Know Your Amish: Amazing Facts About The Amish People

Published on January 16, 2018

Without Pride

One of the greatest differences between the Amish and the rest of religions out there is their lack of evangelism. The Amish don’t believe in imposing their religion on anyone and they are respectful of all belief sects. In fact, forcing their religion onto another person goes directly against their own beliefs.

Without Pride

Without Pride

Extremely Healthy

In the Amish community you are not allowed to have any tobacco or alcohol. Along with their ban on vices, the Amish also grow all of their own food which makes them organic farmers. Additionally, Amish people are also physically active and community minded which makes them altogether physical specimens. Amish people have incredibly low rates of deadly diseases, including cancer, and as a result tend to live longer and healthier lives.

Extremely Healthy

Extremely Healthy