Know Your Amish: Amazing Facts About The Amish People

Published on January 16, 2018

Technology Hack

Another mind-blowing fact is that although the Amish don’t use electricity, they have found ways around that law. When it is absolutely necessary, they allows themselves to use certain types of technology. One such example is the Deskmate which serves as a computer with no internet, no video or music. They use this computer to work on business deals.

Technology Hack

Technology Hack

Growing By Number

What some people might consider as a constricting lifestyle, the Amish consider as the only way of life. Evidence has proven that between 80 and 90% of all Amish youths stay with the church and don’t leave the religion. Since they have a high birth rate and their retention rate is high, their population doubles every 20 years.

Growing Numbers

Growing By Number