Ranking The Richest Families In The United States

Published on January 6, 2018

The Sackler Family – $14 Billion.

Depending on which side of the counter you are on you will think of the Sackler family as saviors or drug distributors when the truth is exactly in the middle. The Sackler Family made their wealth thanks to their development of the drug OxyContin. Furthermore, the Sackler family started off slowly producing simple drugs like laxatives and earwax remover but it was the aforementioned OxyContin that took them from a medicine manufacturer to a billion dollar family.

The Sackler Family

The Sackler Family

The DuPont Family – $15 Billion.

The DuPont Family is the proud owner of the oldest bloodline in the U.S.A. that leads to over $1 billion in earnings. Back in 1799 E.I DuPont escaped Europe and headed to America, seeking a place to start his own business. Here he would start manufacturing gunpowder and other weaponry. Eventually the researchers within his company would develop several important materials that we use heavily today: kevlar and teflon.

The DuPont Family

The DuPont Family