Animals Who Survived Extinction and Got Rediscovered

Published on January 28, 2018

Australian Night Parrot

Naturalist John Young was convinced that the Australian night parrot was still alive and in existence. He spent 15 years searching for the elusive night bird until his dreams came true and he managed to photograph it in 2013. It had been “extinct” since 1912 when the bird was last seen!

Australian Night Parrot

Australian Night Parrot


In the 1940’s, Japanese dam builders set up a hydroelectric dam that had severe effects on the marine life in Lake Tazawako. The acidity levels rose so high that everyone believed that the entire population of kunimasu salmon had been wiped out. But what actually happened was that more than 100,000 eggs were washed away to a lake more than 300 miles from there. This discovery only surfaced in 2010.

