Natural Born Killers Who Will Give You Goosebumps

Published on February 17, 2018

Dragons Do Exist

This imposing lizard is not too fussed about what’s for dinner, but will eat just about anything (including humans). A patient hunter, the Komodo dragon will take their time with a kill and wait until the victim has bled to death. Found in the Indonesian islands, they can weigh up to 150lbs. Part of the monitor lizard family called Varanidae, they are unchallenged as the largest lizards in the world!

Komodo Dragon

Komodo Dragon

Natural Born Killer Bees

The Africanized Honey Bee, originally introduced to Brazil in the 50’s as part of an effort to increase honey production, is a hybrid of various African and European bee species. Frankenstein-style, tens of swarms of the new ‘Killer Bee’ (as it came to be known for its aggressive behavior) escaped captivity and spread throughout the Americas. This tiny creature has been known to chase and kill humans and horses amongst other animals.

Africanized Honey Bee

Africanized Honey Bee