The Osmond Family: A Look Behind The Music

Published on January 16, 2018

Religious Devotion

Since he held his Mormon beliefs close and felt too young for certain activities, Donny chose to separate himself from many peers. Of course, the kids teased him for not having lots of girls or being down with rock and roll. However, Donny Osmond was able to stay clear from not just drugs and smoking, but even cursing. Yes, he also stayed celibate until marrying his wife. Reflecting back, Donny is proud of himself for saying no to peer pressure. Actually, he even advised Michael Jackson and Prince who came to him back then for counsel.

Religious Devotion

Religious Devotion

Reflections on Religion

Naturally, these devout Mormons always say they put God first. Donny also credits all his success to having faith in God. Also, he points to his family for their love and support. Between religion and family, Donny feels he was able to thrive. In a cut throat business like show business, he felt he needed something to help him over the years because, as he said, “You’re not naive growing up in this business. I grew up fast.”

Reflections On Religion

Reflections On Religion