The Largest Dog Breeds in the World

Published on January 5, 2018

Dogo Argentino

There’s a good reason this dog’s name is related to Argentina since it was bred there. The massive muscles on the Dogo Argentino give the big game hunter the ability to run fast and pull down animals weighing much more than the 120 pounds that it itself weighs.

Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentino

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

As its name suggests, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog comes from the Caucasian region in Asia. It can be found in countries like Armenia, Russia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. They can grow up to 30 inches and weigh up to 200 pounds. My advice – don’t let this fella get comfy on your lap.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Caucasian Shepherd Dog