15 Shocking Celebs Who Couldn’t Hide Their Smoking Habit

Published on January 17, 2018

Keira Knightley

Knightley was our first celebrity crush thanks to her work as Elizabeth Swann in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Unfortunately Knightley hasn’t gone on to become the ultimate superstar we predicted but she still looks prettier than ever. Knightley has gotten away from tentpole projects but she may have a career revitalizing role lined up as Catherine the Great in the film of the same name. Oh, yeah, smoking. Knightley has been known to unabashedly light up cigarettes pretty much whenever she wants. She also has a foul mouth so we suppose we aren’t that surprised after all.

Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley

Katy Perry

Any singer that dares to smoke deserves it when their voice starts to fail them. We were shocked to learn that our favorite popstar was a fairly regular smoker. How is she going to keep her crystal clear vocal range in tact while cigs are slowly wearing her down? Perry was recently caught inhaling cigarettes on the beach and let’s just say that it was not a flattering look. Hopefully, for the sake of pop radio, Perry can get ahold of her nicotine issue and get passed it.

Katy Perry

Katy Perry