volcano in Mexico.

Terror Skink

The Nelson

Terror Skink

One of the best common names in the animal kingdom, this rare reptile was thought to be extinct until 2003. And no wonder; it’s only found in the Isle of Pines. Before being photographed, filmed and released by specialists at the French National Museum of Natural History, the skink was only known by one specimen.

Terror Skink Real

Terror Skink