Celebs Who Brilliantly Fooled Us All With Fake Accents

Published on February 13, 2018

Brad Pitt

“Ariverderchie!” Do you know where this is from? Well, it’s from the same movie as the previous actor – “Inglorious Basterds”. Don’t think that the comical Italian accent put on by Brad Pitt was terrible acting, because it was actually genius. Brad Pitt has successfully put on different accents for other roles like his Irish accent in “Snatch” and his southern accent in “Thelma and Louise”.

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt

Emily Blunt

Although the film school star is British, she has taken on an American accent a number of times. “The Devil Wears Prada” is just one of her famous films, but it was in “Looper” that she played an American and most people think that she nailed it. It wasn’t just any accent, let me add, it was a country accent!

Emily Blunt

Emily Blunt