Hollywood Legend: The Skinny On Tom Selleck

Published on February 15, 2018

On The Other Side

Tom Selleck was presented with a lawsuit in 2015 by the Calleguas Municipal Water District. What was he accused of? Basically the claim was that Selleck was illegally transporting water over district boundaries and back to his avocado farm. Moreover a private investigator uncovered a tanker truck from a neighboring district bound for Selleck’s farm – which was found to be repeatedly filling up at a fire hydrant. District officials went on to claim that Selleck obtained the water from a hydrant over 12 times in two years and that they had sued once a cease and desist order was ignored.

On The Other Side

On The Other Side


So the private investigator that was hired by the water district cost about $22,000 to fully document the alleged misconduct. When the settlement came, Selleck paid $21,000 – which was just enough to cover those investigative costs.

